Friday, October 17, 2008

Frigid Girlfriend was Defrosted by Big Dick

by Standard Deviant

My girlfriend Alex was HOT -- hot looking, that is.

Athletic, graceful, a great swimmer whom I had met at the college pool. But getting her to have fun, spontaneous or passionate sex was an impossibility. I was 21, she was 18. She had only had one other lover before me, and seemed to have ZERO imagination about sex, no real desire. She was asexual, frigid. But what a beauty. Fantastic face and body, long thick dark hair down to her unbelievably sexy ass.

Her one concession was to go down on me, every morning, without fail, for about ten minutes. She did it dutifully, methodically, as if it was entirely a favor to me. No indication of any excitement on her part. No sounds from her. She did it so slowly and with such disinterest I could never cum. She didn't seem to want it at all. But there was one consolation: she had an incredibly easy time deep-throating. I was not small, at 7.5 inches (I know many exaggerate on these internet sites but I swear that is a totally accurate measurement, and while it may not sound impressive compared to the many liars who claim 13 inches, it is substantially above the average of 5.5-6 inches). And I had always wanted to see what it was like to be deep-throated, so in some degree, it was my “wish come true.” I didn't dare ask her to "do it faster" or longer or whatever. I felt like it was such a "favor" for her to do ANYTHING with me, I accepted it and was grateful for it. I genuinely moaned with pleasure and amazement over her unique deep throating talent during each session, but like I said, I never was able to cum because it was too dispassionate and too short of a time period.

One thing she would NEVER do was allow me to touch her pussy, nor did she ever seem to touch it herself. I asked her, don’t you like to masturbate? No, she had never tried it.

Well, one day one summer, everything changed.

There was a nude beach near our house. A very beautiful, natural, secluded area right in the city near our place, a college housing apartment. It was down a very steep embankment along a major river--almost a cliff, really--some 150 feet below a park. You had to climb down the precarious embankment, hanging onto roots and vines and fumbling with your feet to find rocks that wouldn't slide and send you for a serious fall. I had heard little about it except that most of the sunbathers were supposedly gay men. I avoided it for that reason, being a young homophobe. One day while walking in the park near the beach, Alex, who I felt certain did not know the reputation of the beach, said, "Let's go down there."

I thought maybe that would be the perfect thing to shake loose her uptight sexuality, seeing people who felt comfortable about nudity. Not wanting her to die of a heart attack, however, I asked, "You do know this place is supposed to be a nude beach?"

"Oh, yeah," she kind of scoffed, laughingly, as if any such thought was totally preposterous, unimaginable to someone as prudish as her. "I heard something about that but I don't believe it."

As we walked into the remote area, I began to feel a bit nervous. But within a few minutes, we were approached by a friendly, kind of gawky, skinny, tall young man maybe four years older than us in a pair of skimpy speedos hidden by a huge baggy tee shirt, and a huge grin. He said, "Hi!" and we struck up a conversation, which began to ease my nervousness about the supposed gayness of the place.

He didn't seem gay at all, at least he didn't come onto me like a lot of gay men did. He was just a very nice, immediately likable, regular guy. He invited us to his blanket and we all sat down, talked a few more minutes, and he opened a duffle bag and offered us a couple of warmish beers. We felt instantly comfortable with him and his winning smile, so decided, why not.

We introduced ourselves and I told him we were living together, boyfriend and girlfriend. I didn't perceive him as any "threat" because he was so skinny and didn't exactly have the most handsome face, but I was very protective and territorial about Alex because she was such a hot looking woman and constantly being hit on by men. And as meager as our sex life was, I didn't want to lose that morning deepthroat session, and held out eternal hope that I would be able to coax her to eventually do more. In fact, we had talked about marriage and were "engaged to be engaged."

As we began sipping, he suddenly stood up and took off his tee shirt and sandals. I thought I would seize the opportunity to show off my muscular build and assert my superiority over him by taking off my clothes, too. He stopped undressing once he was down to his speedos and squatted down to pick up his beer and take a sip. Looking out of the corners of his eyes at my crotch, I worried that maybe he was gay after all, but it seemed more like he was just being polite, letting me catch up with him. There was an element of "checking me out," too, but it didn't seem salacious. I sensed it was more like there was some other reason he wanted me to reach a state of nudity at about the same time that he did--like maybe, I thought at the time, he just wanted to be sure I was okay with stripping down all the way so he would not feel wierd about being the only one naked. I had my shirt and pants off and was in my BVD's, and reaching for the waistline about to pull them down. As he saw this, he stood back up and began to very casually strip off his bathing suit.

Both of us reached full nudity at the same moment. I hadn't really been paying attention to his crotch, but when he had stood back up I first noticed and was shocked at the size of the bulge stuffed into his speedos! The jiggling mass of flesh was just beginning to visually register with me when he pulled them down and I experienced first denial, then disbelief, at how much cock I was seeing unfold and then emerge. As they peeled off, what looked like a (very large!) spongey half-boner sort of sprang out and flopped and waggled from side to side but continued pointing downward, and his balls looked enormous as he unleashed his junk from the confines of the rather tight swimwear.

I realized that he had no "half-boner" after all. It was just that he was enormous soft--a good 7 inches long, very close to my fully erect length when I pushed the ruler into my abdomen and strained to get my whole hard-on to stick as far out as possible (and here he was, casually hanging there effortlessly matching my best length)--and much, much thicker than me, fully twice as big around soft as mine was hard!

Now I am a "grower," not a "shower." My dick is pathetically small when it is flaccid. It is so shriveled up I can't believe it. And in a situation like this, it gets even tinier, as if it is embarrassed! My first instinct was fear that Alex would now compare me to him and think I was a runt. I was very muscular and athletic, unlike this guy, and here he was with a dick that was bigger soft than mine was hard. She had only been with one other man before me and told me that the only other penis she had seen was at an erotic film festival we went to on our first date (which had misled me to expect her to be some sort of sex maniac!) in which the only actors were not at all especially well endowed. I feared she would compare me to this friendly stud and think I was inadequate. I was always a bit worried about size, probably because my best friend as a teen had been extra well hung and I had seen a lot of porn in which of course the actors tend to be pretty huge.

Well, my fears, it turned out, were nothing compared to what proceeded to happen.

I looked at her and her eyes were bulging more than our new friend's speedos had been. His name was, are you ready? Dick.

Now it dawned on me why he had paused undressing and made sure I was going to finish stripping before he did so, too. He thought I might not take off my underwear once I saw how huge he was. He knew I was competing with him and wanted to trounce my anatomical "pair of fours" in one fell swoop with his genital "Royal Flush"--his mammoth prick. He wanted to be damn sure Alex got an eyeful of both our packages, side by side, to see the comparison. He wanted to show me up!

Dick sat back now grinning more broadly than ever, almost looking like he was about to break out with laughter at at both my micro-flaccid-on and Alex's reaction and the way her eyes were unabashedly glommed onto his private--or should I say now public--parts.

On the other hand, I thought he sensed my initial territoriality about her, and as he glanced over to me I'm sure I could not disguise the utter fear on my face, the sense of defeat and being beaten by the fact that his cock was so superior to mine, and that my girlfriend was obviously mesmerized by it.

He leaned back on his arms, spread his legs apart and sighed, "What a beautiful secluded spot this is! I love to sunbathe here. No tan lines." His heavy third limb sort of slunked over his sack from one side to the other and looked like it was growing even fuller, though still mostly flaccid and pointing mostly downward. As his massive soft-on flopped to the side, his mammoth balls showed. Alex's eyes followed and her tongue crept to the corner of her mouth, then licked involuntarily several times, back and forth across her lips.

Suddenly Alex, the prude, whom I was never—and I do mean NEVER--able to get to undress even partially for a little "afternoon delight," whose ONLY protocol was to do it in the morning, when we woke up, and remain uptight as a Prussian general the rest of the day, stands up, kicks off her boots, drops her jeans, and steps out of the black full-body leotard she always wore (which were like a chastity belt at the derriere, and she wore them in order to thwart any attempt by me to reach down into her pants and attempt to entice her by getting at her genitals with my hand). She stood there, stark naked, still staring, fixated on his member, and now licking her lips in a very obvious way, at Dick's dick. “Yes,” she replied to his comment. “I can certainly see why you do need to sunbathe nude-- because you have more skin surface under your speedos than outside of them!" He laughed heartily in response and I gulped and felt my heart sink into my stomach.

Her genitals looked surprisingly different than I had ever seen them--which was not very many times, the way she was always avoiding letting me have any contact with them: visibly puffy and reddened, the swollen lips of her cunt were visibly glistening with moisture. Alex took a giant step toward him from the edge of the blanket right into the space between his spread-out feet, stopping and planting her feet spread apart so wide that they made contact with the insides of his calves, invading his "personal space" zone to the point where her somewhat open pussy, right at his head level, stared directly into his face and blatantly tempted "Just try not to want me." Looking like she had moved in to get a better view, and continuing her fixed gaze on his mammoth balls and schlong, she added, with a wicked smile and in a flirtatious tone of voice that shifted from humorous to hot: "It would be a crime to keep a cock that big and beautiful all packed up--" His dick was now curved into a semi-hard giant penis as big as any porn star I had ever seen. Alex added quickly, as if talking directly to it: "you deserve a LOT of attention!”

At this point, Dick’s dick did a world's record sudden erection into a full, raging, standing-at-full attention hard-on that reached up way past his navel, and was as big around as the beer cans we were drinking out of. I never would have thought a cock like that could go from zero to sixty in a matter of seconds, but his sure did, filling up and expanding like a water balloon being filled with a firehose. It stood out away from his body, which was even more remarkable to behold--it just simply looked way too weighty and massive to stand up that rigidly, like it was defying a hell of a lot of gravity.

It was not just a big but a beautiful cock, and it began pulsing visibly, and twitched involuntarily several times, as the smile on his face melted into a dazed look, his mouth open. I swear this is true: he literally DROOLED for a second, caught himself and closed his mouth and swallowed.

Dick wasn't the only one whose mouth was open: as Alex stood there, fixated on his gigantic, protruding, straining member, her mouth went into almost spastic, subconsciously driven motions, her tongue slathering and licking her lips in pure reflexive response to the sight of Dick's hot, beckoning phallic mega-flesh. Her tongue looked thick and wet, probing her own mouth in a more sexy, suggestive and provocative way than I ever imagined any woman could do.

What happened next paralyzed me, sent me speechless, into a confused mixture of jealous rage and sexual bliss: Alex slumped to her knees, bent over and plunged her salivating mouth down onto this perfect stranger’s outstretched, towering cock with moans and groans of lust I had never thought she was capable of uttering. Compared to the silence I elicited when she softly sucked me, she sounded like she was already half-orgasming on the first deep, hungrily sucking swallow of Dick's enormous, erect shaft. I had been with her for months, but the tones of voice that were emitting from her throat were like someone I had never heard before. She was totally at the mercy of that giant dick. A muffled squeal of delight and amazement emitted with each downward thrust until his gigantic pole reached the point where it pried its way into her hungry throat and the only sound was that of her sucking lips smacking and begging for every millimeter of dick she could possibly take in. On the way back up, she moaned with impassioned appreciation and gratitude.

Alex's head bobbed up and down slavishly, like she was unable NOT to keep sucking now that she had discovered the pure joy of a huge penis in her mouth and throat. She seemed to be possessed by its power and desirability. It was obvious from the way her whole being was focused on that big dick that she had been transformed in an instant: her idea of sex as something she could think of in any "take it or leave it" way was a thing of the past.

Her next action was even more amazing: it was like some unknown sex-crazed slut hiding deep within her was suddenly freed from its dungeon by the sight of this oversized cock. From sort of a squatting position but bending forward and basically holding up her upper body by using the now-supersized monster in her mouth as a kind of tripod prong, both hands moved to her pussy and she began rubbing her clit frantically while her whole upper body moved up and down at a pace I had never been the beneficiary of when she was with me. I mean, she was an acrobat in the way she was able to kneel but bend forward over him and balance, and use her strong abs and back muscles, moaning and slurping passionately--yes, PASSIONATELY, to my disbelief--as she chugged Dick's 10+incher deep, her head bobbing up and down, so WANTING it, unlike she had ever been with me, and a quantity of gooey saliva I had never been able to cause her to produce came pouring out over his rod, all over his balls and legs and the blanket under him, and he writhed and grimaced in ecstasy and he fought to control his urge to be milked dry by her gulping, demanding throat. Up and down, up and down, she sucked and moaned, nonstop, while fingering herself furiously. Her mouth literally gushed and bathed his cock in hot saliva, and her pussy was squirting. Between the spit-bath running out of her turned-on mouth and the cunt juices running down her legs, the slurping, squishing and smacking noises were positively obscene.

It seemed like she was having throat orgasms, her eyes rolling back into her head and her face and chest flushed bright red, her eyebrows moving in that expression that wrote plainly on her face just how totally amazed she was by the size of the cock with each stoke into and halfway out of her mouth and throat. As she shoved her head down onto it, her lips folded inside, pulled by the tight fit of the wide, thick rod she so greedily fucked her mouth on. She was sucking with true abandon. After a few dozen pumps, she would have to pull her head off of it to breathe in loud excited gasps, sounding like a sprinter who had just run the 50 yard dash, then plunge back down onto it and groan like it was all new again.

Her ability to take almost the whole length and girth of that massive, long organ was like some kind of optical illusion. Only about the bottom two inches were left over each time she plunged down. It was the thickness of his cock that made it seem impossible that she was able to go even that deep. The way her jaw opened up reminded me of a snake eating a rodent that looked too big for it to ingest. I would have thought it would hurt her, but it was so obvious she was getting off like never before, any worry I had of injury disappeared by the third or fourth bob of her head. There was a glazed look in her eye that she took on as the first minute or two passed, a look that I could only describe as triumph. She seemed like someone who was genuinely starved, and getting her first "meal" in years.

Dick was reeling. From the look of sheer ecstacy on his face, he had never had anyone who could do him this way, and he knew he was the Cock King, with this guy's girlfriend ignoring her boyfriend and succumbing to this all-powerful dick just moments after it was revealed-- and pumping her throat down onto it right there in front of her boyfriend, caring about nothing but Dick's awesome, commanding, demanding, deserving cock.

After about five minutes of this, she did something that just about made me cum, and I'm sure from how he was fighting for control Dick felt the same way. For the first moment since she had begun pumping his giant cock so rhythmically and so persistently that I thought she was going to suffer a whiplash, she finally pulled her mouth off of him, reared back her head, inhaled a deep, loud breath with a sighing noise, her eyebrows raising and her mouth forming into a delighted, evil smile as her eyes gazed and fixated on the impressive cock as it flapped back onto Dick's belly, then her hands moved from her dripping, soaked pussy to the base of his raging dick, pulled it forward, she licked her lips again, looking mesmerized by it and glancing up at Dick's face only for a second, then back at the cock which she was now stroking with one hand and holding at the base with her other hand, and PLUNGED, I mean PLUNGED down onto it--all the way, totally, to the hilt.

This time, with his entire penis literally all the way down her throat, she held it there, not bouncing her head back upward, and, still holding it deep inside her she rolled over onto her side, pulling Dick with her about as much with her clamped-on mouth and throat hanging on for dear life as with her hands. She held it...and held it...for what seemed like almost two minutes. All three of us were dead silent during the first part of this time, and almost as motionless as we were silent.

"Oh, GOD," Dick exclaimed. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!"

Her eyes had been closed tight for the last couple of minutes, but she opened them as she continued holding her lips firmly around the base of that enormous dick, her chin digging against his balls and pressing her nose into his abdomen, and looked up at him and winked. Suddenly, almost involuntarily, she pulled back about halfway up his cock and opened her mouth wide, barely enough room between his huge shaft and her gaping open mouth, saliva pouring down from her lower lip, to inhale and begin panting for oxygen, first through her mouth and then through her nose, now holding perfectly still with the top four or five inches of his cock in her mouth. As she recovered, her mouth closed around him again and began visibly feeling up the thickness of his shaft and the moaning (from both of them) started up again.

The difference became obvious between how she sucked Dick and how she had sucked me--she was more FEELING his cock with her lips, mouth, tongue and throat--she was RECEIVING pleasure and totally digging his body while he benefitted from it... where with me she was TOUCHING my cock with her oral apparatus, GIVING pleasure, half-heartedly, and not feeling much in return. Now both of her hands were on the base of his dick, grasping and feeling it up, and as one of her hands moved down around his heavy balls and began massaging them, the other moved up and down the thick meat, too big for her fingers and thumb to reach around to where they touched.

At this point, something happened I never would have thought possible: with both hands wrapped around Dick's demanding cock, while no longer touching herself or being touched, Alex CAME. Between the screams emitting from her throat and the sucking, smacking sounds as she gobbled, licked, kissed and worshipped Dick's cock, her hands moved back down to her pussy and she thrust several fingers from both hands into her now gaping, drenched hole.

That did it for me. I had been rock hard watching this but mostly hiding my cock from view, feeling completely outdone. Now I just decided, the hell with it, it's actually kind of exciting to compare and for her to prefer the big cock so much, so I started jacking, and came faster than I ever had before. I was so turned on I stayed hard, and kept jacking, cumming a second time soon after.

Dick, who could no longer stand it, screamed out and poured enough gizm into her face to replenish all the fluids she was losing, and again Alex the prude amazed me by swallowing at least half of his cum, but with what looked like quarts gushing out of the sides of her mouth, which refused to let go of his prize dick. When she finally let go, out came the gasping, raspy-throated words “Thank you...thank you” over and over, back to Dick. Long gooey gobs of cum and thick saliva strung between her grateful gasps and the tip of Dick's wide, long, enormous cockhead. She was shaking, her voice was shaking. She was in cocksucker heaven.

"God, oh god, you are STILL so big," she marveled, continuing to lick and suck him clean for at least five full minutes after his spent dick finally went about half soft.

Without asking me, Alex invited Dick to return home with us and for the next three weeks we had a bizarre relationship in which she virtually ignored my cock and made it clear she had no more interest in me, and couldn't get enough of his and had no compunction whatever about worshipping him right in front of me, almost as if I wasn't there, but I think both of them really got off on the fact that I was, and all the implications that went along with the situation.

There was only one bedroom, so we slept together, them in her bed and me in mine right next to hers, but now every morning instead of servicing me reluctantly, I woke up to the sounds of her sucking Dick passionately and gratefully next to me, and I jacked off while I watched the "live porn show."

No longer did she limit her sexual activities to once a day, ten minutes in the morning. The morning session alone now lasted about 45 minutes to an hour, as she mastered the art of teasing Dick's cock to keep him from cumming too soon, so she could luxuriate in his awesome genital splendor, sucking, backing off, admiring, squeezing, licking, kissing, almost making him shoot, whapping it against his belly playfully... it went on and on, with Alex hypnotized by the monstrous phallus.

We were on summer break and Dick had just been laid off from his job so had noplace to go, so the three of us then took our morning exercise, with Alex showing off her catch by taking Dick by the hand at the pool, which always breathed just enough stimulus into his flaccid junk to where Dick's enormous bulge was the object of every woman's eye there, some of them stopping in mid-lane to stand and stare unabashedly--a fact which Alex bragged about frequently while she was back at our place, sucking, backing off periodically to catch her breath and admire the beauty and awe of Dick's monster cock between her marathon face-fucks on his pampered penis.

Back home, by mid-afternoon Dick's dick was able to entice her into what I had always wished for but never could get--spontaneous, lust filled sexual attention from Alex, who, as soon as she sensed he had recovered from the morning and had a full load restored to his balls, would proceed to empty them again with her throat. Alex was on Dick's cock morning, afternoon and night... and though we both lost her to an even bigger hung stud a few weeks later, who she moved in with, those were the hottest three weeks of my life.

I had been a TOTAL homophobe before my ex girlfriend Alex had brought Dick home from the nude beach with us and became his --or should I say his cock's-- personal 24/7 size worshipper. Oh, I had ALWAYS been fascinated by the SIGHT of big penises in porn and in the shower at the college gym, but I couldn’t imagine touching a guy. So when Alex completely abandoned any interest in my own desperately needy cock the moment this awesome new alpha male entered our household, and instantly began giving him ALL the attention and NONE to me, it was with as much with awe, admiration and pure lust as it was with envy that I watched her express her constant desire for Dick's massive ten-inch prick--a desire she had NEVER had for my more-than-adequate but less-than-stunning 7.5 incher. Her desire for his giant tool never waned, but only continued to intensify, grow and unfold with each hot, saliva-and-cum-drenched session they had, right out in the open, in MY apartment, right in front of me.

My initial protests to Alex when I had her off to one side that first afternoon, "Why are you doing this to me!" and "What am I supposed to do about it, I can't make my cock bigger!" were met with a calm,matter-of-fact, "Well, what am I supposed to do about it, either?!!" from her. "After all," she explained, "I can't help it that his giant cock turns me on so much that I can't keep my eyes, hands or mouth off of it. Just LOOKING at Dick's cock makes me cream! It’s only natural. I can’t deny it. I can’t resist it. You always wanted me to be more sexual, didn’t you? Don't take it so personally!"

The other tactic I attempted, asking her, "Doesn't it hurt your throat to take that huge thing so deep?" only brought the carefree retort, "Heck, no! I love the challenge." It came so quickly I knew she really meant it, and wasn't saying it just to take a dig at me, though her aloofness about it certainly contributed to the fact that it stung like a taunt. That first morning after the night he moved in, the three of us at the breakfast table naked as jaybirds (Dick, of course, with his chair pulled back from the table and his legs wide open to welcome a constant viewing by all), she joked about how sore her jaws were while trying to chew granola. "Wow," she complained, touching her fingers to her jaw, "I can hardly chew." But she quickly added, gazing at Dick's humongous package, reddened and distended from her obsessive oral attention, which had continued all night since the preceding afternoon, and looking up at Dick's face just long enough to wink, then back down to where they usually were focused--glued to his commanding cock: "Don't worry--I like it! It hurts in a good way! I can't wait til I get more practice building up my jaw muscles!" Naturally, it was only a matter of seconds before his towering penis sprang up on cue and she was kneeling on the cool kitchen floor, working out her mouth muscles, and his big love muscle, again...

I felt certain that a big part of what got her to scurry to Dick's dick, in addition to the obvious erect size of it, was how much of a constant "shower" he was, and how easily he got huge and stayed huge. It had the effect of compelling women to immerse their orifices onto his organ like a powerful erotic electromagnet. I could get pretty big with some work, but I never STARTED big, in fact I looked small when soft, and my cock wouldn't stick out far until the base was pushed against. Alex would take one look at Dick's extreme shower from across the room and dash to service him: "Oh, you NEED me again, don't you, big boy?!" It must be great to have a "confident cock," I thought. He KNOWS that if he gets hard, it will be impossible for women to resist. My dick, on the other hand, was always sort of introverted--hiding out, embarrassed, shy because it needed to be worked on so much to achieve its full size. With a cock like his, how COULDN'T you be an exhibitionist??? The rewards were constant! And he knew it!

My last few futile efforts to get her to plant her mouth on my 7.5-incher "just one last time" and get a few last strokes out of her amazingly wide mouth and accomodating throat only brought the same reaction she had always given me when I had attempted to get her to have sex outside of our appointed morning sessions: "Silly boy!" That's all she ever said, "Silly boy." Cold as ice. The brush-off was impenetrable. Totally oblivious to my needs, and uncompromising about doing ONLY what SHE wanted. She had always frustrated me; now she was driving me nuts! My final shot was to suggest maybe it would be fun for her to compare our two cocks (by which I meant, side by side, by sucking mine a little and then his). To this she replied, "What do you think I've been doing?!--and why do you think I can only suck Dick's cock, now! Once I got a taste of that monster... I mean, not that you're small, but compared to you he is just SO big...mmmmm, yummy." She smiled and held both her hands up in front of her face and pantomimed like she was holding his huge cock there and opened her mouth into a wide "O", looking like she was in sheer heaven pretending she was taking it in and out, making love to that massive shaft, closed her eyes and sighed in ecstasy. "Sorry, Babe, but Dick's ten-inch just OWNS me now! The way I can 'throat, he DESERVES me." It was Silly Boy versus Big Boy, and it was no contest.

I had to admit that the whole situation between her and him and the fact that they had just moved right in on me to use my place for their unbridled lust turned ME on more than “normal” sex with her ever had, too. But at first I thought it was just her reaction to his dick that turned me on, not Dick's cock itself. The way she openly flaunted her desire for him right in front of me. The way his dramatically bigger cock had turned her in the blink of an eye from a prudish, uptight icicle into a hormone-raging, cock-crazed slut who couldn't get enough.

Over those three weeks that she constantly went for his crotch, either gratefully succumbing to his constant parade of unabashed exhibitionistic boners or pulling his hyper-fluxed wang out and quickly coaxing it hard, she never ceased to gasp and marvel at its size, waving it around, obviously entranced by it, studying and admiring it, licking the underside, flicking her tongue around the head, cooing and babying it, reassuring it of her love and her lust for it, talking directly to it in loving whispers, obeying its every need. Dick just kicked back, tucked his arms behind his head, and took it all for granted. She petted it, nibbled alongside the swollen shaft, jacked it, used both hands to pull the thick outer flesh down and pushed against the base to make it stand out as far as it could, delighted at the spectacle, then gave into its magnetic pull, licking, kissing and mouthing it. She constantly stared at his crotch between sessions, then when she sensed he was ready again immediately and constantly sucked and slurped and kissed and caressed and stroked and serviced his deserving dick, never relenting until he was completely satisfied and bone dry, her swallowing every spurt, splotch and drop or bathing her face and tits in his thick white cum.

The way she carried on, the combination of envy and vicarious thrill that I felt for both of them was overpowering. I simultaneously imagined what it would be like if I had a cock like Dick's--what it would be like to be able to provoke that kind of instantaneous acceptance and sexual lust and constant attention from a beautiful woman, without any need to "work for it", how I could give so much pleasure to her that she couldn't keep her hands and mouth off of it, but to have it be totally sincere and heartfelt DESIRE on her part--and at the same time I empathized with how hot it was for Alex to have now suddenly found what it took to turn her crank, to blow her skirt, to ring her chimes... to cause her to moan and salivate and orgasm repeatedly just from feeling the super-sensational pressure and mass and length and thickness of his super endowment sliding deep in and out of her gaping, grateful mouth and throat, often without even touching herself, as the intensity of feeling the thick base of that enormous shaft sent waves of passion through her whole being to the point where she couldn't help but cum, even without any contact to her drenched, gaping pussy. It was obvious from the look of adoration she had for his body that it was not just the “meat” aspect, but the symbolism, how much it represented desirability and masculinity to be that incomparably hung. What sent me over the edge most was her ability to take the whole ten inches to the hilt, and imagining how great that must have felt for him!

Well, I discovered when she left that I must have been identifying with Alex more than I realized, because the night she left us both, it wasn't long before I found myself taking her place as Dick's devoted cock-slave.

It was on a Friday night. Dick and I had an uneasy sort of alpha male/beta male friendship by the end of the first week he was with us. It was clear by then Alex was never going to touch my cock again, and my initial anger and fear and frustration had been transformed into sheer jackoff frenzy which I resigned myself to completely by Day Two, watching them or reliving in my mind the last “show” or anticipating the next one. I must have blasted off loads more than five times a day every day for the entire first week, and at least two or three times a day following that. I no longer begged or pleaded with her nor asked her why she now refused coldly to "help me out" but instead just gave in to the obvious fact that a bigger penis is more exciting, more satisfying, more stimulating, and had one thing that an average sized cock didn't: it was IRRESISTABLE. The whole thing was so provocative, I couldn’t keep from jerking off in response to it. I thought of it as the world's hottest porn show, and found that I enjoyed it even more than having her suck me!

I now accepted the superiority of Dick’s dick as an indisputable fact.

Anyway, that last night she lived with us, Alex had wandered off at about 4 p.m. and stayed out way too late, failing to show up until 2:30 am, just when Dick and I were about to call the police to check accident reports. This was unheard of because she had become truly addicted to his penis, literally never being able to go more than a few hours without it. Unlike when it had been just she and I, she called Dick constantly if she had to be out of the house for more than a couple of hours. He was still on unemployment and I was taking summer break, so we were there together all the time. Alex was only gone for three hours in the early afternoon, when she worked a PT job.

Dick, ever the nudist, often stayed in the buff, that awesome organ swinging in the breeze, until shortly before she would return home, when he would put some sweatpants or jeans on, I think mostly so Alex would have something to open or take off, making the unveiling part of the sex act. When she would phone in to him, I knew it was her by the way his eyes glazed over and by the fact that his pecker would rise up in that inimitable "instant hardon" he would get. I picked up the extension a couple of times, listening to her telling him how she couldn't wait to get home to "have" him again...It didn't surprise me that she was so addicted to his cock, though, or that she worshipped him for it so, because it also never ceased to amaze me how surprising it was to see how beautiful his size was or how huge it got. Every time I saw his flaccid cock, I was amazed at how big it was and could not take my eyes off of it. But every time I saw it hard, I was even more amazed. You just never get used to the surprise involved.

She would be on the phone asking him, "Are you all hard and big for me? I can't wait to suck you again. I want to suck your big cock the second I get home. You deserve it. You have what I want. You have what I need. You have what ALL girls need. I love the way your dick is so big, how it reaches all the way down my throat. I love what a challenge it is to take every inch down and suck your balls dry. Nobody ever turned me on like you do, Dick..." I was amazed Dick would never jack off from this, though he would grab hold of the base and hang on to the fully extended protrusion while she teased him. I know he wanted to save his loads for her, but sometimes her words were so hot, I would have thought he might have blown involuntarily!

It was just that Thursday, the night before Alex left, that I found myself wondering what it would be like to actually touch Dick’s cock, instead of just admiring it from a few feet away. In the past, I had totally blocked any such thoughts. The few times they began entering my mind, I caught myself and diverted the direction of my thinking from them. I had always been completely happy to let Alex take care of the experience and remain outside of it, vicariously basking in the radiant sexual energy that was half-roasting me as I took in the visual miracle before me. No porn show had ever come close to this.

It was that Friday night that Alex came home so late, with another tall, geeky looking dude, this time blonde and with flushed pink cheeks. “Alex! Where WERE you!!” we both exclaimed. It took her about ten minutes to brusquely brush off our concern and ask us to leave her and her new friend alone. Long story short, she told us he was “even bigger” than Dick, in fact “almost as big as you two put together,” and she was going to move in with him. They kissed passionately and said good night, she slept on the couch and got up early to get her things together, and her new friend arrived in the morning with a U-Haul trailer and whisked her away.

During the night, Dick slept in his usual place, in Alex’s bed next to me. I wanted to say, “Now you have an idea how I felt when you moved in,” but the conversation went in a much more productive direction, instead. HE offered the sentiment to ME. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” he began. He moved over next to me and put his arm around me, squeezing my shoulder in a buddy-buddy way. “If I had thought you wanted to, I would have invited you to join in with us. But it seemed like you were enjoying watching us. Did you ever want to join in? Was the reason you never did because Alex didn’t want you to?”

His sincerity melted my heart and I reached around and put my hand on his back. I was surprised at how good his body felt, what a difference between looking and feeling. He was warm and had a kind of "cute" feeling because he was skinny, which negated some of the superiority of his cock--I had forgotten how I was more muscular than him, and wondered if he liked it. If I had consciously thought about it, I would have assumed he would never find me attractive because his cock was so much bigger, and therefore better than mine, how could he find me appealing with that relatively little thing? What would I have to offer him "in return" for what he could give me? Certainly if he was with a male partner, he would want someone hung like him. But then in an instant I wondered if my muscular body would sort of compensate in his mind. After all, he liked Alex, and she didn't have a big cock! I flashed back to the fact that we met at a supposedly gay beach, and got a rush in my balls considering the possibility that maybe he secretly wanted ME, all along, but knew I wasn't ready...

The whole thing with Alex seemed too ridiculous for me to be bothered by it again, but I wondered about Dick’s feelings. “How about you? Are you devastated?”
Dick looked down at the floor, a kind of blank expression on his face. For a moment, I really thought he was about to cry. A demonic look crept upon his face as he looked back up and gleefully grinned his famous grin.

“Hell no,” he laughed. And we both broke up laughing, hoping Alex would hear.
He got up, slammed the bedroom door and locked it, and returned to bed. I was still sitting there, laughing my guts out now. I felt like talking with him more, but he said, “Let’s just go to bed.” When he then pulled off his pants and stood with that massive cock and balls hanging a few inches from me, I expected him to flop down onto his bed and go to sleep. Instead, he began massaging his junk and the already large, familiar basket of goodies grew and swelled and became part-hard. He was closely studying my face, slightly apprehensive but looking like he was awaiting some kind of confirmation on my part…sort of a look like he was hoping for some particular response, but I wasn’t sure what. I wondered if he was just “putting on a show” for me, perhaps a grand finale, knowing that I had enjoyed watching his dick those past three weeks…My mind filled with questions of just what his angle was, I didn’t want to assume anything for fear of a very embarrassing outcome. It would be such a radical shift in the relationship, I was afraid to make the assumption that I hoped for.

As I looked back down at his now outwardly-straining equipment, now I could no longer doubt that it was Dick’s cock itself, not just the two of them “performing” in front of me, that was piquing my testosterone levels, because my own cock was becoming rigid in rapid response to the sight of his. The realization that yes, he really was offering to feed that awesome cock to me now finally set in. At first I sort of hid it, but as his dick jumped and twitched and rose majestically to full mast in a matter of 15 seconds, he seemed to be pointing it directly toward my lips and subtly swaying his hips forward as if to entice me to “take it!”, I took hold of my cock and squeezed. I was afraid to touch his, but knew I wanted to not only hold it with my other hand but find out what all the sensation was about with my mouth, lips, tongue and throat, as I had seen Alex do so many times, as well.

The new perspective of Dick’s monumental penis introduced me to a whole new flood of feelings and ideas about both his erotic gift and his self as a person. I had never seen that exact view, so close up, of the giant, wide, solid looking thick head and gaping, glistening hole. My amazement at the bulging mass and volume of that smooth, squarish, muscular head—a head that was almost half as long as my entire cock, and the feeling of him wanting me to have it, were mind boggling. I felt this warm sense of gratitude and a whole new feeling of appreciation for Dick as a generous, giving person who wasn’t just seeking gratification or blowjobs, but who was happy to share his awesome gift with me. At first my long term homophobic habits made it so hard for me to imagine this was really happening, I resisted admitting how much I wanted. “I can’t,” I told him, “I just couldn’t…I mean, I just can’t…” But then as he pressed the length of his long, hot, wonderful cock against the side of my face, and then raised it up and rubbed the impressive underside across my lips, nose, forehead, finally bringing that immense head down and tapping it on my chin slowly and smiling broadly, tap, tap, tap, tap… I finally finished my sentence with a resigned laugh in my voice, “I just can’t…say no.”

My mouth opened and I felt my head lunging forward to suck, suck, suck and he gently shoved the long thick shaft deep into my mouth and he moaned as appreciatively as he had with Alex so many times as my hot, wet mouth wetted the immense area of skin as it entered. “Oh, yeah!” he shouted, “SUCK MY COCK!” At first I wondered if he was just doing it for Alex to hear, but then I realized if that was all he wanted, he would have suggested we pretend we were having noisy sex, not actually fucked my face. I took hold of the base of his awesome mega-cock with my free hand, and, upon experiencing the utter amazement of the contrast between my own circumference in one hand and his bulging, unbelievable girth as I discovered I was unable to completely close the fingers and thumb of my large, male hand around it with the other, combined with the overwhelming fleshy sensation of the giant pole thrusting into and out of my mouth, feeding me with sensation, I felt a shudder of sexual energy that started in the base of my throat and ripped through my chest, my whole torso and down into my dick, which was harder than I had ever felt it before, and heard a loud, involuntary moan emit from my throat.

The feeling in my mouth was like nothing I had ever experienced, and so much more intense than even what my vivid imagination had thought Alex had been experiencing all those times, I felt nothing but pure joy at the discovery. In a way, the sensation reminded me of “pigging out” because the sensation of having my mouth so filled was so extremely rich. It was so—well, sensational. I now found out firsthand why Alex’s mouth salivated so profusely when she held this monster in her lips, or even as she approached and anticipated sucking it. I also suddenly found out how she could cum without touching herself just from the extreme thrill of experiencing a cock like this.

My emotions see sawed all over the place, between still not quite believing I was capable of indulging in a sex act with a male, and not being able to believe he as a male would want to actually do this with me as another male, and thinking about how it felt even better than it looked, and wondering about Dick’s emotions and feelings and thoughts about me. I knew I would NEVER have done this with a guy whose penis was average or small, but that his awesome size gave me permission to want him—in fact, made it impossible not to. I thought, every male in the world would become bi if they admitted to themselves how superior a big cock like Dick’s was, and if they also had the opportunity to service someone like him. My prevailing thought was one of privilege—how lucky I was to be given this chance to experience a cock so awesome, and how magnanimous he was to give it to me. I felt like I had won the sexual lottery. As my mind swooned, I hoped he would want to just keep standing there in front of me, fucking my face forever.

The last thing I cared about or wanted was reciprocation. The position we were in--him feeding his dick to my grateful mouth--seemed perfectly right. This is where he bowled me over, literally. As I sucked away, moaning and swallowing as deeply as I could, gagging several times as I attempted to deep throat him before I was at all ready or knew how, I had almost forgotten about my own cock. I had both hands around the base of his, forgetting my own genitals and feeling up the massiveness of it the way I had so often seen Alex do.

Without pulling out of my face, he gently maneuvered me to lie back onto the bed and positioned himself over me in a 69 position. With me on my back and him on top of me, my head was pinned down with his boned-up ten-incher, but he was fucking my mouth just deep enough, just fast enough, like he could read my mind--giving it to me just the way I wanted it--and I wanted it bad! I loved the idea that he was using me to service this awesome prize dick. I felt honored and my juices were running. I started to wonder, hmm, how do guys do it? Does the smaller guy let the bigger guy cum first, then jack himself off? With men, I would think the first to cum would be too tired to finish the other one off. I decided I wanted to let him cum because, after all, he was the alpha male! His cock DESERVED to cum first, naturally. I reached around his slender hips with both arms and hugged to signal my acceptance and hope he would get the message that I loved the way he was fucking my face and would take his sperm gratefully. I had no need for him to do anything but continue feeding me, it was all I really wanted. But he took my straining penis into his mouth and easily swallowed the entire length of it as effortlessly as my ex had always done. After a few minutes of utter ecstasy, he pulled his mouth off of me for a second and directed me: “Don’t make me cum this time. “I want to get YOU off.”

I began to object, but couldn’t lift his dick out of my mouth, I was essentially trapped by it. His hips came to a halt. He stopped grinding and stroking his huge long dick in and out, and just pushed in deep enough so that I could still breathe, came to a complete stop, and held it there.

I felt disappointed. Maybe he isn't the perfect mind-reading lover I thought he was, after all, I thought. I hadn’t thought about having him cum in my mouth but now that he had mentioned it, I really wanted to have the experience. Just the thought of it was so hot, I was losing control. Just as I was about to lose it in anticipation of his hot gizz shooting down my throat, he had turned the tables on me and I felt sort of a mixture of betrayal and puzzlement.

To make matters worse, he interrupted blowing me once again to pull his mouth off of me and I wondered what he was doing. "What now?!!" I thought, "What a tease!"

But he had a reason: “You can suck me off again in the morning,” he promised. “Right now just hold me in your mouth and feel me, and tomorrow when you’re up again, you can make me blow. I don’t want to cum right now. Trust me and please accept it." Then he ordered, "I want you to cum in my mouth now.”

As his head came back down onto my dick I couldn’t believe how good he was at sucking me off, and how easy it was going to be to cum with him. He knew exactly what a male needed. Everything about the tempo, the stroke, the amount of pressure, the timing, the responsiveness to my dick's desires--he knew just how to "push all the right buttons." He gave perfect head. No woman I had ever been with came anywhere close in skill and knowing just what I was feeling, and responding accordingly to make it feel even better. And better, and better. I knew I was very, very close to exploding. Holding his hips still and letting me just salivate and feel the massiveness of his shaft was in a way even hotter than when he was moving in and out. As good as he was at fellating me, it was still not his big talented mouth, enveloping my near-climaxing prick, but his monster penis pushing out the sides of my cheeks and filling my whole head that was sending me over the edge.

What a prince, I thought. Wow, how sweet, how nice, what a generous, giving, lover, so much kinder than the cruel witch bitch out snoring on the sofa. All the worries I had felt about not being able to give him enjoyment because I was smaller than him were allayed by his reassuring actions. Although I truly wanted to suck him and truly didn't care if he did me, he started off with this demonstration of his empathy and generosity, and I was deeply moved. But all I REALLY wanted was for him to lie back and be the Cock King, the Alpha Male, and to let ME blow HIM. It gave me a thrill to think of getting NO reciprocation--to acknowledge the supremacy of his mammoth cock. As my mind shifted from the feeling of the great blowjob I was receiving back to the feeling of his thickness and the density and mass of his cock, where I really wanted my attention to be, I marveled at the neverending feeling of surprise at the gigantic cock that he was now holding almost motionless in my mouth, allowing me feel how enormous he was and to continue sucking and sizing him up with my mouth but not stroking in and out, so he could avoid ejaculating.

He lifted his head and used his hand with equally perfect skill just long enough to say, “I want you to let me blow you to completion this first time, because I know that once you start sucking my cock every day, you might get too cock-crazy to let me reciprocate as often as I would like.” The revelation that I was going to get to worship on a regular basis the awesome dick that was now in my mouth —that he was going to give me this incredible gift again and again in the days and hopefully weeks and months to come—and the implication that he knew I would want to lay him back and concentrate on his awesome phallus in exactly the way he suggested, and would let me do it that way, was more than I could handle. As his mouth plunged back down onto my craning penis, with every bit of my attention focused like never before on the power and meaning of that big, beautiful massive shaft that was filling my mouth, and the anticipation of having him again and again and again, I shot about four loads-worth in one heaving, streaming series of powerful bursts of orgasmic nirvana. Starting tomorrow, I would get what I wanted by giving him what he needed and deserved.

Dick milked me dry, finishing me off by swallowing every drop and then holding me just the right way for just long enough to have had a perfect orgasm, and cleaned me up like a mother cat. I fell asleep with his dick in my mouth, and the next morning he kept his promise to let me start blowing him. I now understood why he made me wait: he wanted me to build up my desire to the point where I would swallow it all: every inch of his cock, every drop of his cum. He also wanted to build up such a huge load that I would be sure to cum right along with him as I chugged on each colossal spurt of hot jizz as it came streaming out of his huge, potent, powerful balls. The next three months, my new roommate kept his promise to let me suck and worship his awesome cock every chance we got…