Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Deux ex Machina

by whiffle40


"Well," I thought to myself "this is going nowhere. Its almost 1 AM, I have work tomorrow, and this place is dead. Every woman who's even remotely attractive already has at least two guys trying to chat her up. I think I'll just finish my Scotch and call it a night."

I downed my Scotch, number three for the night, and paid the tab. As I was putting on my coat at the door, a voice spoke behind me.

"Excuse me sir?" I turned. A tall woman wearing a windbreaker over a turtleneck sweater stood in front of me. In the light shining in through the bar windows from the street lights outside, she looked almost blue. "I am conducting a research project regarding individual knowledge and beliefs regarding society. If you are interested, your participation will be compensated, and will take only approximately 30 minutes." She wasn't really my type - too tall and slender - but I'd spent all night looking for female companionship, so on impulse I agreed. "OK. Where do we go?"

"I will use a facility around the corner from here. Please follow me." Her accent was odd: it made me think of India, although her appearance in no way matched. My initial impression was that she was Scandinavian - tall, with long blonde hair, large eyes (although I didn't catch their color), although unfortunately almost completely flat. Lacking one of my favorite female features. Oh well, maybe she has a friend... I followed her out into the blustery Chicago winter, my eyes streaming in the cold wind, my checks freezing almost at once, shivering despite the heavy coat. She strode before me with an odd gait, not really very feminine at all. I began to think that maybe this person was a transvestite, or maybe just a guy with long hair and an alto voice. It was also odd that she or he was walking around Chicago in a sweater and windbreaker. Maybe that was why she was blue?

I was having second thoughts when she turned the corner into an alley and opened a door. I stopped and stared: here, in this grimy alley was something that looked like a stainless steel block with a door, about six feet tall and four feet wide. It was just big enough for the door. She stepped inside, and asked me to enter. I found himself standing in a large, featureless room, well lit from a high ceiling, furnished with only a table and two ordinary chairs. I looked back through the open doorway, and saw the Chicago street outside, and figured that the steel block was just an entryway into another building: the end of the alley must have been much closer than I realized. "Maybe I should switch brands of Scotch" I thought. She closed the door, and he immediately realized that he was warmer, and removed his hat, coat and gloves. We were alone in the room.

She sat down at the table, and placed a small device on the table. It resembled a small tape recorder, maybe a dictating machine. I sat down as well. "My name is Nurt" she said. "Thank you for agreeing to participate. Would you like some water?" I was a bit uneasy about the surroundings, and declined the water: who knows what she could have put in it. "My research project is to investigate the disparities between concepts and beliefs held by a number of individuals regarding their society, their effect on choices, and the objective measure of the society."

"OK" I replied, unsure of exactly what she had just said. "Is this like a test?"

"More like an interview."

"OK, I'm fine with that. Ah, what did you say the compensation was?"

"Whatever you desire. Within reason."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Literally that: whatever you desire, with certain limits. The technology I have available is far in advance of the technology you employ. The research project provides that I fill three requests that you make, subject to certain limitations. These limitations do not permit you to alter the human race in any extreme way, for example by requesting 'World Peace' or instantaneously ending hunger, although you may request things that could help you to bring such a condition into effect. Additionally, certain requests require substantially higher technology, in which case such a request may count for two or even all three requests allotted."

I digested this. "So, like, I get three wishes?"


"You're kidding."

"No. Skepticism a common reaction. You may make your first request before beginning, if you prefer."

"OK. And can I change my mind and ask for something different if it doesn't turn out?"

"You can change your mind at any time up the point you leave this room, and substitute a different request."

"What if I wished that I could fly, like Superman?"

"Yes, that can be granted. Is that your request?"

"Um, not really. But it would make a good demonstration. Can you grant that just for a few minutes, and then I'll think of my wishes during the interview part?"

"Yes. She touched the device on the table with two fingers, then looked at him and said "Please try it now." Dennis stood up, then raised his arms out to his sides. "Do I flap?"

"If you prefer. You need only think about changing your position."

I concentrated on floating upwards. I felt air moving past my face and outstretched hands, and felt that I had risen five feet off the floor. I just knew, without looking, exactly where I was. I thought I should be horizontal, and my legs swung up behind me. I thought of circling the room, and it happened. It was really more like levitating than flying, it didn't provide the exhilaration that I had somewhat expected, but it definitely proved that she could deliver things far outside my understanding. I thought about returning to my chair.

"OK, I'm convinced."

"Would you like to make your first actual request now?"

"No, let me think for a while. We can go ahead with the interview part."

She began speaking a carefully worded question, but my attention was elsewhere. My attention was on the fact that she really did look blue, and that she seemed to have no fingernails, and that she seemed to have about seven thin fingers on each hand, with no clear thumb. She finished her question, and I had no idea what she'd asked.

"Excuse me, where exactly are you from?"

"Not from this planet, nor from a planet that you would recognize. The purpose here is only to study the social structure of this planet."

"So, you aren't, ah, human?"

"No. Nor a mammal, nor as having a gender as that term is used in your culture."

"Ah." I thought to myself, so, Nurt is an it, not a she. So much for having a cute friend.

"OK, ah, could you repeat your question?"

Nurt repeated its question. The questions began with my relationships with family members and friends, then explored his employment situation. I'm 28, unmarried, and currently without a girlfriend. My mother is still living, as are my two sisters. My friends are mainly people that I've known from high school and college, and one or two people that I work with. I work as a paralegal at a law firm downtown that specializes in litigation: my days are spent reading, summarizing, and indexing voluminous deposition transcripts and discovery responses for the attorneys. I feel that my liberal arts education had prepared me well to think critically and analytically, but that this job is essentially drudge work. Nurt inquired into the college system and how it affected my social life and choice of employment. Finally, Nurt inquired extensively into my beliefs and attitudes towards government and politicians.

"That completes the series of questions. Have you made a decision regarding your requests?"

"Yes, I have." I had thought about the "Genie problem" before: I've read numerous stories throughout school (and the occasional erotic story since then) that featured a being able to grant three wishes, and the disasters that usually befell those who failed to choose wisely. "OK, first, can I ask for something like $47 million?"

"Yes, providing money is one of the simplest requests to fill."

"And nobody will end up dying because of it? Like, I don't want to receive money because my mother dies and leaves it to me in her will."

"Nobody will die to provide the money. If this is your request, a lottery ticket will be given to you which will win in approximately three days. You will then collect a sum slightly in excess of 47 million dollars, unless you want the amount to be exactly 47 million. Is this your wish?"

"Um, yeah. In excess of $47 million is fine, it doesn't have to be exact."

Nurt touched the device in three different spots with three fingers, and then touched a fourth spot. Nurt then lifted the device to reveal a Powerball lottery ticket, which it handed to me.

"This looks real."

"It is. The address at which you will be on record as having purchased the ticket tomorrow is written on the back of the ticket."

"How do you know it will win?"

"The technology to understand this can be provided to you, but it will cost you both of your remaining requests. The technology is quite different from the laws of probability and causation as your planet now understands. The technology is also relatively hazardous to you at your current level of understanding. Is this your request?"

"No. If I have the $47 million, I don't think I'll need to do it again." I paused, embarrassed to make my second request, even to a sexless alien. Well, maybe it was a good thing it was a sexless alien - I think I might have been more embarrassed to state this to another person. Nurt sat placidly, absolutely patient.

"OK, I'd like to be able to make my ... penis ... any size I want. Any length, and any width, and to be able to have an erection whenever I want." Nurt displayed no sign of surprise. I had considered asking for a 14" cock, but was concerned that I would find myself unable to fit any woman, and would be destined to spend the rest of my life jacking off. Ten inches might be more reasonable, but I didn't know if *that* would be too big either. I was sure that 8" would probably be OK, but that didn't seem like he was really making the most of my wish. What I really wanted was to be able to make it any size I want, instantaneously, so that I could wow anyone I want to, and still be able to fuck.

Nurt touched the device with one finger. "That request can be granted, but this also would use both of your remaining requests. However, if you do not need the ability to make your penis any size without limit, a level of technology that will require only one of your requests can be used. You would be able to adjust your size 50% larger or smaller."

I thought to myself. Geeze, I'm 6" now when I'm hard, that would give me a range of 3" to 9". Huh, why would I ever want to be 3? Hmm. But if I started out with like 12", I'd have a range of 6" to 18". That sounds more like it. Of course, why would I ever want to be just 6" again?

"Can I have it so that its 16" long erect, plus or minus 50%, with the same control over width?" That should cover any eventuality, I thought.


"And control over it, so that I can always get an erection if I want to, and I can hold back ejaculation as long as I want, and it never gets insensitive? And that the size when its soft is proportional to the size when its erect?"

"Yes, that can be one request. Is that your request?"

I thought hard for a minute, to see if there was any feature or loophole I'd overlooked. "Yes."

Nurt touched six different spots on the device, then another three spots, then picked up the device and touched it to my shoulder. "What is your third request?"

I felt the touch of the device, but nothing unusual. I'd expected a shock or jolt of some sort. But... now that I think about it, my pants seem... unusually full.

"Would you like to examine yourself?" Nurt inquired.

"No, that's OK. Um, how do I..."

"To adjust your size, concentrate on the size you desire."

I thought about being the flaccid equivalent to a 24" long erection, my new maximum size. The crotch of my pants immediately began to swell and tighten, taking about 10 seconds to finish. My pants were *really* tight and uncomfortable now. I thought about being minimum size, corresponding to an 8" erection, and seconds later was breathing easier.

"How does that work?" Nurt explained that this technology effected growth by absorbing mass from the air - the elements required were all present in the atmosphere in varying concentrations, although some were derived from depots now stored in my body. It would also work if I was submerged in water. The time required would depend on the concentration of various elements in the air.

"For my third wish, I want to be able to make women's breasts bigger."

"Do you mean every woman's breasts, the entire species, or a single woman?"

I thought briefly, "No, not all of them. At least not all at the same time. I mean like, if there's a woman and I think she'd look better with bigger breasts, I like to be able to make them bigger just like that. And I'd like to be able to do that for any woman, not just one."

Nurt touched the device with one finger. "The technology to do that in the most general way would require two of your requests. You can do this by deciding to surrender one of the requests you have already made. Alternatively, you can elect a method that requires less technology, which will only consume a single request. The lower technology method will require that you make an actual physical contact with the woman to be affected."

I had been thinking that it would be fun to suddenly make some girl's boobs expand without warning, like maybe when she was on live TV. Or Spears, when she's in the middle of a concert. But on reflection, maybe that was a bit sophomoric. Still, I *really* like big tits, and it was so rare to find a girl who liked me who was also well-endowed in that department. Well, if I could give bigger tits to the girl I was with at the time, that would be best.

"Um, what kind of contact would be needed?"

"That is up to you. The contact need only be sufficient to transfer a small secretion. It can be absorbed through the skin, if you prefer."

The word "secretion" caused me to pause for a second - oh yeah, that meant like something from a gland. This gave me an idea.

"How about if the contact was a blow job?" Then I had to explain what the term meant. Now I *was* glad this was a sexless alien.

"Yes, that would be sufficient. How much growth would you like to result from this transfer?"

I thought again. I was tempted to say that the girl's tits should double in size, but then she might go from OK to really too big in one squirt.

"Can I make it adjustable at will?"

"Not at one request. However, you can have the ability to choose between a preset level and nothing."

"OK, let's say 10%, with the ability to turn it off if I want." If I found a long-term partner, I didn't want to forego blow jobs just because her boobs would get too big.

Nurt touched several different spots on the device, then a few more, then picked up the device and touched my shoulder again.

"You are now finished."

"That's it? I just go home now?"



I stood up and put on my coat, hat and gloves. Nurt opened the door, and closed it behind me when I stepped out alone. I stood there, just thinking for a moment. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was 3 AM, and I still had to walk back to my apartment, and still had to go to work the next morning. But first, I turned around, and walked around the steel block. It was still 6' high and 4' wide, and now I saw that it appeared to be 4' deep as well. What's more, it was not even attached to the adjacent building: I could see the streetlight through the gap. Then my bladder prompted me to get home out of the freezing night, and I took off down the street at a trot, being careful to avoid slipping on the icy sidewalk. I had a lot to think about, but was too tired to do it tonight. I made my cock the full length, but left it flaccid, just to feel it hanging against my leg.

(c) 2002



The clock radio blared. "Geeze, 7 fucking AM." I really wished I didn't have to go to work. Suddenly, I remembered the previous night. Fuck, I wouldn't *have* to go to work ever again! If it wasn't just a weird dream... I jumped out of bed, and searched through my pants pockets, until I found the Powerball ticket, then stood there staring at it for a few minutes. It was real...

I went to the kitchenette and made coffee, then sat down at the table to wait for it to brew. If this worked the way it was supposed to, I really wouldn't need to go back to work. It was already Wednesday, the lottery draw was on Saturday: I could be rich on Monday. My rent was paid through the end of the month, and I had enough left from my piddly salary to last me at least a couple weeks. But if it didn't work... After having a cup of coffee, I decided the prudent thing to do was to call in sick for today. I toasted a bagel, and sat down to read the newspaper while I ate, but found that I couldn't concentrate on the paper at all. After I finished the bagel, I decided the first thing to do would be to check out my new equipment.

I looked for something to measure with. After some searching, I managed to find a ruler. I closed the bedroom door, and looked at myself naked in the full length mirror on its back. Well, not too bad. I'm medium height, still in good shape from college days when I had time for tennis. Nondescript brown hair and brown eyes, in need of a shower at the moment. Summer tan long gone, I was Chicago winter-white at the moment. As soon as I collect, I think I'll move to San Diego, where it's warm all winter.

Then I concentrated on my dick. "Erect" I thought, and felt the blood rushing into it, watched in the mirror as it distended and hardened, expanding until the head was a smooth dark purple. It felt good just doing that much. And, it was already definitely larger than I'd had the night before. I put the ruler next to it, and found that it was exactly 8" long. OK, let's see what 10" looks like. Now I felt just the disturbance in the air as my cock swelled and absorbed mass from the atmosphere. Yeah, this looks nice and massive. Applying the ruler again, I read exactly ten inches. Great, now 16 inches. Air rushed past. I stopped to open the window, just in case I needed a lot of air. Cold winter air swirled into the room, but my cock remained solid. The few snowflakes I saw land on my cock looked like they were absorbed directly into my skin, without a chance to melt. I returned to the mirror, and looked at my massive cock.

"I could fuck horses with this thing" I thought. Then I thought about trying to sleep with a girl with a cock like this, and decided it was a good thing I opted for size control, and that I could get it down to a "reasonable" size. Just out of curiosity, I ran it out to 24", a full two feet. It was absolutely enormous. Stroking it with both hands, I walked into the shower. It felt too good to resist. I started the water, and stepped in when it was good and steaming. Grabbing the soap, I lathered up with both hands, and began to jack myself off with long, firm strokes. The head reached almost to my chin. I considered for a minute, then rinsed the soap off, and stuffed the head into my mouth. It was *mine* after all, nothing like sucking off someone else. I had to open my mouth as wide as I could to fit it in. It felt good - really good, but not as good as having a girl do it to me. I was stroking and sucking as hard as I could when it suddenly occurred to me that I made had a third wish, too. I wonder what would happen to me, giving myself a blow job? I was not interested in growing tits on my own chest, and jerked the head out of my mouth. Returning to the soap, I finished off, squirting high on the wall in long streams.

Satisfied for the moment, I finished showering, and noticed that my cock seemed to have gone flaccid automatically: I didn't have to concentrate on making it behave normally - this was good. It hung down just past my knees. I decided that (a) I wanted to try out wish number three, and (b) I really wanted to get sucked off: hanging around the bar last night had done nothing to abate my horniness.

I left it long, and went to get dressed. My underwear was a joke, and I finally settled on just long underwear over jeans, with a shirt and sweater to wear under my coat. Prepared for the weather, I went out and made my way across town by public transportation. I particularly wanted to avoid the area near my job, as I had called in sick.

I spent the morning loitering around in stores, trying to think of a good way to pick up a salesgirl, assuming I found a cute one. Unfortunately, at this time of day, they were all older, some much older, than I prefer. Eventually, it occurred to me that maybe I should look at clothes that fit my "new and improved" anatomy better. Shopping for clothes does not come naturally to me. My first impulse was to head for one of the expensive stores and shop like a millionaire, but I reconsidered: I didn't want to raise suspicions by spending tons before I even won. In the end, I wandered into Dale's, a mid-level department store, and bought myself some baggy pants. The sales people were all 50-ish matronly types that did nothing for me.

Around noon I wandered into a bar to grab a bite to eat and try my luck. I sat at the bar eating a polish sausage on a bun, with a pint of beer, and was trying to survey the bar for prospects inconspicuously, when I heard this voice in my ear.

"Honey, who are you trying to fool with that?" The voice was gravelly, seductive and patronizing at the same time. I turned around on his stool to find a 30ish woman, shoulder-length dark blond hair, blue eyes, business skirt and blouse, nice jewelry, eyebrows raised.

"Huh?" I said, around a mouthful of sausage.

She indicated my lap with her eyes and a nod of her head. I glanced down to see that my huge cock was plainly visible through my jeans, making an obvious bulge along the length of my thigh.

"It's real" I said, mouth still full.

"Honey, nobody is that big" she said flatly. "How old are you?"


"Then you're old enough to know that nobody is going to fall for that."

"Hey, I'm just eating lunch here. Besides, what makes you think its impossible?"

"OK," she leaned forward, "how long is it hard?"

"24 inches."

"Right. Impossible."

"Hey, I can prove it if you want."

"Yeah, how? Are you going to show me some doctored picture you made on the computer?"

"No, I can show you right here."

"OK, let's see."

By this point, I had finished his lunch. I paid my tab. She hadn't ordered anything. I thought she must have just been passing the time while she waited for the busy bartender to take her order. I stood up and scanned the room for a more secluded spot, and settled on the hallway by the bathrooms. "Over there."

She followed me through the bar to the dark hallway, and we stood there together for a minute while I waited to make sure we wouldn't be interrupted for a few seconds. It really wasn't the best location, I realized, due to the traffic in and out of the bathrooms. She stood with her arms crossed under her small breasts, still obviously skeptical.

"OK, now." I turned so I was half facing the wall, and half facing her, unbuckled my belt, unzipped my fly, and pulled out more than a foot of flaccid cock. She stepped back in surprise.

"Oh my God!" came a quiet voice, and I looked up to see that a woman standing in the door to the ladies' room, her hand to her mouth in disbelief. I quickly stuffed my cock back into my pants, as the blonde woman grabbed my arm and announced to the other "Sorry, he's taken." Then she half dragged me out the door.

"Honey, I need a closer look at that. I'm still not sure I believe it."

I stole a glance sideways at her. She was attractive enough. Not particularly well-endowed, but - the thought suddenly struck him - I could change that!

"What do you have in mind?"

"Well, for all I saw, it could just be makeup and special effects. Here my apartment is just in here." They had walked several brisk blocks, arriving at a fairly classy downtown hotel. She ushered him in, and they took the elevator. "What's your name, honey?"


"I'm Carol."

The elevator stopped, and she led me down the hallway to her room. I noticed that she fumbled with her key getting the door open, and that she did not appear to be wearing a wedding ring. Inside, she took my coat, and hung mine and hers on a coat tree by the door. Facing each other, we had kind of an awkward moment as neither knew how to begin.

"Ah, would you like a drink?" asked Carol.

"Ahh, no, I just had a beer."

"You don't mind if I have one, do you?"

"No, please, go right ahead." Carol went into the kitchen, poured something into a glass, and downed it. She came back with an odor of tequila.

"OK Dennis, let's have another look."

I again unbuckled my belt, unzipped my fly, and dropped my jeans to the floor. My cock was clearly outlined down the leg of my thermal underwear. I peeled that down to my calves, and stood up. "OK, check it out."

Carol bent down, then reached out, then looked up at my face. "It's OK, you can touch it."

Carol touched, then stroked, then picked up the end and examined it closely. Her hands were soft, and her touch was sensuous. She brought it to her face. "Well, it smells like a dick," she said, smiling. She turned her attention to the root, probing through my pubic hair, obviously looking to see if there was a seam. Meanwhile, her other hand began stroking the length of my shaft with long, erotic strokes. I was definitely getting aroused, and did not hold back when I began to get erect. "Hmm, tastes like a dick."

"Please, go right ahead" I encouraged. My shaft now stood straight out, a solid, pulsating two feet long. She raised her eyebrows, smiled, and then began to kiss, tongue and mouth the base of the shaft. She slowly worked her way towards the head, where she licked around and around the helmet until it was broad, shiny and purple. I was amazed to see her stuff the entire head into her mouth, forcing it in until her lower lip was even with the middle of the circumcision scar. There wasn't much space for her tongue to move, but she managed to slide it around the bottom of the head. Both her hands stroked constantly along the shaft, then held on firmly to negate the involuntary thrusting motions I began making. Finally, I also grabbed the shaft, near the base. "I'm about to..." She stroked vigorously with one hand, holding me with the other, and sucked as hard as she could. A wave of intense pleasure rolled over me and I shot spurt after spurt straight into her throat. She continued sucking and stroking until I had completely stopped cumming, then sat back on her heels. Wiping her chin with the back of one hand, the other hand still holding my semi-erect shaft, she said "Yeah, it even comes like a dick."

"Must be a dick" I grinned.

"OK, I'm convinced." She stood up, still holding my cock a few inches from the head. "Are you sure I can't get you something to drink?"

"Actually, I'm pretty thirsty now."

"I'm not surprised. Come on." She led me into the kitchen by my cock. "Beer?"

"No, water. Or milk, or Coke. I'm just thirsty." She poured me a tall diet soda, finally, reluctantly letting go of my cock so that she could hold the glass and the bottle. I gulped it down. "You know, now I'm getting hungry" she said, absent-mindedly rubbing her hand across her breasts.

"Are you feeling OK?"

"Yeah, just a bit tight here. Here, come on." She led me into the bedroom, and removed her blouse and bra. "Ah, that's better." She stripped the rest of the way, and then bounced down on the bed. "Hey, come over here." I took off his sweater and shirt, then climbed onto the bed beside her. She gently pushed me until I was lying down, and then snuggled against me with her head on my shoulder. "So Dennis, tell me what you do for a living." Her left hand traced sensuously across my chest, slowly working its way down to my crotch. She found my cock again, now flaccid, and slowly pulled it up so that it was lying across my stomach. While I talked about my job, and how boring it was, she proceeded to stroke me to full erection again. I began to run my left hand up and down her back, pausing to caress the top of her ass, then began stroking her side with my right hand, finally reaching her breast. As far as I could tell, she had gone from about a B cup to around a C cup over the last ten minutes or so. She told me a bit about her job: she was in Chicago on business, killing time until her flight after her negotiations ended early. She punctuated her remarks with occasional kisses to the head of my cock. Finally she looked up at me and said "I think you're ready for some more. Do you have a condom?"

"Ah, no."

She got up, and rummaged through her purse until she found one. Returning to the bed, she looked at my massive boner, and said "Hmmmmm." Ripping open the package, she tried to roll the rubber over the head. There was just no way. "Honey, do you ever use rubbers?"

"Not since I got to be this size."

"But you *have* slept with a woman before?"

"Of course. Just... not since I got to be this size."

She considered. I could see that she wanted to try forcing my mammoth cock into her pussy, but wasn't ready to do so without a condom. "Uh, they do have those "Magnum" condoms that are supposed to be bigger." I briefly considered making myself smaller, but decided I didn't want to go into explaining *that* at this point.

"Yeah, unfortunately I don't think we have time to go hunt one down right now. Here, how about we just do some more of this?" She took my cock and began licking up the shaft to the head. "Mm, fine with me." I pulled on her ass, until she turned around and I could reciprocate. We made a triangle on the bed: Carol, me, and my cock. I've had enough practice that I'm a fairly decent linguist. After about 10 minutes, Carol was pressing and grinding her pussy into my face, gasping onto my cock. She redoubled her efforts, and soon had me squirting another full load down her throat.

"Um, I need to go get cleaned up" she said. She was rubbing her breasts again. "OK, I'll just catch my breath." Shortly, I heard the sound of water running in the shower. Curious to see how much more she would grow, I wandered into the bathroom. Through the shower door, I could see that she had obviously grown more: she must be at least a D cup now. In fact, she looked *very* sexy, and I was getting wood once again. I slipped into the shower, and began soaping her back. She had been washing her breasts, staring with some consternation at their unfamiliar size. "Uh, Dennis, do I look any ... different to you?"

"Well, your breasts are larger" I said nonchalantly. "Happens to most women who swallow me." She stared at my face, as I concentrated on lathering up her now voluptuous boobs.

"I've never heard of such a thing."

"Well, it is pretty rare. Not many guys equipped like me either. I think it might be something in my cum." I was now fully erect, and slotted my cock between her soapy tits as I continued to lather and knead them.

"How much do they grow?" Her expression was halfway between shock and calculation.

"About 10% each time." Now I was also sliding my cock up and down between her boobs. The head bumped and slid against her cheek at the end of each up-stroke. The sensation was incredibly pleasurable.

"I think I have time for one more." And with that, she grabbed the cock protruding from her cleavage, stepped back so that she could get it down to her mouth, and sucked me the rest of the way to ecstasy. She made sure to swallow every bit. We both finished showering, then went to get dressed. Of course, now none of her bras would fit, nor would any of her tailored blouses. Fortunately she had a sweater. The sight of her, braless in a thick sweater, her now DD boobs jiggling confined only by a T-shirt under the sweater, was almost more than I could stand. However, she had a plane to catch, and now had to hurry. She gave me her business card, and told me to call her if he was ever in Los Angeles. I gave her my Chicago telephone number. She dropped me off at my apartment, on the way to turn in her rental car. It was about 5 PM.

"Well," I thought to himself. "*that* turned out pretty well."

I wonder where I should go for dinner...

(c) 2002



The rest of the evening was a bust. I had a quick dinner (pizza), dropped into the drugstore to buy a box of magnum condoms, and then started cruising the bars with equipment at maximum extension. Either nobody could see it in the dark, or they thought that it was padding. No luck at all. Finally, around midnight, I decided to ratchet back a bit. Walking to the next bar, I reduced size to the flaccid counterpart of 10" - I figured that was small enough to be "real", while still big enough to be pretty interesting. After spending all day with 24", a 10-incher felt tiny. I bumped it up to 11".

This bar was full of coeds, some of them pretty hot. Man, I should have started here (I learned later that the bar was almost on the edge of the DePaul University campus). After about a half hour, I finally found a reasonably attractive young woman who seemed interested. I don't know if she had noticed my bulge, or was just horny, but she seemed willing. She was 19, a bit on the short side, thin, probably a 34B. We went back to my apartment (she had a roommate), fell onto the couch, and started necking. We proceeded to some pretty erotic fondling, when I had a brainstorm: I could run out the length right in front of her, and make it look like it was just getting erect. I could even tell her that it was her making it that long. Eventually, we got to unzipping jeans (mine were *very* full at this point, even at 10"), and she made some comment about how nice and big I was.

"You can make it even bigger" I told her. "Just keep doing that." She continued stroking it sensuously, and I concentrated on making it 10 and a half inches. She could feel it get larger, in length and diameter, and worked harder at it. I made it 11". Then she touched her lips to the head, and I twitched. "Geeze, you are really sensuous" I told her, hoping to encourage her to "go for the gold." She looked up with a sly expression, then took the entire end in her mouth, sucking and tonguing like a pro. I let it expand to 13" over a couple of minutes. I meant to warn her of my impending orgasm, but only got out an "Ah" before shooting down her throat. Not wanting to disappoint her, I went to 13 and a half, and kept it hard. I got up, dropped the rest of my clothes, and led her to the bedroom.

"Wow, you are *really* huge. Does it get any bigger?"

"Well, you're welcome to try."

She sat on the edge of the bed, and wrapped her mouth around my cock again, stroking now with both hands. I let it swell to 15", then 16", then 17". She got more and more excited the larger I got. At 18" I came again. "Sorry about that." She didn't seem worried about my cumming in her mouth again: she was too busy being amazed by the size of my boner (which I was keeping hard for the duration). "Well, would you like to try it on?" I asked, as I picked up an extra large condom from the dresser. She blinked. "Uhh, I think its too big now." "Oh come on, I'll go really slow" I cajoled. I gave her the condom, and asked her to roll it on.

Shit! It wouldn't fit. 18" is just too large for any commercially-available rubber. Should have known. She still wanted to please, though, and I was feeling a bit guilty about having cum twice already without doing anything for her. "Well, there are other things we can do." I knelt down, slid my hands under her ass, and started running my tongue up and down her thighs. She caught the idea immediately, leaning back and opening her legs. After a few minutes of slowly building tonguing, I climbed onto the bed beside her, and rolled her onto her side, then buried my face in her crotch again. My 18" boner was pointing right at her face, so she went back for thirds. I managed to get her over the crest twice before she sucked me off for a third time.

"Sure you don't want to try it on?"

"Umm, yeah, I'd better not." I could see there was no way she was going to try it without a condom.

"How about if I went down in size, until we could get that condom on?"

She thought for a minute. "No, I'd be too scared that you'd get bigger again. I don't think it would fit."

Ah. So it was the size that was scaring her. Well, understandable.

"Um, this has been great, but I'd better go. I have a class tomorrow morning."

"Oh, OK." We walked back into the living room to collect our clothes. I let my cock go flaccid gradually as she got dressed. She got to her bra, and discovered that it wouldn't fit. I would think not: after three doses from the magic wand, she was at least a 34D now. The band fit find, but the cups were way overflowing. "Well, it looks like I'm not the only one getting bigger around here." She looked down, then asked for a mirror. I led her back to the bedroom, and showed her the mirror behind the door. She was cute before. She was irresistible now. She took off the bra, and weighed her boobs in her hands. "All I did was..." She turned to me, and I was just standing there, erect again just from looking at her. She touched my cock, then stroked it, then got down on her knees and sucked me off again. As soon as I had finished spurting, she jumped up and watched her breasts grow in the mirror, holding and weighing them with her hands. "That's incredible" she gasped. I stepped up behind her, and put my arms around her, hugging her from behind. "Wow, you sure look great." I had run my boner out to 20" during the last blowjob: it now bobbed and throbbed next to her hip. She reached down and took it with one hand, continuing to fondle her boobs with the other. "You must be thirst." I was. We went to the kitchen, and each drank several glasses of water. "Would you mind if I did that a few more times?" I was happy to oblige. By the time she left, her boobs would require something like an H cup. Her small frame, with those enormous, natural, wobbling boobs - I couldn't keep my hands off her. The only problem was that she wasn't willing to fuck Mr. Huge - 24" long by the time she was full.

And I still hadn't been able to fuck. I was really missing that feeling - my cock inside a beautiful, willing woman, her writhing and moaning underneath me, bringing her to ecstasy as I found ecstasy myself. Fuck.

(c) 2002



I was pretty tired again the next morning - all that time in the sack, but not enough sleeping! I thought about calling in sick again, since I was going to be leaving that job soon anyway, but in the end I decided it wouldn't hurt to go to work. I showered, got dressed, downed coffee and bagel, and took off. Since I would be around people who already knew me, I ratcheted back to 8", as close to original as I could get now. Man, that felt tiny now!

I'm sure I didn't look any different. Well, maybe a bit more tired than normal. But I actually felt completely different. I think it was the knowledge that not only was I carrying an 8-incher around, but that it could be up to 24" long. I guess I was feeling cocky, if you'll excuse the pun.

The day was uneventful. The law firm has a strict policy about not dating co-workers, so there was no possibility of hitting on the secretaries or other paralegals. I spent nearly the whole day in a conference room with twelve boxes of papers produced for discovery in a big commercial trial. The papers were the most boring thing you can imagine, mainly spreadsheet printouts showing how much the company spent on each employee, furniture, services, and so on. By the end of the day, I felt fried, like my head had been stuffed full of cotton.

When I got home, I had a surprise waiting for me. As I walked down the hallway to my door, two coeds stood up, obviously waiting for me.

"Hi, I'm Wendy." "I'm Tammi." Wendy explained "I'm Tina's roommate." Seeing the blank look on my face, she elaborated "She told me about last night."

Not sure where this was going, I said "Ah, what can I do for you?"

"The same thing you did for Tina, we were hoping..." said Tammi.

Wendy immediately followed with "Aren't you going to ask us in?"

I stopped to look at them. Wendy was short, blonde, and thin. Very small upstairs, but a very attractive face, with large eyes and a pointed chin. Tammi was also short, but appeared to be Asian, perhaps Korean. She was a bit on the stocky side, and already looked reasonably well-endowed. I shrugged, and unlocked the door. Their eyes lit up.

Once inside, Tammi quickly took care of grabbing our coats, tossing them on the couch, and then attacking my belt. Obviously cutting straight to the point. Wendy paused to look around, obviously excited at the prospect: my guess was that she had wanted larger boobs all her life, and now saw me as an opportunity to get them free, without surgery. I had no idea why the buxom Korean was already sucking and pulling on my cock, but I figured that the "incredible expanding cock" had been a central feature of Tina's description, and they were anxious to get me up to full size. I rewarded her efforts by swelling out to 14". This made Tammi stop for a moment, just to look. I guessed that her main reason for being here was just to play with the heavy equipment - she really didn't need any more weight to carry upstairs.

"Like that?" I asked.

"Oh yes, I've never seen one so long. And it expands so much!" She went back to sucking and pulling with renewed vigor.

In the meantime, Wendy concentrated on removing the rest of my clothes, then shyly unbuttoning her top. She was very attractive, but would obviously benefit from upgrading that A cup bra. She removed the bra, and then put her arms around me, rubbing her smooth skin across my chest, then lifting her face to kiss me passionately. Well, this was a first for me. I used to have trouble just finding a girlfriend: this was the first time I'd ever had two girls at once. Speaking of which, I swelled some more to 16". Tammi was now gripping the base of my cock with one hand, determined I guess to prevent any blood from leaving the swollen organ. With the other hand she stroked the length of the shaft with a firm grip, concentrating on the outward stroke. With her mouth, she sucked and licked, sucking so hard I thought she was trying to inflate me in reverse. I expanded out to 18", and she nearly went into a frenzy - enough that I suddenly lost control and came down her throat, hugging Wendy tightly to me.

"Wait, that was supposed to be mine!" I looked down. Wendy was clearly disappointed: apparently their deal was that Tammi would do the work and Wendy would take the load. Tammi was now rubbing her chest, then undoing her bra. She must have been a C or D cup before, and all three of us watched her swell up another cup size.

"Well, there's plenty more. I don't think I'm in any danger of running dry right now." I kept my shaft rigid, and handed the end to Wendy.

"I don't really know how... to..." she began. Then Tammi offered to show her how. I became an erotic prop in BlowJob 101, as Tammi demonstrated motions, then passed my dick to Wendy to try out, then took it back to demonstrate another motion, and so on. Wendy then tried in earnest, helped out by Tammi mouthing and licking along the sides. Over the course of the "lesson", I swelled out to 22", a little bit at a time, mainly in response to things Tammi did that I really liked. I made sure Wendy was sucking this time, warned her with a "get ready", and blasted down her throat. She continued sucking, even after I had finished pulsing. She stopped a second for air, and then went right back, obviously after more. Tammi continued to help, spelling her for a while when her jaw started tiring. We moved to the couch so that I could sit down. Tammi dragged a couple of cushions off so that they had something to kneel on. Then she stripped down and started making out as well. The sensation of having two lusty women working on me was extremely exciting, especially since their main goal apparently was to make me come as many times as they could. I ran out to full length, and let Wendy have her second dose. Tammi then climbed onto me, straddling my hips, and pushed her boobs into my face, which kept me busy while Wendy caught her breath, and went back for thirds. Tammi was getting pretty turned on as well, but I could tell that neither one of them was going to try cramming Monster Cock into their little pussies.

After her fourth load, Wendy was looking pretty foxy. She traded with Tammi, keeping me occupied with kissing and fondling while Tammi, surprising me, went back for seconds herself. And then thirds. I guess she'd decided that having really enormous tits would be fun. Perhaps to offset her weight - a chunky babe with huge tits is always more interesting than a chunky babe without, and huge tits is what she got. Then they traded places again, so that Wendy could finish filling out.

By this time, I was *really* hungry, so the girls took me to a pizza place that was open late. They'd each brought an extra-large T shirt to wear, although by this point their coats could not close over their voluptuous chests. Tammi, for one, would never see her feet again. I could tell that they enjoyed the looks and stares they got as we walked down the street, my arms around each girls' waist. The guy taking the pizza orders nearly went into shock when he saw the pair of them. Or is that "pairs" of them? The girls finally had to turn around so that I could get his attention and place our order. Then they turned back, pressed their tits against my chest so that they squeezed up and bulged their T shirts, and said "Thank you" in unison. I'm sure the pizza guy must have creamed right there.

We ate in a booth towards the back, and it was late enough that the place was pretty empty. The girls dropped me off at the curb by my apartment afterwards, and took off for their dorm, still squealing with excitement.

And I still hadn't been laid!

(c) 2002



The clock radio blared. "Geeze, 7 fucking AM." I really wished I didn't have to go to work. Wait, that was yesterday. Hell, I *still* didn't want to go to work. I decided I would anyway. After I got there, I wished I hadn't - it was a complete repeat of the day before. By the time I got back to my apartment building, I just felt dead, spaced out, ready to collapse on my bed.

I heard the voices as soon as I got off the elevator. It sounded like a party down the hall. Maybe like a sorority party. I turned the corner to discover: a sorority party in front of my door. I stood there in surprise. Hell, after last night, I should have expected this: each girl gets the treatment, then goes and tells "only her two closest friends", who then show up the next day for their own treatment. I counted six attractive coeds waiting for me. One of them noticed me immediately and called out "Are you Dennis?" The rest of the girls stopped talking, and turned to look at me, expectantly.

"Ah, yes..."

"Oh good!" The girls began picking up a number of bags and boxes that they had stacked near my door. I walked up to the door, and unlocked it as several of them began touching my arms and back. They really couldn't wait. Everyone followed me in, practically pushing me into my apartment, then began setting up. The boxes and bags turned out to contain party supplies - pizza, beer, cups, paper towels and napkins, as far as I could see. I was already not thinking too clearly, and this just befuddled me. It was like walking into your own surprise party and being completely disoriented. In a way, I guess it *was* walking into my own surprise party. Of course, with most surprise parties, the guests don't strip down, remove your clothes, and hustle you into the bedroom.

"Hey, wait, he hasn't even had a beer yet!" "Bring it!" An open bottle of beer was pressed into my hand as I almost surfed down the short hallway to my bedroom on a press of anxious coeds. They obviously knew why they were there, and what to expect, and did not want to waste any time getting started.

"OK, this is Kim, and Lisa, and Nancy, and Cathy" said one, "and I'm Ruth." Ruth had dark, wavy hair, dark eyes, and stood about my height (about 5' 11"). I couldn't remember which of the other girls was which: they were all between 5' 4" and 5'6", with light brown to dark blonde hair - they could all have been sisters. "Oh, and this is Katie" said Ruth, indicating the last girl (the one who had gotten me a beer), who had just walked in. Katie had bright red hair, with freckles across her cheeks and shoulders, obviously a lot of Irish in her ancestry. Did I mention that she was naked? The other girls had removed their tops, revealing cute frames in some need of enhancement, but otherwise kept on their skirts and pants. Katie probably needed my "treatment" the least - she had very nice breasts, probably a 35C, with small pink nipples standing up in the apartment's cold air. "Hi, uh, I'm Dennis."

"Yes, we know." One of the girls was already loosening my belt, while another was busy unbuttoning my shirt. I was pushed sitting onto the bed long enough for my shoes to be removed, then leaned back so that my pants and underwear could be removed. Hands were all over me. Ruth said "Hmm, let's use the couch." And the six of them picked me up and actually carried me back to the living room, setting me half reclining on the couch. I had spent the work day at 8", but let my dick swell erect to 10", knowing what they would expect. "Kim, you're first" said Ruth. I wondered if they had spent the time waiting for me to come home decided what order they would go in, and how many rounds each girl got. Ruth was obviously in charge. Kim dropped to her knees between my legs, grabbed my shaft with both hands, and immediately started trying to stuff the head into her mouth. One of the other girls touched her shoulder and said "Hey, not so fast - we have all night." "Don't forget your beer." After a moment, I realized that the last remark was directed at me, and that I was still holding an open bottle of beer. So I drank a beer while two or three other girls explained to Kim how to perform a blowjob, "especially on a cock this size."

Katie slid under my arm, where it rested on the back of the couch, and cuddled up to me, making sure to press her breasts against my side. "I'm not really here for the 'treatment'," she explained, "they talked me into coming because they weren't sure they would be 'exciting' enough, and that they might need me to arouse you." She leaned in close and whispered "They're all so flat, you know." There was a hint of a giggle in her voice.

"But you aren't - I didn't think you needed any help at all."

"Ah, well, thanks. Would you like to feel them?" She presented her left breast for inspection. "Go on" she encouraged.

I reached over and cupped the offered breast. It filled my hand nicely, firm and soft at the same time, obviously natural. I let my cock expand another few inches. She noticed, and remarked "Oh, he likes it too!" with a wink. We talked for a bit, she asking me about my job, how long I'd lived in Chicago, telling me about her classes at DePaul. It seemed surreal to me to be making small talk with a woman I barely knew while getting head from someone else.

She leaned in again, and began kissing me passionately, open mouthed with lots of tongue. I wrapped her in my arms and reciprocated whole heartedly. I decided I wouldn't hold back at all tonight: these girls were all here to satisfy their needs for larger breasts, and I'd be up all night if I stretched it out for each one. I didn't stop necking with Katie, even when I finally came voluminously in Kim's mouth. I half heard Ruth telling the next girl to get busy, and felt the sensations of one of the more skilled girls taking my cock. She stroked it with both hands, licking up and down the sides, building up to the head. "See, if you do it more gradually, he'll get excited faster. It won't be as much work" one explained, to Kim I assumed. "I'll try that next time." "Let's see, are you growing yet?" "Yes! Look!" "Have you ever fucked a cock that size?" "No way! That would rip you up inside." "Not that size, I bet I could hold that." "No, he gets a lot bigger, like twice that long. Nobody can take that much." I paid little attention - I was completely focused on Katie, and the skillful blowjob someone else was performing.

After about an hour of necking with Katie, and I don't know how many blowjobs, Katie asked if I was hungry.


"Come on then, we've got some pizza for everyone. Should be heated up again by now."

Ruth directed everyone to the table, the pizzas were produced from my oven where it had been re-warmed, and everyone grabbed a plate and a slice or two. Well, not *everyone* - one of the girls positioned herself under the table, and continued blowing me while I ate. She actually managed two rounds, I think because Ruth wasn't paying attention, and because she was under the table where nobody could really see her. After two doses, she crawled out from under the table and said "Next!" Ruth said "Nancy, you're on."

When I finished my pizza (and another beer, and a large glass of water), Ruth asked if I was ready to go back to the couch. "Sure." She put a towel down on the couch to protect the cushions, and we resumed. Each of the girls (except Katie) had now gone at least twice (and one of them probably three times), and were showing the signs. All now had boobs that would require at least C cups, with one or two obviously Ds. I noticed Katie eyeing them up. Then she asked if she might have a turn. "Of course," I replied. Ruth told her "As soon as Cathy is finished." Cathy must be the brown-haired girl working on my cock now. Katie stood up, and leaned forward so that her tits pressed into my face, and I quickly came. "There, now its my turn." Nancy took Katie's place cuddling and necking, trying out her new D+ tits, obviously seeking my approval. I gave them a lot of attention. Meanwhile, Katie was truly inspired, getting me to come quickly, but without showing any sign that I had. While most of the girls sat back and swallowed as soon as I'd finished pulsing, Katie continued sucking as if nothing had happened. After a few minutes, I came again, and she continued right on. She stopped after the third dose, and replaced Nancy.

"Mmm, I like that" she murmured into my ear. She pressed her boobs against me, rubbing the side of one with a free hand, then we resumed necking and petting, one of her hands trailing down my chest and stomach to my cock, fondling my balls, stroking near the base. I had already run out to 24" during her turn(s), so there was plenty of room. The other girls got the idea, and pretty soon *all* of them were stroking and fondling my cock while one of them sucked. I completely lost count of how many times I came, but by the time they finished, my apartment looked like "Boob Cruise Chicago." I woke up to find that about four of the girls were cleaning up my apartment, vacuuming the living room. I didn't remember going to bed, but it appeared that Katie had slept next to me.


"Hi - ohmigod what time is it?"

"Seven fucking AM"

"Shit! I have to run, I have an early class." And with that, she burst out from beneath the blankets, grabbed and donned a skirt and sweater, and dashed out the door. Ruth, supervising the cleanup called out "You're welcome" after her. Then she turned to me and said "Thanks for a lovely evening" with just a bit of sarcasm, and filed out with the other girls.

I didn't know how many hours of sleep I'd gotten. It wasn't many. Frankly, I would have gone back to bed and called in sick, only Katie had already gone. I didn't feel sore, but I definitely felt strangely ... well, let's call it "depleted." My balls had swollen up noticeably under the suddenly increased demands of production, and there were spots deep in my abdomen that felt like muscles I'd never used before had suddenly been exercised mercilessly. Probably some of the glands that contribute to cum, I figured - I was never completely clear on anatomy.

Hell, its Friday. Might as well finish the week at work.

(c) 2002



Well, my apartment was probably cleaner than it had ever been. Certainly cleaner than the day I had moved in. I was still sleepy and groggy, but decided I should head off to work anyway. It wasn't like the job required much mental presence. Before I left, I opened my wallet, just to make sure that Powerball ticket was still there: this was literally my ticket out of that job.

The day at work was essentially identical to every other day I'd ever spent at that place. Nothing to write home about. Half way through the morning, I realized that I was just staring off into space and fantasizing about collecting my lottery winnings. I concentrated on working, more to avoid an unpleasant confrontation with one of the attorneys than out of any sense of need.

I got off the train from downtown and started walking toward my apartment, basically on autopilot after a long and boring day. "Well, hello shorty" said a voice in my ear. I turned in surprise to see that Katie had fallen into step next to me. "Katie! What are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know. Classes over for the week. Thought I'd see how you were doing."

"Oh, another long, dull day at work. Hey, would you like to go grab something for dinner."

She smiled, "Sure."

We walked along in the cold. "You certainly have some ... unusual talents" she said.

"Um, yeah."

"Does it not make you feel sort of like a cow, to have a gang of girls milking you that way?"

"Well, to be honest, I thought at first it was great. You know, more sex in one night than I'd had in my life. But after a while, I realized that it really wasn't sex. I mean, yeah, it feels great, but it doesn't feel as ... I don't know - special. I'm really more of a one-on-one type of guy, I guess." She put her arm through mine. "Well then, I think you may want to avoid your apartment for a while."


"Yes, Ruth has organized another festival. If you were to go home, I believe you'd find twenty or thirty girls waiting for you, all flat as boards. Plus Ruth, of course, to make sure everything runs like clockwork." Truthfully, the idea did not appeal to me. A week ago, I would have thought this a dream come true, and I *had* enjoyed the previous night. Geeze, more head in one night than I'd had in my entire life! And watching all those cute coeds swell up into voluptuous vixen was pretty erotic, too. But, I never got to really enjoy them. They came, they sucked, they disappeared. None of them were really interested in me, and sucking me off, to them, was just their way of growing huge boobs. With twenty girls there, and Ruth in charge, I knew that I would be completely out of the control of the situation.

"Let's go this way" I said, suggesting that we head a different direction. "I don't even want to walk past my building. What do you feel like for dinner?"

"Anything but pizza."

"Anything but pizza it is," and we walked over to a small Thai restaurant I knew about, which happened to be in the opposite direction from my apartment and DePaul.

I was delighted to find that she liked her Thai food really spicy, the way I did. We spent at least an hour over dinner, finishing with a couple of Thai beers (Singh Ha?).

"Do you think its safe to go back yet?"

"No, I would not do that. They're probably already eating the pizza, but I think they will probably wait a fair amount of time, given what they came for. But, I know where you can stay tonight." I felt an invitation coming on.

"My roommate is taking off this weekend to go see her parents and do her laundry. I have room to spare."

"Thanks, I'd really appreciate it."

"Oh, 'tis the least I can do." I suddenly remembered that she too had taken a few doses. Her open coat revealed that she had ended up with something around an F cup. She smiled, "And, it is off-campus. Can't be letting those harpies get their claws into you."

Off campus definitely sounded like a good idea. I had the feeling that Ruth would be posting "Wanted" posters with my face on them about now.

As we walked to her apartment, arm in arm, she asked "Now, does it always get so big? Do you have no control over it?"

"No, actually I have quite a lot of control over it. I can keep it as small as eight inches, if I want."

"Ah, and can you keep it as small as ten or eleven inches? Even in the throes of passion?"

"Yeah, sure."

"All night?"

"I think so. Yes, of course."

"Then, I think we'd better stop at that drugstore on the corner up ahead. You can go in and buy a few of those extra large condoms." "Sounds good to me." We reached the drugstore. "Aren't you coming in?"

"No, its such an awkward thing to buy as a couple. I'll just wait here."

I roamed the drugstore for a few minutes, picking up some soap, shampoo and toothpaste so that I wouldn't be there *just* for condoms. Then it occurred to me that I probably wasn't going back to my apartment tonight, so I grabbed a toothbrush and comb as well. Then I picked up a box of extra larges, and headed back to the cashier.

"Well, look who's here!" I was startled to find one of the girls from last night operating the register. Her uniform smock no longer fit - at least, not the way it was designed to. She wore a ribbed turtleneck, which looked like it was stretched to the limit over her DD+ tits. The top three buttons on her smock were unbuttoned out of necessity. Or impossibility. Anyway, her boobs kept the top of the smock wide open, while the buttoned lower half forced her boobs up and out. I wondered if this was deliberate.

"Oh, uh, hi" I managed to stammer out.

"Looks like you're getting ready for the weekend. Don't see how you're going to use these, though." Then she looked up to see that her supervisor was watching her, and quickly put everything in a bag and rang up the purchase. "I hear they have a surprise for you tonight" she said under her breath.

"I'll have to check it out, then." I paid and left quickly, hoping that she (was it Cathy? Kim?) wouldn't follow me out and find I was with Katie. I found Katie standing farther down the block, caught up to her, and said "Lead on." She explained that she'd seen several classmates going into the store, and didn't want to seem like she was hanging around waiting for someone.

We reached her apartment, a building that was probably half students, most of whom seemed to be out partying at the moment. Up a couple flights of stairs, down the hall, inside. Somehow I felt safe, as if I'd spent the last day trying to hide. Maybe I had been. She took my coat and bag of toiletries, then showed me into the small living room and asked if I wanted something to drink. We each had another beer, and I had a couple large glasses of water - I'd been feeling thirsty a lot lately.

We sat on the couch, half watching TV, half conversing. Katie repeatedly surprised me with how interesting she was - especially for someone 8 or 9 years younger than me. The evening progressed into cuddling and necking, which seemed to go on for hours. My underwear was drenched, and my pants were soaking through in spots by the time we got around to removing our clothes. She got up for a second, and came back with my box of condoms. "Well, shall we try these on for size?" she said, waving the box.

"Definitely," I agreed. "How much would you like?" "Oh, I think about ... nine inches would be plenty to start with."

I opened the package, and handed the rubber to her. She grasped my cock by the shaft, and stroked it up and down several times. She was about to put the rubber on, when she appeared to change her mind, and put her mouth over the end instead. She sucked and stroked, getting me even more aroused. I could feel the veins standing out all along the shaft, but I guessed that she was just making sure that I wouldn't suddenly expand while we were fucking, so I held my length at nine inches. It was tempting to swell up, to give her more surface area to work on, but I knew that any indication that I couldn't keep the length down would mean no fucking for me tonight. When she showed no sign of stopping, I asked if she was just making sure, or if she was looking for further expansion.

"Oh, forgot to stop. I just got so into it." She rolled the rubber down - it was a tight fit, but it *did* fit, and then climbed up onto the couch with me. Straddling my lap, she guided the head into her pussy, and slowly settled down as far as she could. It is usually a pretty awkward position, on a couch, because the girl's knees tend to get caught in the cushions and keep her from getting all the way down on the shaft. I braced myself, and thrusted back, often lifting her off the couch. *This* was heaven! We writhed and pumped for at least 20 minutes, she coming at least twice. Finally, I felt a mammoth orgasm building. I grabbed her around the waist and held her tightly to me as I buried my huge cock into her up to the root, and released a flood of cum into the condom. Hot wetness squirted back onto my balls.

"Wow." We sat back, spent for the moment. Then she peeled off the used condom and dropped it into an empty bag. "That was a pretty good start," she said. "How are you feeling?"

"Great!" I replied, tired but enthusiastic. I held her close. "How are *you* feeling?"

"*Stretched*," she blurted, "but I like it." She began fondling and stroking my cock. I wonder how ten inches would feel..."

"I can help you find out."

"I thought you could."

And so the evening progressed. By the time we collapsed, the condom box was empty, and the bag of spent condoms was full. We determined that it was easiest to put the condoms on with me at 8" or 9", after which I would expand to 10". I could expand farther in length after that, but had to keep the width constant - otherwise the rubber was just too tight. She'd worked her way up to 14", although at that length some caution was required - no bottoming out permitted. We tried several different positions that basically made it impossible to bottom out, while still giving her a lot of stimulation. As we got into bed, this time to sleep, she asked me to put it out full length. I happily obliged. We lay face to face on our sides, my cock between us, between her firm, voluptuous boobs, her lips an inch from the head, her breath a soft caress against my turgid rod. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. I was turned on, but tired enough to sleep anyway. My last recollection was her tongue against the bottom of my shaft.

(c) 2002



I awoke the next morning thinking "Saturday!" This was the day of the Powerball drawing, and my farewell to the restrictions and limitations of slaving away at a deadening job. My flaccid cock was lying across Katie's thigh. I woke her up and asked her when the Powerball drawing was.

"Huh, oh, it's sometime late at night."

This was news to me. I guess I had never really paid attention to when the drawings were. Illinois doesn't participate in the Powerball, although every state around it does. It's apparently legal for someone to drive out of state and buy tickets there. The back of my ticket gave an address in Valparaiso, Indiana, which probably the town in Indiana closest to Chicago.

"Late? Like, 10 o'clock?"

"No, I think it's like midnight." Her face was buried in the pillow, muffling her voice.

"Oh." Well, this meant that I'd have to wait until midnight just to confirm that I'd won, and then I'd probably have to wait until *Monday* to go claim my prize. Well, gee, I guess I had a whole weekend to kill with Katie. Nothing to get upset about.

I was now wide awake. I managed to locate my watch, and discovered that it was already 10 AM, and realized I was pretty hungry. Rummaging through the refrigerator, I discovered a couple of eggs, a few slices of bread, and some anonymous leftovers. I decided this was a good day to go grab a few doughnuts.

I didn't have a change of clothes, so put on the ones I'd worn yesterday. Would have preferred jeans and Nikes, but the law firm doesn't permit them, even on Fridays. My underwear and pants were stiff where I'd soaked through and it had dried. I decided to skip the underwear, and just wear the pants: at minimum length, I didn't think it would be too obvious. Then I asked Katie if she liked doughnuts, and went to get some.

I came back with a dozen doughnuts, assorted, and found Katie already up, dressed, and tidying up. "So, what shall we do today?" I asked brightly.

"Oh, Dennis, I'm going home for the week. I have to get moving." I finally noticed she was stuffing clothes into a suitcase. Shit, there went my half-formed plans for the weekend. She was still talking, half to herself, about "a lot of things to think about" and "people she had to talk to." I didn't quite catch all of it, but for some reason didn't get a good feeling. It had too much of a "can we just be friends" feel to it. On the other hand, she did ask for my telephone number, and email address, and gave me hers. I ended up carrying her suitcases out to her car, an old Jetta, and watched as she zipped off while I stood there with a box of doughnuts, still unopened. Hell.

I walked back to my apartment, now feeling bummed out. Saturday morning around 9:30 AM, the campus was barely stirring. I reached the apartment building, and went up to my floor, suddenly cautious in case the mob was still there. Listening carefully, all I could hear was a single voice, saying something like "No, no sign yet." Peeking around the corner, I saw that there was a single girl parked in front of my door. Ruth must have posted a guard. I walked as quietly as I could up to my apartment, and was only a few feet away when the girl jumped up.

"Wait! Don't call anyone yet!" She stopped, cell phone in hand.

"What, I would have thought you couldn't wait to start. Ruth must have over fifty chicas already signed up."

"Oh Christ!"

She considered for a second. "Here, inside."

I didn't want to be spotted, so quickly let her into my apartment. She dumped her coat on the floor, and stood with her fists on her hips. I couldn't figure out why she looked and sounded so hostile. For that matter, I couldn't figure out why she was there at all. I mean, I pretty much knew that she been told to stand guard, but didn't know why she would be interested in participating in the first place. She looked to be Latino, but had one of those unfortunate "oil drum" type of figures - probably 30 pounds overweight, and no discernable waist. Her face was pocked with acne scars. There was probably an attractive girl in there somewhere, but she wasn't apparent on the surface. Her one outstanding feature was - make that her *two* outstanding features were her boobs. A disproportionate amount of her weight was carried on her chest, so that even though she was heavy everywhere else, she was still top-heavy. Her massive boobs projected forward and to the sides: she looked like she'd already had "the treatment." "So, what's the problem?"

She glared at me, then launched into a spiel that she'd obviously been rehearsing to herself while waiting for me to show. "I am not a pretty girl," she began "but I have never lacked for company. Not since I grew these." She squeezed her enormous breasts together, so that a huge amount of cleavage swelled up through the low-cut neck of her top. She obviously dressed to accentuate her chest. "There are many guys who pay attention to me, but only because I have some of the biggest boobs in the school. But now, thanks to *you*, there is a bunch of girls with boobs almost as big, with pretty blond hair and pretty white skin. And next week there will be hundreds of girls like that, and then thousands. I do not want to be left behind. I will be bigger than all of them." I had a flash of insight: she had probably gained all that weight deliberately, just to pad her tits as much as possible.

"Uh, I don't have a problem with that. Actually, I'd prefer not to go on some production line."

"Ha! Tell that to Ruth. What cut is she giving you?"


"You did not know that she is collecting money to organize this? Ha! That sounds like Ruth."

It did indeed sound like Ruth. It also sounded like it was time to move, abandon my apartment if necessary, before I was essentially enslaved. "What is she charging?"

"It is $200 per session. She says there will be ten girls in each session, and each session will be two hours. Each girl gets as many times as she can during that session."

So Ruth had already collected something like $1,000 to rent my cock out. She must have patrols out now, combing the area for me. "Listen, I'll tell you what: you help me get away from here, and I let you take as much time as you want. That way, you end up ahead of everyone else, and nobody around here gets a chance to catch up."

"Just me?"

"Yeah. Ah, how long have you been on guard duty?"

"I started at eight o'clock. The next one, she is supposed to come at eleven." It was after 10 AM already.

"We'd better hurry then - we want to be as far away as possible before the next girl shows up." She followed me into the bedroom, where I packed up enough clothes for about a week into a backpack, grabbed my notebook computer, and threw CDs into a box. She went through my bathroom, putting my razor and stuff into another box. I took that box and dumped it into a bag that would fit inside the backpack, and we left. We got into her car, an old station wagon I didn't recognize, and started driving. After about twenty minutes, she picked up her cell phone and told someone that she was not feeling well, and that she was going back to her room, or maybe the infirmary, and that the next girl should go take her place now.

"We're not headed toward the campus."

"Of course not." She was driving south, so I suggested we go to Indianapolis.

"Why not, I guess nobody will find us there." We spent the rest of the drive making small talk - what she was majoring in, where she was from, her brothers and sisters. Her name was Maria. I tried to steer the conversation away from myself.

Eventually, we reached Indianapolis, and checked into a motel. It felt strange to me - the first time I'd ever had a "motel rendezvous." I carried my stuff into the room from the car, while she went inside and closed the curtains and put on music. As soon as I dropped my backpack, she closed and locked the door behind me.

"OK, let's see it."

I dropped my pants and underwear, and swelled out to 10" for her. "Holy Jesus you are big" she said quietly.

"You should probably take off your top before you get started."

"Oh yes." She pulled the loose top over her head, then unhooked her huge bra. It must have been something like a 38F. Apart from her massive boobs, she actually didn't appear all that fat. More "sturdy" than flabby. I sat down on the end of the bed, and she leaned down over my lap, wrapping her huge, soft tits around my cock and massaging it. "Ah, you like that?"

"That feels great" I said, leaning back on the bed.

"Just wait until they are twice this size." Suddenly, the end of my cock was in her mouth, her full lips wrapped around the shaft, her tongue dancing patterns on the head. She kneeled between my knees, and buried my lap with her boobs, squeezing them with her hands and arms to stimulate my shaft. "You do not need to hold back, I want you to come in my mouth many, many times before we are done." I obliged. She was really quite good at it: obviously, this was a talent that kept her friends coming back for more. I swelled out to 14" gradually, to inspire her, and came again. She greedily swallowed every bit, not stopping until it was clear that I had stopped pulsing, and that there was nothing left to even drip. Then she took a brief break, resting her jaw while she kept me at attention with her hands.

"This makes me hungry."

"Well, yes, the growth has to come from somewhere."

She was lifting and weighing her tits in her hands. There was an enormous amount of titflesh there. I tried to calculate: if she was a 38F to start, that would be a bust line of like 44". Then that plus 10% after the first one makes about 48 or 48 and a half inches, and that plus another 10% makes like 54". That would make ... what cup size? P? And then she was back on duty, sucking and stroking and squeezing skillfully as I swelled and expanded slowly, stopping at 17" to come again. At this point, she got up and gave me a bottle of water from the room's minibar, and set a second bottle where I could reach it without getting up. Then she said "My knees are tired. Scoot up on the bed."

I moved up to the head of the bed, and lay on my side. She climbed on, grabbed my shaft with both hands, and resumed sucking. She really had incredible stamina. Of course, I guess she was pretty inspired. Frankly, the view of her tits swelling out was pretty inspiring to *me.* Let's see, what was it, 54", plus another 10% makes over 59 inches, and she was going for more. She must want to be *really* huge. After I had finished both bottles of water, and had cum twice more, she got up to take a break. "Don't go anywhere" she said with a lilt, as she staggered off to the bathroom. I wasn't going anywhere. This was actually becoming more interesting than I had expected.

She came back naked. It is amazing how visually arresting a 72" bust line is. What was more, it appeared that her swelling tits were using up all the fat in her body: she was no longer barrel-shaped, but had an actual waist. She still had broad hips, but the skin over them was smooth and firm. The belly was gone, and her arms and legs were pretty slender. Even her face was thinner. "Wow! You're looking great, Maria." I jumped up off the bed, and steered her to the mirror. "Look at you."

She looked in the mirror, checking out her gargantuan boobs, using both hands to lift each one in turn. I had to turn her sideways before she noticed the other effects. "Jesus! I have gone on a diet, and the weight has all gone to my chest!"

"That's what it looks like."

She stood in front of the mirror, turning from one side to the other, turning around and looking back over her shoulder to check out her new and improved ass, obviously very pleased with the new look. I stepped up behind her, putting my arms around her and hefting her immense tits. My rigid cock rested against her hip, poking the underside of one enormous breast.

"Aren't we friendly now? No, these are for someone special." Oh yes, she reminded me that this was a deal, the payment for my escape. Then she turned to me and took my still rigid shaft. "I like this very much. Make him as big as you can." I let my cock expand out to the full 24". Her eyes expanded with it. "I think just one more before I let you go." And with that, she led me by the cock back to the bed. She had me sit right at the edge of the bed, so that my feet were both on the floor, and then had me lie back. Then she sat down, straddling my thighs, wrapped her pillow-sized tits around my shaft, and sucked like her life depended on it. She pushed forward, grinding her crotch against the base of my shaft, getting herself off in the process. She did not stop at "just one more", and I could feel her juices running down my legs.

After two more doses, she sat back and announced that she felt light-headed. I told her that she'd probably already used up all her "reserves" and needed something to eat. We ordered room service, and put on robes when the food arrived. Well, *I* put on a robe. Maria had to hide in the bathroom, because the robe did not come close to covering her.

We stayed there the night - we'd paid for a night, after all. The next morning, Maria discovered that her pants no longer fit (this was no surprise to me), and of course her formerly loose top was now an entirely different matter. She'd lost girth across her back, but had added far more across the front. Her boobs were huge and firm, standing out from her ribs. It was fascinating to watch them. They were obviously tight and very full, and yet there was so much flesh there that they couldn't help but sway and wobble with every move. She saw my erect two-footer, and declined the implied invitation. "Sorry - better I do not. Any more, and I will not be able to walk." She finally managed to get her gigantic boobs stuffed into her top, which then looked more like a tube top than a loose peasant blouse. Imagine a girl trying to shoplift several king size pillows under her blouse - and then add large areolas and nipples the size of your thumb tip. Her underwear and jeans would not stay on. I got dressed and walked a few blocks to a nearby mall to get her some clothes that would fit better. They weren't a perfect fit, but she could at least wear them in public until she could take her measurements and buy something more appropriate. She gave me her telephone number and email address: "Someday, *you* may be the special one. You can call me to find out what is happening: I do not think it is safe for you to go home right now." Then we packed up, checked out, and wedged her behind the wheel of her car. Then we moved the seat back so that she could breath. Finally, we drove off, and she dropped me off at the first car rental agency we came to. She went off to spend her vacation week at home, no doubt to traumatize every boy she encountered. I went to rent a car, and find another motel to stay at until I could collect my lottery winnings.

Sunday, and practically everything was closed. I had hours to kill until I could appear at the lottery office. What to do?

(c) 2002



In the end, I found a cheap hotel room, plugged my notebook into the phone jack, and looked up all the information I could find out about Powerball and the Indiana lottery that I could find. As I had guessed, the headquarters for the Indiana lottery was right there in Indianapolis, and that was where I needed to go to claim my prize. While I was at it, I also confirmed that indeed I had the winning numbers. I called up my supervisor's voice mail and told her that I had urgent business and had to be out of town for a few days, and that I wouldn't be in on Monday. I tried calling the number Katie had given me, but discovered it was just the number for her apartment. I didn't want to leave a message, not knowing who would hear it. Frankly, I didn't want to go back to Chicago, either. I knew my apartment was being watched, and that Ruth saw me as a source of income: I really wanted to avoid being grabbed by a mob - even a mob of eager coeds.

I'll "fast forward" a bit here. Now that I was away from DePaul, nobody knew of my hidden talent, and I felt like taking a break from exercising my anatomy. Besides, nothing happens in Indianapolis anyway. Suffice it to say that I collected my lump sum payout, transferred it into a number of accounts I'd set up, and flew out to San Diego. There, I checked into a decent hotel near the beach and went about scoping out the place. I had only been to San Diego once before, and it had made a good impression on me, but I realized I knew next to nothing about it. In particular, I wanted to figure out where the good places to live were, where I could buy a house that would have a decent amount of privacy, but without being too isolated. For that matter, I wanted to see if San Diego was really the best place to land, or if there was somewhere else even better. I emailed Katie a few times, but didn't get a response.

After a month or so in San Diego, I was ready to keep looking. I headed north a bit to the Los Angeles area, and checked into a hotel in Huntington Beach. HB is sort of on the edge of LA, close enough to drive into LA and the surrounding regions, while still giving me a place to "escape" to. And, it was close to the beach. Had to buy a car, so I got a Porsche Boxster: not practical, but I wanted something fairly flashy without being too expensive. Insurance on the Porsche was bad enough. Then of course I discovered that half of LA drives Porsches (the other half drives BMWs), so instead of standing out I blended right in. Daytimes I spent with real estate agents: nighttimes I spent checking out the bars and clubs.

This was my hypothesis: Los Angeles is like the plastic surgery capital of the universe - everyone here is obsessed with image and appearance. There is also a distinctly seamy side to the culture. I figured that there had to be at least one club or bar where most of the clients were "extra large" guys or women looking for extra size. I wanted to find a woman who would really enjoy my cock at a larger size: so far, nearly all the women I'd gotten that far with had balked at anything more than 9" long, and anything longer sent them right out the door (sometimes before putting on their clothes). Over the months I had developed a strategy. I would check out several bars and clubs a night, several nights a week, walking around at 12" (but flaccid) to see who I could attract. I quickly learned how to recognize a gay bar, before even going inside. Every now and then, I would try the same routine but at minimum extension. Even at 8" I still had some women balk, but at least I got laid fairly regularly.

Then one night, I wandered into a bar (number 3 on my list for the night), and ordered a beer. After a few minutes, I noticed that the crowd was distributed sort of strangely. The bar was full of women, more women than men. Most of the men were relatively ignored: they were standing around looking puzzled, or trying unsuccessfully to chat up the women. A few of the men, however, were either famous or were private legends: there were dense knots of women around them, vying for their attention. On a hunch, I ran out to 15" and walked up to a woman standing at the periphery who had given up on the knot. She was medium tall, with long, wavy dark hair. Down to her lower back. Dark eyes, high cheekbones. Nice chest in a slinky dress.

"Is that somebody famous? I can't recognize him from here."

"Him? Johnny Onze. And that's Bill Zayn, and in the middle of that is Eric Katorze. Nobody you would know, I'm sure." I barely caught her quick glace south. She was about to turn away, dismissing me, but stopped suddenly. "You're new here, aren't you?"

"Well, I haven't been in here before. Just moved here recently."

"Are you meeting someone here?"

"No, but I wouldn't mind" I said with a smile. "I'm Dennis" I said, holding out my hand.

"I'm Lisa."

"So, what's the difference between those guys" I indicated the knots "and them?" indicating the clueless herd.

She led me toward the bar while she answered. "Well, this is sort of an 'athletic' club. The popular guys are stars, while the other guys are just unknowns."

"A popular sport? I don't recognize any of the stars."

"Oh, it's a *very* popular sport. There just aren't that many who are... equipped like them." She nearly sighed. At this point, we had reached the bar. "You look like you could be a star too."

"If you're one of the fans, I'd be happy to audition."

"I was hoping you would say that." She turned to the bartender, a large blond woman taller than me. "Hilda, Dennis here is interested in joining. You'll see if he measures up?" Hilda looked me in the face, and replied simply "Yup." To me, Lisa said "It only takes a few minutes, and I'll be right here. Go on, you'll enjoy it."

Hilda came out from behind the bar, and led me through a "No Admittance" door into a back room. She had to be at least 6'4", and I wouldn't be surprised if she was a professional weight lifter. She wasn't fat, and wasn't obviously muscular, but she exuded solidity. I didn't doubt that she could lift me over her head, and guessed that she probably served as bouncer when necessary.

The room was small, furnished with a desk and a bed. The door shut out most of the noise from the bar. It needed air. Hilda sat down at the desk and took out a bound book, like a ledger, motioning for me to sit down on the bed.

"OK now, your name please?" I would swear she had a Scandinavian accent.


"Just Dennis? Well, that's OK until you are accepted." She asked several more questions regarding my height and weight, my medical history, my current marital status, where I lived, and how I'd found the bar. Then she asked "Now OK, how long are you?"

For some reason, I was surprised. So far, the encounter had been much like a job interview, or filling out a loan application. "Excuse me?"

"Now you and I both know why we're here. No reason to be embarrassed here."

"Well, how long would you like it to be?"

She thought I was trying to be cute, and got a little irritated. "We are going to measure you, in any case. If you do not measure up, you can leave through the back door. No need to worry about being embarrassed, most men are not up to our standards."

"I mean, what is the minimum length to qualify?"

"You must be at least nine inches long, unless you are exceptionally thick, in which case we will sometimes make an allowance."

"What is the largest you've measured?"

"That we do not tell you. It is in your interest to get as big as you can: this is what we value here. Now please, I must be getting back to the bar soon. If you would stand up and remove your trousers?"

Suddenly, I wished I had hit this bar first, instead of third that night: now I had to decide whether to "play it safe" with something long but not enormous, or to really go for it and show her maximum extension. On impulse, I decided that if there was anyplace to use "maximum", this would be it. I ran out to 24", but left it flaccid. One look at Hilda's face convinced me I hadn't made the wrong choice.

"Ah, this looks very promising." She quickly placed a finger against my leg, even with the end of my cock, and with her other hand ran a tape measure up my leg to the root. "I measure along the leg, because the penis does not stay the same length" she explained. "OK, now we have a soft reading. You are already above the minimum requirement, but we also need a hard reading. No use to us if it doesn't get hard." She wrapped both hands around my shaft at the root, and began stroking with one hand while keeping the other stationary. When I was half erect and she could no longer get her fingers all the way around, she stopped. "You are going to be too big for me to finish here. I will get Lisa."

Shit! I had overshot. If their "official measuring woman" couldn't handle me, I figured I was bound to be just a freak here. I was just about to downsize a bit, maybe salvage something here, when Lisa came in.

Her eyes lit up, and she stopped in the middle of the doorway in shock. Recovering, she almost closed the door on Hilda, who was right behind her.

"Well, what have we here?" "See, I did not exaggerate."

"Hello again." I was still unsure where to go, but this seemed like a pretty positive response.

"I handle all the particularly big guns around here" explained Lisa "and it looks like you'll take *lots* of handling." She smiled greedily. "May I?" she asked, reaching for my half-erect cock.

"Go right ahead" I said, happily.

I sat down on the end of the bed, while Hilda tossed one of the pillows to Lisa. She put the pillow on the floor between my feet, kneeled down on it, and began to stroke and caress my shaft with her hands. As I straightened out, pointing toward the ceiling, she began to kiss and lick the shaft. Fully erect, the head was too high for her to reach with her mouth while kneeling, so she asked if I wouldn't mind standing.

Hilda stood behind me, with her arms wrapped around my chest, as if to catch me should I begin to faint. Lisa stood before me, bending over slightly to apply lips and tongue to the purpling head of my cock. Her hair swung forward, blocking my view, but it felt like she was stuffing the entire head into her mouth, along with several inches of the shaft. The sensation was exquisite, with her tongue stroking across the broad expanse of cock head, circling down to the sensitive ganglion underneath, both her hands pumping the shaft up and down, joined after a few minutes by Hilda's hands as well. I relaxed back into Hilda's firm embrace, as I felt the veins standing out along my shaft, swelled to absolute maximum.

Hilda said "Now" quietly. The sensation on my glans stopped briefly as the tape measure was stretched the length of my organ. "OK, finish" she said after a few seconds.

The sensation resumed. After another minute or two, Hilda mentioned "You do not need to hold back. Please feel free, so that you can put your pants back on." I nodded, and a minute later released a flood into Lisa's throat.

"Mmm, I hope we'll be seeing a lot of you" said Lisa, wiping her mouth.

"There is certainly a lot of him to see" joked Hilda. "I must return. Please follow as soon as you are ready."

I thought that perhaps the bed there might be used some more, but Lisa indicated that the room was strictly limited to "new member applications", mentioning that there would be plenty of time later.

As soon as I had my pants zipped back up, leaving the monster at 24" (although flaccid), Lisa led me back into the bar, holding my arm as if she thought I would try to escape. We entered the bar, and she motioned to Hilda. While Hilda was making her way over, Lisa's wet lips and tongue found my ear: "I would love to make your 'initiation' a memorable one" she said, pressing herself against my arm. Her slinky dress felt a bit more taught, and I thought it could be quite memorable for both of us.

Hilda walked up, and without preamble grabbed me by the hips and hoisted me standing onto the bar while Lisa banged a beer stein with a spoon for attention. Holding onto my thigh so that I couldn't fall, Hilda announced to the bar: "Attention! Everybody, it is my pleasure to introduce to you our newest member, Dennis Vingt-cart." There was suddenly complete silence, then the sound of a glass hitting the floor. Then there was a *lot* of noise, with all the women displaying great apparent excitement, the "famous three" looked startled, and the clueless herd looked even more clueless. I was baffled: my last name doesn't sound anything *like* "Vingt-cart". I climbed down off the bar, and was trying to ask Hilda what she'd said, but was immediately caught up in a mob of women, all trying to get my attention. Many of them, failing to get close enough to talk, simply thrust business cards into my shirt pocket, or jacket pocket, or any opening in my clothing that they could reach. I couldn't make out what anybody was saying. After what seemed like 20 or 30 minutes, I heard the spoon on the stein again, and eventually, everyone quieted down enough for Hilda to make another announcement. "Please, everybody. Dennis will be with us for quite a while, I'm sure, as long as we give him a chance to enjoy his membership."

As she was finishing, Lisa took my arm and managed to lead me out of the crowd and through a back door. "I thought you handled that well" she said, ushering me into the passenger seat of her BMW. "Shall we go take care of your orientation and initiation now?"

"Sure" I said, not quite sure what I was agreeing to. This was the answer she wanted, and she smiled broadly at me before ducking into the car herself.

"What was it that Hilda called me? At the introduction" I asked, as Lisa wove through the heavy evening traffic.

"Dennis vingt-quatre. It's French" she explained.


"For twenty-four." OK, suddenly it was clear. I had been introduced by first name, and the length of my erect cock. No wonder everyone had been surprised. "And 'zehn' means ten in German, and 'onze' is eleven in French, and so on."

"You've got it." She smiled over at me, then reached over and began stroking my thigh. "Yes, you *definitely* have it."

We drove up into the hills, where I don't know, making small talk all the way. She worked as a "special assistant" for a talent agent, but didn't have regular hours. Finally, after quite a bit of driving, we pulled into the garage of a house in a very nice neighborhood. The garage door closed behind us, which was good, because by this point she had unzipped my pants, dragged the length of my cock out, and was languidly stroking it to throbbing rigidity. "Do you ever have trouble keeping it hard?"

"No, none at all."

"Good... *very* good." She reached into her purse, and pulled out a joint. She lit it on the car's cigarette lighter, took a few puffs, and passed it to me. "Here: this will help."

I don't normally smoke grass - haven't since I was in college - but I'm no prude either. If she was into this, I had no problem being high with her. I took a hit. It was no kind of grass that I remembered: I was suddenly extremely aware of every sensation on my skin. I could feel my clothing in fine detail. If I wanted to, I could count all the business cards that had been stuffed into my shirt, and were now poking me in the chest and stomach. I wasn't interested in the cards, though: I was far more interested in the intense pleasure caused by Lisa stroking my cock sensuously. "Let's go inside."

"Mmmmm OK"

She got out, walked around the car, opened my door, and guided me out. I was definitely spaced out, too absorbed in the sensations in my middle ear as I stood up, feeling my head change orientation. She put my arm over her shoulder, and her arm around my waist. Her other hand held my cock, keeping it from hitting the car door and other things in the garage as she guided me to the door. We floated into the house.

"That is really ... What is ... that's good shit, man." I was barely coherent.

"Yeah, this is the best."

We floated through the house, guided by waves of pleasure emanating from my cock. She must have undressed us, because I found myself lying on my back on a bed, naked, with Lisa on top of me, my cock pressed between my chest and her tits. I can't describe how incredibly erotic it felt. She stopped for a moment to get my attention, and explained that her goal for the night was to make me come as many times as she could, and that for tonight at least, she would appreciate it if I would *not* hold back. Then she slid down, and begin licking my shaft very thoroughly, starting in the middle, going all the way down to my balls, and slowly working her way back up. Finally reaching the top, she thoroughly licked the head, rubbing her entire tongue across and around, while waves of pleasure washed over my entire body. Then she took the entire head into her mouth, with several inches of shaft. It felt like she had at least a foot of my cock in her mouth. The sensation was so intense, I felt like I was already having an orgasm. I really wanted to see how she managed to stuff my fat shaft and wider cock head into her mouth, but it was too dark, and the sensation too intense to really try. All I could tell was that her head was moving up and down, and I could feel every motion of her lips, and her tongue, and her hands stroking up and down. And then I came, and the feeling was so intense that I felt like I had never come before in my life. My toes curled, then I lost all feeling in my legs (or more likely, I no longer cared about feeling anywhere else), my entire universe was centered on intense waves of feeling radiating from my cock.

I slowly came back to myself, finding that Lisa was licking my cock all over again, an instant replay of the blowjob just finished, building me up for another round. It occurred to me that she had already sucked me off twice now, and that I should warn her that her boobs would be swelling quite a bit if she continued, but then the thought escaped me, washed away in a tide of pleasure and whatever that was that we had smoked.

(c) 2002



I lost all track of time. There was only sensation: the sensation of Lisa's incredible mouth on my cock, and the feeling of her body on mine, moving here and there.

At some point, I slowly became aware that the sensations had stopped. I opened my eyes, and found I was in a large bedroom, light streaming in through the windows. My cock was lying flaccid across my stomach. I was alone. I sat up carefully, instantly dizzy. I felt depleted, the way I had after Ruth's do-it-yourself boob cruise in my apartment. I stood up, and staggered into the bathroom, urgently needing to urinate. I felt dizzy enough to sit down, and minimized my cock so that it wouldn't hang down into the water.

Except that it wouldn't minimize. I sat and concentrated: "8 inches, flaccid." Nothing. "Eight inches, flaccid" No change. "EIGHT INCHES" No change at all. This was beginning to worry me. I stood up and peed, then decided to try another tack. Concentrating, I though "24 inches, hard." My cock swiftly filled and erected to its maximum length. "Flaccid" I thought, and it obediently dropped. "Twelve inches" I thought, and nothing happened. Hell, something was wrong. Maybe it was that pot, or whatever else was in the pot, that was interfering with whatever Nurt had done. Maybe it would wear off. At least I was stuck at the length that Lisa expected, so I wouldn't have to explain anything.

Except, it looked bigger than 24". Maybe this was the pot, too: maybe things just looked different to me. I certainly still felt off, a bit spacey, although definitely no longer high. I looked around the bedroom, and found a tape measure. "Erect" I thought, and measured.

It was over 27".

OK, now I was really confused. I wandered down the hall, following faint sounds that I hoped indicated Lisa. One room was dimly lit: it turned out to be the kitchen. Lisa was there, sitting hunched over the table. It looked like she had piled every bit of food in the house there, and she was busy working her way through it.

She saw me standing in the doorway. "Like some breakfast?" she asked, around a mouthful of some unidentifiable leftover. I saw that her breasts had grown enormously, and were resting on her lap, if not the chair she was sitting on. She didn't seem to be aware of them.

"Ah, there's Mr. Redwood." I looked down, and found that I was still erect.

"Oh yeah, but I can't make it smaller."

"It won't go down?" Now she was concerned.

"No, I mean that it wasn't this big before."

Now she smiled. "I told you this would be memorable. I have sort of a 'special talent'. Whenever I go down on a man, he grows. You took a lot of attention, for some reason."

"What do you mean?" "Well, you're supposed to grow by 10% each time. You, it took all night before I saw any results."

"How many times did you do it?"

"Twelve, I think. Thirteen if you count the club."

I stood there for a moment, trying to digest this. I had been at 24", but I could go as low as 8", at least I could until this morning. Maybe her 'talent' had shifted everything larger, so that 27" was now my minimum.

"Um, I have a talent too. I meant to tell you about it last night, but with the pot and everything, I didn't seem able to."

Her eyebrows raised. "Oh?"

"Yes, whenever I get head, the woman's ... breasts grow. About 10%." She stopped smiling, looking at me in alarm. I nodded. She looked down, and discovered the enormous boobs pinning her to the spot. "Oh my god" she said softly. She began to stroke them, reaching as far as she could. "Oh my god."

She looked up. "Do you like them?"

My erection throbbed. I nodded yes, barely able to speak now.

"Tell me", she said, still rubbing her boobs, "did you ever meet a person with rather blue skin?"


"Yes, probably the same." She explained, describing an encounter very similar to mine. Her first wish had been for the ability to make men's penises as big as she wanted. "So, you asked for control over your penis size? And you can't make it smaller now? Can you make it bigger?"

The thought hadn't occurred to me. I concentrated on size: "36 inches" and it swelled out. "Four feet" and it swelled out more. "Sixty inches" I thought, and then had to hold it up with both hands, as five feet of cock stood straight out from my crotch, reaching all the way to where Lisa sat.

"Mm, it just gets better and better." She stopped rubbing her boobs in order to devote her attention to my monstrous schlong, holding the shaft just behind the head with both hands, and licking with the whole of her tongue. "And your other wishes?"

It was getting hard to concentrate on conversation, as my cock felt incredibly sensitive. "Ah, I won a fortune in the Powerball. And of course, I wanted to be able to make women's breasts larger. What were your other wishes?"

"Well, this one you know." She paused to emphasize the point by running her tongue all the way around the engorged head of my cock. "And I only got one other, because I asked for something ... complicated. I wanted to be able to *take* a man's cock, no longer how big it was. Nurt offered me the ability to take one up to a certain size, but I said 'no, no limits', and Nurt said it would cost me both remaining wishes."

"How does that work?"

"Mmm, it works really well." She shot me a particularly lascivious expression. "It has something to do with a fourth spatial dimension. Apparently, I'm bigger on the inside than I am on the outside, and my mouth and pussy can *really* stretch a lot. If you ever watched 'Dr. Who' on television, well, I have a box like a Tardis." I vaguely remembered the program, where the main character traveled around in a huge space ship that looked like a regular British police telephone box on the outside.

"Here, let me demonstrate." She put her lips to the end of my cock, and stretched her mouth completely over the head. I couldn't see her lower jaw, but just the sight of my enormous shaft, about 6" across, disappearing into her face was a bit unsettling. The sensation, however, made up for everything. Then she began pulling my cock, forcing me to walk toward her until my entire shaft disappeared into her mouth and her nose was rubbing my pubic hair. It didn't stick out the back of her head, or turn 90 degrees and go down her throat (it was far longer than her throat anyway), it just ... disappeared. But, I could feel every inch, and could feel the sensation of her tongue against the base of my cock. She grabbed my ass with both hands, and began pumping my cock in and out of her mouth, five or six inches to a stroke, turning her head to either side as it went in. I could feel her mouth along the entire five foot length - a 5' deep throat. Then she swallowed, and I felt a wave of contractions running the entire length, from root to tip. Coupled with the pumping action, the sensation was irresistible. She swallowed twice more, and then I gave her something to swallow. When I stopped pulsing, I looked down, and found that she was looking up at me, trying to indicate that I needed to step back now. I slowly walked backwards, and my entire cock reappeared as if by magic from her mouth. She held onto the end with both hands to keep me from walking out of reach.

"How long can you make it now?"

I concentrated on extending it to maximum length. It went at least a couple of feet longer than the five I had just used. "Uh, I don't know how long that is." She asked me to go get the tape measure from her bedroom. I let myself go flaccid so that I could walk down the hall without poking through a wall: I must have been around 5' long even flaccid, and flipped it over my shoulder.

Returning with the tape measure, I gave one end to her along with the head of my cock, and walked backwards as I went erect. She assisted by stroking and licking the end. When finally erect, I put the end to my root, and she took up the slack.

"I read 89 inches."

"Shit, that's almost seven and a half feet."

"You know what?"


"We're going to have to give you a new name" she joked.

"Look who's talking."

"Hm, help me back to the bedroom."

Her chest now weighed enough that it was difficult for her to stand up straight. I'm sure she had no way to balance enough to walk. She put both arms under her boobs, as did I, and walked her back to the bedroom. Her tits were absolutely enormous. The way we were carrying them, they extended at least three feet from her chest, and spread well to the sides. We got her onto the bed, where she lay back on her back, her boobs spilling out to both sides like dark-tipped mountains, firm enough that they still projected up from her chest at least a foot. The sight was so erotic that I had to concentrate hard to stay soft. Then she motioned me to come closer, then closer, then closer still. I was leaning against her boobs, inhaling the room-filling fragrance, one arm around her waist, when she put those wet lips and tongue to my ear and said "I want all seven feet inside me." She pulled my cock off my shoulder, running her tongue along the entire length. I immediately began to stiffen.

"Not until I'm done with these." I devoted the next twenty minutes or so to kissing, kneading, fondling, rubbing, and generally enjoying the mountains of tit, becoming ragingly erect in the process. Finally, she grabbed my shaft with both hands and used it like a handle to steer me around the end of the bed, lining it up with her cunt.

"You're coming in *now*" she ordered.

I didn't object.

I walked up to her, my cock disappearing into her pussy with each step. After I had a foot or so in, I began rolling my hips as I walked, and stepping from side to side. When I had about five feet in, I began really grinding from side to side, and finally buried the entire shaft. Grabbing her hips, we pounded against each other. Throwing myself on top of her, we thrusted and squirmed and writhed, grappling, fondling, sucking, pinching, until we both came explosively. Even through the mind-blowing haze of orgasm, I could feel the walls of her extra-dimensional vagina pulsing in waves, draining my immense shaft of every last drop. Utterly spent, I lay there on top of her. After a while, I realized I was famished.

"Hey, were you serious about breakfast?"

"Ha! Too late. What I was going to say was that you'd have to go somewhere and *get* it - I've eaten everything in the house."

"And here it is, right here," I said, shoving a huge amount of boob into my wide open mouth. She hit me over the shoulders.

"Oh, get off. Grab the phone, there's a doughnut place that delivers."

"What? Door to door doughnuts?"

"Hell, of course. This is Los Angeles. Where are you from, Nebraska?"

"Well, Chicago."

"Pbththth. Seriously, someone has to go get groceries."

"Obviously it needs to be me. What do we need?"

"I'll make a list. Just help me sit up first."

(c) 2002



In the end, we decided to order out, and go get groceries later - after dark. When the doorbell rang, I was still naked. Quickly grabbing a robe, it occurred to me that I should minimize so as not to freak out the delivery person. And so it was that when I opened the door, I was wearing a short robe...

And hanging down at least six inches below the hem. I paid the delivery person - a cute blond teenager, wearing a "Donut-2-Go" uniform and cap, her ponytail pulled through the back - unaware that anything was wrong until she asked "Is that for real?"

Suddenly, I felt the cool morning breeze against the farther reaches of my cock, and realized that I should have left it long and over my shoulder. "Huh? Oh, yeah, it's real. Sorry, didn't realize this robe was so short." I didn't have a free hand to haul it up out of sight, and stood there awkwardly, juggling the bag of doughnuts and my wallet.

"Yeah, right." She stepped forward, and yanked my robe open, apparently expecting to find that I was playing a prank on her, using makeup of some sort. Then she stepped back, startled. "Geeze..."

"You'd probably better go, before it gets any bigger. It's liable to take out this entire neighborhood" I joked. Then I made it a few inches longer, suddenly, just to have fun. She turned and ran down the stairs.

Lisa and I had doughnuts and coffee, and I had a *lot* more water. She had figured out how to support her boobs by resting them on a king-sized pillow, gripping each end, and managed to make her way to the kitchen as I was returning with the doughnuts. Sitting down, she left the pillow on her lap, supporting her enormous, round tits.

Returning to our earlier conversation, I asked "So, you can take *any* size? Without limit?"

"So they say."

"What if it was really, really huge. Like, say, 100 feet?"

"Haven't tried one yet, but it is supposed to fit. Do you know where I could find one like that?" she said with a leer.

"What if I was a mile long, and thirty feet wide?" I was just joking, but I noticed that her nipples were standing up.

"I don't know. I think we should try it." She began licking the doughnut sugar off her fingers, slowly and sensuously. "I think I'm getting hungry again. These doughnuts are making me hungry for some meat." Here she reached over and took my cock, then began rubbing it against her huge breasts. I immediately began to stiffen. "Let's go out to the pool" she suggested.

She wouldn't let go of my cock, so I carried her tits on the pillow, while she steered, using my cock like a rudder to indicate which way I should turn as I walked backwards down the hall.

We got into the pool, and she was delighted that the water completely supported her tits. Actually, I found the way her tits floated and spread somewhat in the warm water to be extremely erotic. "Make it bigger" she commanded, so I expanded and swelled until the head reached her chin as we stood facing each other in the chest-deep water. I pushed her tits together, wrapping them around my shaft, while she applied both hands higher up and slipped the head into her mouth. With her hands, she indicated that she wanted me to go to full length, so I did, watching my shaft expand and slide straight into her mouth. I half expected her to be lifted out of the water, but my lengthening cock simply disappeared into her mouth. I still felt every inch. She sucked and swallowed and stroked and massaged, while I fondled her tits and stimulated her nipples, then brought my knee up gently to rub her crotch. She showed obvious signs of enjoyment, and indicated with grunts and hums what she particularly liked, all the while building me to climax.

It was every bit as good as the drug-enhanced sessions the night before. She pulled me out of her mouth, hand over hand, pushing me out toward the deep end, until I was floating about eight feet away, and finally cleared her lips.

"Guinness Book of World Records sword-swallower" I shouted.

"You ain't seen nothing yet!" she called back, and stuffed me back into her mouth, taking in about the first three feet, then driving me back and forth with long, slow strokes, as far as her arms could reach, both hands gripping my shaft. I could see that her breasts had expanded even more, following the last blowjob, and wondered if she would get tired of blowing me while she could still climb out of the pool.

Then I remembered, "Hey, I can turn that off!" She looked up at me, silently questioning, and stopped shoving me into her mouth for a moment. I explained: "When I asked for the ability to make women's breasts grow, I said I should be able to turn it on or off whenever I wanted. You don't have to get any bigger, if you don't want to." She considered, then pulled me all the way out of her mouth as I swam backwards. Then she hauled us together, pulling along my schlong like it was a hawser until we were chest to chest. We were now in deeper water, too deep for her to stand, and she had to hang on to me in order to keep from rolling backwards, tits up with her head underwater. She pressed her incredibly voluptuous body against mine, her boobs squishing up to our chins, and down past my crotch.

"Let me get this straight: you can turn this off, so that I can make you bigger without getting any bigger myself?"

"I think so."

"Do you like them this size?"

"I love 'em."

"Would you like them any bigger?"

The thought of her breasts growing even more was erotic enough that I grew extra hard, the veins standing out along the length of my 8 foot shaft, enough for her to feel with her thighs. "Yes, I think I would."

She thought for a few minutes. "Turn it off for the rest of today. We'll resume with that tomorrow." She was holding my hips as she straddled my cock, and began rubbing her cunt against it by pushing and pulling against my hips. I began fondling her breasts and nipples, then squeezed her close enough for us to kiss. Her mouth felt completely normal - absolutely no sensation of falling in. Actually, "normal" is probably not the best description: her mouth felt extremely sensuous - soft, warm lips, darting tongue. We kissed passionately for a while, as she continued to grind her pussy against my cock. Finally, she came up for air.

"I just wish I didn't have to swim so far to put you inside" she gasped.

"You don't. Here" and I minimized, getting down to about 32 inches as we paddled into shallower water. I couldn't lift her up out of the water: with her newly grown chest, she must weigh at least 180 pounds, maybe 200. Instead, I held my breath and sat down on the bottom of the pool. She grabbed my minimized cock, and slipped it into her pussy, so that it slid home as I stood up. I pulled us down into deeper water, deep enough for me to stand, although her feet wouldn't reach, impaled on my cock. She pulled my ear closer (I had to hug her tightly to help her reach), and with those wet lips and tongue said "bigger" into my ear. I let my cock swell slowly out to maximum inside her pussy, a novel and remarkable sensation in itself. She clung to my neck, and I could feel her trembling. Reaching under her enormous boobs, I found her waist, grabbed hold, and began pumping slowly. Bouncing up and down in the water, I was able to make very long strokes (and of course, there was no danger of slipping out). By the time we came, the water in the pool was sloshing violently back and forth from our rhythmic bobbing up and down.

She wrapped her legs tightly around me, and pulled my ear closer again. "More." We repeated the performance. I had to edge us farther down the pool, as we had sloshed quite a bit all the way out. After we both came again, she again pulled my ear close and said "I think I want to make you bigger."

I walked us back to the shallow end of the pool. She held onto the side, as I walked backwards, pulling all 8 feet of cock out of her accommodating pussy. She then grabbed my shaft, stroking it underwater, then lifted it out and began licking around and around the head. I called out "Would it be easier for you if I made it smaller?"

"I don't want 'easier', I want 'bigger'!" And with that, she stuffed the end into her mouth, and sucked and stroked vigorously. Eight feet became nearly nine feet, and then about ten. At that point, size-induced lust triumphed over determination, and we returned to fucking. In the shallow end of the pool, she faced the edge and bent over, holding the lip of the pool, her enormous breasts bobbing with the water like floating islands in front of her. Briefly minimizing (if I can still use the word) to something over three feet, I wedged the head of my cock into her submerged pussy, then swelled out to full size, pushing me out into the pool while penetrating her somewhat deeper. I then worked my way back, sliding the entire length into her until my crotch was up against her soft ass. I stayed there for a minute, grinding against her ass while I wrapped one arm around her waist, and stroked her breasts with the other. Her nipples were completely out of reach - I think they were rubbing against the side of the pool. Lisa began saying "go ... go... go..." almost like a chant, so I grabbed her hips with both hands and began thrusting home in time to her words, each stroke exposing about two feet of thick shaft. "Go... go... go..." became "Guh... guh... god...", rising in pitch until she came, clenching convulsively on my cock in waves that went from root to tip. I had to stop thrusting, and just held on tightly, buried to the hilt, as I came too.

"You know, I could do this all day, but I think its time for lunch."

When she caught her breath, she replied "Help me drag these tits into the house, and we'll order out."

(c) 2002



Getting out of the pool wasn't easy, as Lisa's tits were even larger now, and were slick from the pool. Finally, I spread a beach towel out right at the edge of the pool, and we were able to heave one boob at a time onto the towel. I tied the two corners closest to her ribs behind her neck, and carried the two farther corners, basically carrying her tits in a sling. It made the biggest push-up bra you've ever seen in your life. She also held her boobs from underneath, to take some of the weight off her neck. I minimized my dick, which made it "only" about three something feet erect, and around two feet long soft. Carrying Lisa's gigantic tits, it took a lot of concentration to keep myself flaccid, and then it swung around so much that it kept getting in the way, hitting against my knees, wrapping around my legs, starting to pop up. Neither one of us could see below Lisa's chest, but she felt my unruly dick swinging against her as we started walking toward the house, and asked "What's going on down there?"

I looked up from her tits, which were absorbing the other half of my attention - I know that it would have been easier to stay flaccid if I wasn't staring at the largest tits on the planet, but it was very difficult to look away. "Just swinging around."

"Well, just make it longer, and sling it around your neck."

"Uh, OK" duh. I maximized, making my flaccid cock about five feet long. "Uh, my hands are kind of full, would you mind?" I really couldn't let go of the towel with either hand.

"Of course," she smiled. One hand traced sensuously down my torso, hunting lazily back and forth until it stumbled on the root of my cock, as if by accident. Slowly, she drew the thick shaft towards her, letting it slide through her hand until the middle of my cock was in contact with her soft tummy. Gently pressing it against her, she slid her hand up along her torso, reaching the towel, then sideways along the towel clear around her left boob, finally pulling up the full length, and draping it sideways across her tits. "Oh, but it isn't around your neck. Wait." She pulled the shaft back, dragging it across the top of her tits until she had the head. Then she threaded the shaft around my arm, so that my dick was coming up directly between my arms, between my chest and hers. Taking the head in one hand and grasping the shaft a few feet farther down in the other hand, she made a fat loop, which she slipped over my head. The shaft, even flaccid, was long enough to go around my neck and still reach all the way back to the base of her neck, lying in her cleavage. Every movement was slow and languid. Finally releasing my cock, she replaced her hands beneath her boobs and squeezed them up, so that my cock disappeared into her cleavage.

"You aren't making this easy, you know." "I prefer to make things *hard*."

Did I mention she was a real tease?

I struggled to keep from springing erect, figuring that my cock would whip around my neck and smack into a wall, or knock over a vase. I was glancing back over my shoulder, to see what I was going to knock over.

"Don't worry, I've got a good grip on it" she said, squeezing her tits again. I had to close my eyes, because watching my immense shaft disappearing and reappearing between her gigantic boobs, pushing up far enough to cover half her face, was too erotic, too stimulating, too irresistible.

Her grip wasn't good enough. I felt the shaft swelling around the side and back of my neck, and opened my eyes to see the shaft lift clear of her cleavage, swing around my left side, and erect fully straight up in front of me. Lisa lunged forward so that my shaft was pinned between her mammoth tits and my chest. "We'd better get you to bed" she said, peering around the shaft.

"I'm not going to clear the doorway like this." It was true: ten feet of cock, carried vertically about three feet off the ground, does not go through a seven foot doorway.

"Then I'll just have to get you off here."

"Do you want me to make it smaller? You can't reach the end."

"No." She pressed herself against me, squeezing her massive boobs around my shaft, stroking and licking the shaft as far up as she could reach, then concentrating on massaging my dick with her boobs. The mere sight of that much titflesh massaging my cock was almost as stimulating as the sensation itself, and the sensation was incredible. Ten minutes later, I was spurting come high into the air. Finally satisfied, I was able to go flaccid, and my cock descended to drape over Lisa's boobs and shoulder, hanging part way down her back.

"OK, NOW let's get into the house. My arms are getting tired."


We ordered Thai food for lunch. I discovered that "spicy" Thai food in Los Angeles is completely different from "spicy" Thai food in Chicago. An order of magnitude. My mouth was on fire, which Lisa found amusing. I ate tons of rice, and drank a couple of beers trying to quench it.

I had a sudden curiosity. "Say, where is your G spot?"


"I mean, like, is it a couple inches from your lips, or is it like three feet in?"

She shrugged. "Actually, I have more than one. My vagina is essentially repeated over and over again, like every seven or eight inches. The longer you are, the more of them you hit."

Geeze! No wonder she was looking for really long guys.

After lunch, it occurred to me that my car was still parked downtown.

"Oh shit! I need to go get my car."

"I'm not sure I can drive. Tell you what, I'll call you a cab. Come back here tonight, and I'll make dinner for us. If you don't have any other plans."

"Sounds good to me."

By this point, Lisa had become accustomed to the weight of her chest, and was able to stand and walk, if not with the same coordination as before. She dialed a taxi service, and told me my ride would be here in about 45 minutes.

"45 minutes?"

"We're not exactly downtown here. Now come on - you have just enough time for a shower."

What she really meant was that *we* had just enough time for a shower. I mean, I can get clean in five minutes in the shower, but with help it can take much longer.

Especially when someone is helping you with their wet, sensuous mouth.

Especially when that someone's mouth was just recently full of *very* spicy Thai food. In retrospect, I should have expected it. After all, my own mouth still felt somewhere between "raging inferno" and "numb with pain." She had taken a lot more of the really spicy stuff, obviously used to it.

We got into the shower, which was the size of a small room all by itself - the word "stall" is completely inappropriate. I did mention that this was an expensive house, right? Anyway, she led me into the bathroom, and into the shower by my cock, a very sensitive leash. Once in the shower, she began by washing her hair, which had more than a little dried cum in it. The arm motions, with her hands in her hair, caused her boobs to jiggle and sway entrancingly. I figured I was obliged to hold them for her, and might as well soap them up.

And then, of course, I didn't see any reason not to let myself go hard (although I kept it at minimum), and soon had a three-and-a-half foot boner nestled between humongous soapy tits, and sliding back and forth past her cheek. She rinsed her hair off, and said "Why don't you slide that down a bit lower?" with a sultry expression.

I had to kneel down to bring the tip low enough for her to reach with her mouth. She took the shaft with both hands, and quickly stuffed the entire head and several inches of shaft into her mouth. Pain! I could not believe the burning sensation! Her mouth must have been on fire, and now the sensitive head of my cock was as well. Paradoxically, though, I was instantly extremely rigid. The veins stood out all along my shaft, and I couldn't resist letting the head and shaft swell out to maximum width. I couldn't see it, but I knew that the head must be a dark purple. The rest of me was sweating under the intense sensation.

And then, it wasn't so bad. In fact, the intensity was *really* erotic, and she quickly brought me off again. It actually took me by surprise, and I forgot to "turn off" the breast expansion. Humming with contentment, she pulled up on my shaft, bringing me back to standing while keeping me in her mouth, so that over a foot of shaft was disappearing between her lips. She managed to reach the soap, lathered up her hands, and then handed the soap to me. I did likewise, and we spent the next 15 or 20 minutes fondling and lathering up each other's bodies, while she sucked all the while. I came again. Then she pushed down on my shaft, so I assumed she wanted to disengage, and kneeled so that she could. As soon as I was clear, she turned around, passed my cock under her leg, and brought it back up between her tits. "OK, let's have a couple more feet."

Still kneeling, I expanded a few feet longer, and felt my cock disappearing into her mouth again. Now she was in position to grind her pussy against the length of my shaft while she sucked. I slowly stood up, sliding even further into her mouth. Bracing myself against the wall of the shower, I stood all the way up, taking her entire weight on my cock, then reaching around her to hold her tits firmly against my shaft. She sucked and squirmed, rubbing her pussy against my cock rhythmically, hauling herself up and down a bit using her firm, two-handed grip on my shaft. A few more minutes was all it took to satisfy us both.

I barely had time to get dressed before the taxi showed up. I managed to find all my clothes, although there was no sign of all the cards that had been put in my pockets and shirt. Hmmm, avoiding the competition, I thought.

I had lost count of the blowjobs, but even at minimum now I could not reach all the way to the end of my erect dick. Maximized, I estimated the length at about twelve feet. Shit. This time yesterday, my minimum length was a nice, fuckable 8", and the max an impressive two feet. Now, my minimum was at least twice my previous max, and the max was suitable for maybe fucking blue whales. I dropped to flaccid, resulting in an eight foot snake that stretched clear across the king size bed and draped over the other side. I minimized, shrinking down to something under three feet. Out of curiosity, I grabbed the tape measure, and found I was 32" at my absolute smallest. Hell, that was the length of my *inseam*. "Good thing I wore socks" I thought, but quickly discovered that there wasn't room in my sock for both my ankle and the head of my cock, even a minimum flaccid. I couldn't fit it all into my underwear, so I tried just running it down my left leg. Hell, I'd have to walk on tip-toe to keep it off the ground, or risk stepping on it. Eventually, I figured out I could run it *up* over the waistband of my underwear, and then down my pants leg, which took up enough slack to keep it off the pavement. It did make for an odd bulge in the front of my pants, but that couldn't be helped. Good thing they were pretty baggy already.

When the taxi driver buzzed at the front door, Lisa gave him the address of the size club, and told him the charge was on her account over her intercom. I came out and jumped into the cab.

The taxi driver looked in the rearview mirror, sized up the state of my clothes and my apparent exhaustion, and said "So, you get the special treatment? She make a good breakfast?"

I laughed. "Breakfast and lunch."

"Hoo hoo!" said the driver. He continued on, but I paid little attention. Actually, I was not feeling too well, between not really sleeping the previous night, the winding roads (which the driver took at speed), and the return of the burning sensation on the head of my cock. The driver woke me up in front of the club. I tipped him another $10, and got out. Then I realized that I hadn't parked there last night: I'd parked several blocks away, and walked from club to club, hitting two bars before this one. I looked around to get my bearings (the entire neighborhood looked a lot different in mid-afternoon), and then set off to reclaim my Porsche.

(c) 2002



I was a block away from the club when I heard "Dennis?" I stopped and looked around, finally spotting a young blonde woman waving at me and hurrying over. I vaguely recalled seeing her last night.

"Uh, hi."

"Hi, its Nicole, from last night?" She was dressed for the office, but in the sort of office wear that caused the other women in the office to despise her, and the wives of her male co-workers to be deeply suspicious. High heels, nylons, *very* short skirt, white blouse with deep neckline, short jacket that couldn't possibly close over her ample chest, curly blonde hair that fell past her shoulders in loose ringlets, very bright red lipstick, large dark eyes. Did I mention her ample chest? She looked like she was already a D or so, and was happy to display a considerable amount of cleavage. She was carrying a small paper bag, as if returning from an errand or lunch. "I don't know if you found my card, but I'm glad I found you!" She walked with me toward my car, peppering me with questions about what I did for a living (nothing), where I was living, where I was going now, how I'd gotten along with Lisa, etc. We reached the parking lot, where I paid the exorbitant charge, collected my key, and went to my car. "Say, you look like you don't feel so well" she said with concern.

"Actually, I don't" I replied.

"Would you like me to drive you? I'd be happy to." Her voice was almost too perky, but the thought of plunging into LA traffic was unappealing.

"Uh, sure, that would be nice" I said. I opened the driver's door for her, then went around, got into the passenger seat, and handed her the keys. She drove carefully, and I soon fell asleep again.

When I woke up, we were parked on a driveway in an unfamiliar suburban neighborhood. "Oh good, you're awake! I've been trying to wake you up, but you just kept going back to sleep. I didn't know your address, so I thought I should take you to my home. Come on, you can crash here until you feel better." She was an irresistible force, at least with me in my present state, so I let her lead me out of the car (although I pocketed the keys), up the stairs, and into her bedroom. All the while, she asked how I felt, what felt wrong, what did I need. I told her that I hadn't had a lot of sleep ("I can understand *that*!" she replied), and that I had a burning sensation.


"Well, ..., ah, ..., well, we had really spicy Thai food for lunch, and then, ... her mouth..."

"Oh! You have capsaicin on your glans. I know how to take care of that. Let's get these clothes off." She quickly and methodically undressed me, while explaining that usually for chili overdoses the best remedy was milk or starchy foods like bread. "Wow! Oh my god!" she exclaimed when she got my pants off. "I thought I knew French better than that. Didn't Hilda say 'twenty four' last night?"

"Yes, and last night that was correct."

"Oh, oh, oh, Lisa must have exhausted you, getting you that big!"

"I won't argue with that." I wasn't about to show her how much larger it could get, although the way she was cradling, then stroking my cock, it would soon be hard. "So, do you bathe it in milk, or rub it with a loaf of French bread?"

"Well, neither of those works well on the glans, but there are other methods."


"This part right here" she indicated the head. At this point, I was lying back on the bed, propped up on my elbows, with her sitting beside me, holding my cock with both hands.

"So what do you do?"

"In your case, this," and she got up on her knees and began licking my now engorged head all around with long, slow strokes. "Mm, it even tastes spicy." However it tasted, it felt wonderful. "Oh, I'll be right back." She jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. Moments later, she came back, now wearing only the briefest of panties. Without a word, she climbed back onto the bed and applied her mouth to my shaft. She had a mouth full of ice! Her tongue was ice-cold, as she slid up the shaft to the glans, and then began licking around again. It was soothing and erotic simultaneously. After several minutes the ice was gone, and she stood up on the bed. Grasping my cock with both hands, she applied her mouth to the end and managed to get about half the head inside. Still dizzy, and not entirely well, it was difficult to hold back. I didn't. She seemed to really enjoy it, sucking hard and squeezing her hands around my shaft, dragging them up towards the head as if to wring every last drop out of my fountain. I let my cock go flaccid naturally.

"There, does that feel better?"

"Huh! It does. Actually, that helped a lot. Now its just a slight tingle."

"Well, maybe we'll take care of that too. Do you mind if I examine you?"


"Yes, I'm a urologist. I just thought that after what must have been an extensive night with Lisa, it might be a good idea to make sure there's no trauma."

"A urologist?"

"Yes. Explains my interest in the club, doesn't it? I never run into patients *there*. Oh, what *is* a urologist? A doctor who specializes in the urinary tract. In my case, I specialize in erectile dysfunction."

I knew I shouldn't make the next statement, but couldn't stop myself: "I thought you were a secretary or something."

Fortunately, she did not take offense. "Oh, because of the way I was dressed? I use that when I'm examining patients, to help determine where the problem is. If there doesn't seem to be a physical problem, I'll just unbutton my white jacket and nonchalantly expose a little cleavage, and sometimes the 'problem' goes away. Then we investigate to see if it is actually a relationship problem with the wife or girlfriend."

"Oh, OK. Uh, yeah, please feel free."

She had me stand up so that she could take measurements. I wasn't completely flaccid, so she had me stand on a chair, so that my cock could hang past my feet.

"Are your testes more sensitive than normal?"

"My balls? Now that you mention it, they feel kind of sore and swollen."

"Yes, you're showing a guard reflex. Have you been ejaculating very much for the last day or so?"

"More than I ever have before in my life."

"Yes, I would have thought so. You should probably take a break for a day or two. At least a few hours." She winked at me. Then she began examining my shaft minutely, apparently looking for abrasions.

"Um, so, do you know Lisa?"

"Oh, yes. All of us at the Redwood Club know each other pretty well. She works as an assistant to a talent agent, providing 'special services' to certain clients."

"Special services?"

"Like the service you received last night. Usually, its some rock musician or soap opera star who wants a non-surgical enlargement. A very discreet service. The porn stars haven't discovered her yet, although I don't know if she'll take them. She really seems to enjoy consorting with the celebrities, although of course none of the celebrities would dare chance being seen with her in public."

"Well, it must pay pretty well. Have you seen her house?"

"That? Oh, that's from her divorce. No, I think she's only been doing 'the service' a few months. I don't know how she does it."

"I do."

"What do you mean?" She paused in her examination, holding the last foot of my cock close to her eyes.

"I know where she got that ability." I related to Nichole the story of Nurt and the interview, and Lisa's account (as far as I remembered).

"Well," she said when I had finished, "that is certainly an incredible story. But it does explain how Lisa does what she claims."

"It explains me too. And you."


I indicated her chest, which had grown 10% larger. "Try fitting back into the bra you were wearing. I hope you don't mind, I didn't think to warn you."

She waved me off the chair, and went to pick up her bra from the other room. Returning to the room, I saw that she had put the band in place, but that her cups were now quite overflowing. I started to erect. From her expression, it was clear that she didn't quite believe me.

"Well, mammary tissue *can* expand normally, when stimulated or aroused" she said, half to herself.

"Would you like further evidence?" I was sitting on the edge of the bed, and my cock had now lifted off the floor, hanging in a long curve on its way to full erection.

With an odd look in her eye, she removed her bra while replying "Yes I would." She took hold of my shaft just behind the head, then sat down next to me on the bed. Putting one arm around me, she began kissing and nibbling my ear while rubbing my vertical shaft against her breasts. I was completely rigid and throbbing almost immediately. From my ear she moved south down my neck, across my chest, down past my stomach, letting my cock rest on her shoulder. She sensuously licked my balls, then proceeded up the shaft, eventually standing on the bed with her feet to either side of my thighs. With her legs spread wide, she was at just the right height to lean over and take the end of my cock in her mouth. With some serious stretching, she got most of the head in, but couldn't get past the last ridge. I held onto her ass to steady her, and she used both of her hands to stroke my shaft, or to rub my cock with her boobs. Since she was looking for 'evidence', I saw no reason to hold back, and let loose as soon as the urge had built up enough. Again, she sucked and sucked, running her hands down quickly, then slowly back up while squeezing, wringing out every last drop of cum. I let my erection subside naturally. Once flaccid, she squeezed it out one last time, putting the entire flaccid head into her mouth to remove the last few tablespoons of fluid. Did I mention that I produce a *lot* of fluid?

"Now, how long does it take?"

"Starts immediately. I've never been in a position to clock it. Here, let me check." She was again sitting beside me on the bed, and I reached up to cup a full, voluptuous breast. I could feel it swelling larger in my hand.

"Where does the mass come from?"

"I'm not sure exactly how it works. I know that most women get really hungry, but they'll get bigger even if you don't eat anything. I know that I can gain mass by absorbing the elements right from the air: maybe you do too. Yep, definitely bigger now."

She looked down and examined her tits closely. "Amazing."

"They look pretty amazing to me" I smiled. I was getting hard again, now cupping both her breasts. I started kissing her boobs, running my tongue back and forth, circling the nipples then flicking them with my tongue. They stood to attention. I kneeled between her knees and devoted my attention to stimulating her boobs, while she held my erect cock like a staff. Then she leaned back, and I headed south to lap at her pussy and clit. She found my ears, and directed my face where she wanted. After a few minutes, my knees got uncomfortable, so I got her to slide farther up the bed, so that I could lie down and resume. This left my cock pointing in the general direction of her face, and she was able to sit up slightly on one elbow while licking my glans thoroughly again. "Better take care of that tingling" she explained. She had to stop licking for her orgasm, which was noisy and left heel-shaped bruises on my back, but returned after she caught her breath, and squeezed another ejaculation out of me.

Suddenly, I didn't feel very good. "Ah, where's your bathroom?" She told me, and I ran for it. Burning pain lanced through my gut as I unloaded a liquid, noisome mess into her formerly clean toilet bowl. My guts had been feeling uncomfortable for some time, but now felt like they were on fire. My asshole felt like I'd been using it to snuff out matches. Nichole bobbed over, her breasts still visibly swelling, concerned.

"Are you feeling OK?"

"No, not really. I feel like I drank molten lead, and it suddenly caught fire."

"What did you have to eat today?"

"Just ... really, *really* spicy Thai food." Duh.

"I take it you're not used to food quite that spicy?"

"No, and if this is what happens, I'm not *going* to be, either. Ah, do you have a match?"

"No, sorry, I don't smoke. I'd prefer you didn't smoke in the house either."

One of the single best features of California, right up there with the fact that incredibly beautiful women will walk down the street wearing bikinis, is that smoking is prohibited in most places where humans are reasonably expected to be breathing. "No, I just think I should light a match or something."

"Whew! Well, you're right about that. Let me get the air spray." She grabbed a can of something, reached into the bathroom, and sprayed. "I think you should stay here tonight, and just rest. Your digestive system is reacting to the capsaicin, and you're going to feel pretty out of sorts until it passes."

"Cap what?"

"That's the chemical in chilies that makes the burning sensation. Your body doesn't digest it - it just passes through."

"Thanks." After a while, when it seemed like my body had purged everything it could, I emerged. I used my cell phone to call Lisa and leave a message that I wouldn't be there tonight, but would come tomorrow night instead.

Nichole made a light dinner for us, mainly a salad with lots of French bread (on the basis that lots of roughage would clear the chili stuff out of my guts). We sat at her dining room table, across from each other, wearing robes (she kept a man's robe handy for guests). Her robe would no longer cover her entire bust, but exposed a nice wedge of cleavage. Despite how tired I felt, and the burning in my gut that was now only beginning to subside, I was turned on again. I felt my cock begin to swell slowly, the glans lifting off the floor under the table.

"You said earlier that you could make your penis change sizes? Can you still do that?" I had mentioned that when describing my encounter with Nurt.

"Yeah, still works. I've been keeping it at the minimum size all day."

Nichole nearly choked on her salad. "This is the *minimum* size? How big does it get?"

I reached under the table to steer, and let my cock expand out to maximum erect size, telling Nichole "Look over there." She looked down to see my cock growing past her chair. Her table was around four feet wide. Twelve feet of cock extended far past, ending up with the head on the floor in the hallway (it was too long to keep it completely horizontal, just holding on to the base). She was speechless, looking back and forth from my face to the shaft by her chair, to the head out in the hallway, again and again. She touched my shaft, tentatively at first, as if to see if it was real. She got up from her chair, and walked over to the head, picking it up carefully with both hands, making sure that she didn't bang the shaft on the underside of the table. I sat there smiling. The shaft was about the width of her leg, the head close to the size of her head. Finally, she found her voice, "Oh. My. God."

Looking up at me, at the other end of the shaft, she called out "So, how are you going to get out of the dining room?" There was a wall behind me, and my cock extended under the table so far that there was no way to back up enough to clear the legs. So, I slid under the table. "You take that end, I'll take this end." I pushed back my chair, crab-walked under the table, pushing her chair out of the way, and let her carry the head end down the hallway back to the bedroom. I was amazed at how heavy it felt.

"I need to measure you again."

"Fine with me." She positioned one end of the measuring tape against my pubic bone, had me hold it, and then ran the tape along my shaft to the glans. She took her time, caressing and kissing my shaft over its entire length. After taking the length, she measured the circumference, and came back to check out my balls again.

"So, what do you think?"

"I think if you get any bigger, you'll start growing bark." Still caressing me, she said "I have to hold you. There's no way I can get you inside me, but I have to feel you against me."

"What do you have in mind?"

Eventually, we did sort of a "dry hump titfuck", with her on her back, legs apart, me on top, with my cock running past her crotch, between her now voluminous tits, and past her check. We did it in the hallway, where we had the most linear room. She used her arms and hands to wrap around my cock, and to stroke and pet it, and to squeeze her boobs against it, all the while kissing and licking it. I slid back and forth as if she had a monster pussy (as if she had Lisa's pussy), sometimes moving farther down so that she could reach the head, sometimes moving up until we were face to face, bearing down on her pussy. She was so aroused that this was sufficient to bring her to orgasm repeatedly, and it felt good enough to me that I eventually came too, leaving a huge spot on the wall.

And then we went to bed, and slept soundly. She insisted that I leave my cock at maximum, and slept with it piled on her chest in a heap, the glans against her cheek like a favorite teddy bear.

(c) 2002



I awoke the next morning feeling much better. Purged. Also alone. Sun streamed in through the windows, the sheets were thrown back on Nichole's side of the bed, and my limp cock ran across her side and onto the floor. I smelled bacon frying.

I got up, minimized, hit the bathroom, and padded down to the kitchen in Nichole's guest robe.


"Yes please."

"How many?"


"Three it is. Bacon?"

"Sure." The bacon smelled great, but looked funny.

"Oh, its turkey bacon. Tastes just like bacon, but without all the fat."

"Oh, OK." I tried it. It didn't taste exactly like bacon, but was close enough for me. If this was non-fat, I wouldn't mind it at all. "So, what's up for today?"

"Well, I for one have to go to work. I cleared off all my appointments yesterday, but I'll have plenty today. Can you drop me off downtown?"

I remembered that we had driven my car here. "Sure, no problem. I guess I'd better go home and get some clean clothes." I'd spent the last two nights away from home. Watching her bustle back and forth in her gaping robe, a thought occurred to me. "Um, what are *you* going to wear?"

She stopped, in the middle of putting plates full of eggs on the table, looked down at her newly enhanced bust line, and said simply "Oh." She had started out with something larger than D yesterday: now she was *substantially* larger. After breakfast, I helped her try to get dressed. None of her bras came close, and she eventually gave up. She had some baggy sweaters, which she wore on days when she wanted to conceal her natural attributes. Well, they used to be baggy: they were on the tight side now. Watching her walk around braless, in a tight sweater, with those huge boobs got me going again. I soon had a four foot boner, standing at attention.

"Hey, I have to get to work today."

"Well, can I see you again?" "Of course! In fact, you should probably come in for a checkup, at *least* once a week." She wrote her home telephone number and address on the back of one of her cards, and handed it to me. Holding my cock, and kissing my shaft with a peck (holding it straight up, the glans was far above our heads), she said "Now, be a good boy and get dressed, so you can drive me to work." Then, with a lascivious look in her eyes, she bent down and licked my cock from balls to as high as she could reach, in one smooth stroke. Veins bulged out all along my shaft.

"OK, now you've done it." I said, with mock exasperation. I picked her up and carried her to the bed, then ate her pussy until she came. Then she said "One more", and stuffed half my glans into her mouth, stroking my shaft with her hands and rubbing her boobs against it until I let off.

"Um, you'd better take scissors with you if you want to get that sweater off."

"I think I'll go to the store before I hit the clinic. Can we go *now*?"

We went.

First stop was a shopping center, where Nichole found a "Frederick's of Hollywood" store, a place full of racy lingerie, push-up bras, teddies, and slinky dresses.. Here she began trying on bras. The store was nearly empty at that time of morning, so I stood around in my two-day-old clothes and tried not to be upwind of any of the saleswomen. Hmm, some of them were pretty cute, and all of them were apparently wearing store merchandise. One of them walked up to me. She was about 5'7", mid-20s, dark wavy hair, dark eyes, light complexion. Pretty thin. Her nametag said "Carol."

"Can I help you?"

"Oh, no, I'm just waiting for my friend there."

"She's very large, isn't she?" I was startled at the question, which seemed somehow improper for a sales girl to be asking me.

"Ah, yes. Very."

"I'm not sure we have anything that will really fit her. She may need to have one made custom. We have a list of people we recommend."

"That sounds good."

"Do you know why she isn't wearing her old bra?" I couldn't believe these questions. Or the fact that I kept answering them.

"Uh, yeah. None of them fit anymore."

"Well, she shouldn't have waited so long to come in for new ones."

"Actually, they fit fine yesterday." Whoops, that was more than I had intended to say. Her perfume sure smelled good.

"Oh, did she have implants? They sure look *natural*. Do you know what kind they are?" My god, this woman has no sense of privacy at all.

"Uh, they're not implants - they're completely real. It's, uh, a new type of treatment that we're testing out."

"Oh! Can I get in on that? I would *love* to have boobs like that. Please?" Geeze, this was awkward.

"Well, you would have to ask Nichole," I said, indicating her. The saleswoman went straight over to her to ask. I couldn't hear the conversation over the store's background music, but I saw Nichole smile and look over at me, than put her mouth to the saleswoman's ear to tell her something privately. I could see her look of surprise and disbelief, and her visual inspection of Nichole's bust. Then, she strode over to me and took my arm, leading me toward the back of the store. "Nichole," she said, too loudly for my preference, "said I should drag you into the back of the store and suck your enormous dick a few times."

"Ah, yes, that *is* the treatment." It appeared to me that Carol couldn't decide whether she was being scammed or not, but was determined to try it out. She dragged me into a changing room for employees, a small cubicle with a chair, a full length mirror, and several hooks on the back of the door. "What's this?"

"This is the staff changing room. The door locks, and there's no camera in this one. I think." She locked the door behind her, then immediately began undoing my pants. She was surprised to find my cock running over the top of my underwear, and even more surprised when she yanked my pants down to my ankles and discovered that my dick went all the way to the floor. "Holy shit! This thing is huge!" She sat looking at it, kneeling on the floor where she'd yanked my pants down. Then she touched me, running her fingertips lightly down the top, then she grabbed me with both hands and pulled the end up, free of my wadded clothes, and immediately stuffed the entire head in her mouth. I quickly pulled my underwear down to knee level so that my whole shaft would be free, and warned her not to keep the head in her mouth unless she had a *really* big mouth.

"Mmmph?" she inquired.

"It gets a lot bigger. You might get stuck, or hurt your jaw." I could already feel the swelling glans beginning to fill her mouth. She pulled me out, and stroked with both hands, staring as I swelled to full erection. Four feet was close to the size of the room, and she had to hold my dick up at an angle for us both to fit comfortably in the room.

"And sucking this will make my boobs grow?"

"Yes. Well, you have to swallow. But, its almost instant." I sat down on the chair, and enjoyed the sensations as she blew me. It was interesting that with all the head I'd had in the past few months, every woman has her own style, her own distinct sensation.

Did I mention that she was noisy? She gave noisy blow jobs, too, with lots of moaning and exclamations, and humming with most of the head in her mouth. After about ten minutes, I had built up a full charge and came voluminously. I could see that she was still skeptical, but she diligently pumped and swallowed until I stopped pulsing. Then she stepped back, one hand still holding my cock, and looked down at her chest.

I grabbed my cock, to keep it from hitting the wall, as she dropped it and grabbed both tits with her hands. Before our eyes, her breasts grew about a cup size. She was astounded all over again. She quickly unbuttoned her blouse and removed her bra, revealing that she was now about a C cup, and had been wearing a heavily padded bra. She examined her new boobs in detail, then grabbed my shaft with both hands and began trying to stuff it down her throat again.

"OK, one more for today, and then I have to go."

This time she was almost frantic, as if desperate to make me come. Perhaps she was, not knowing how long Nichole would be busy trying to find a bra that fit. I came again, to her intense satisfaction. This time, she left my cock resting on her shoulder as she watched and felt her boobs swell. "One more?" she asked.

Just then, Nichole's voice came through the door. "About through in there?"

"I'll be right out." I assured Carol that I would be back, although I couldn't promise an exact day. Then, I went flaccid, put my pants back on, and walked out to meet Nichole. Nichole was now wearing a bra and a new top that didn't have to stretch nearly as much. She took my arm, and we walked out of the store, hearing amazed voices behind us.

"Oh my god!" "Oh my god!" "Are they bigger?" "They look beautiful!" "He was huge!" The saleswomen were now all in the back of the store, gathered around Carol, who was putting her nearly transparent top back on without her bra.

As we got back into my car, Nichole said "She was wrong, you know."


"The staff changing room *does* have a camera."

"Oh! Did you... Are you..." I didn't know how to phrase it.

"Don't worry. One night does not a relationship make. I don't expect you to keep this," here she patted my crotch, "to yourself. Although I would like to see you again." "I'd like to see you too." She smiled, as I drove on.

"So, how was she?" Someday I *might* get used to questions like that.

"Oh, you know, ... needs more experience." That, apparently, was the right answer. She leaned over and put her head on my shoulder, hand around my arm.

I dropped her off at her clinic, then went home for a much-needed shower and change of clothes. I checked my messages while I ate lunch, by myself for a change. There was one message, from Lisa: "Hi Dennis, I *do* hope you're feeling better. I'm sorry you couldn't *come* over last night, I *missed* you terribly. Please *do* come over tonight, about 8 o'clock, I have a special surprise for you. And dress up. You won't be sorry. Bye-Bye..."

(c) 2002



Shower. Shave. A long nap. Time to get dressed. Problem: I had only one suit that fit the "new and improved" me, version 2.0. Version 3.0 (today) needed more slack downstairs. I started with my now almost habitual "over the waistband" arrangement, and discovered that my suit pants were too tight for comfort. "Over the waistband" was getting old, anyway: I was beginning to think I was in danger of developing a permanent kink four inches from the root. Try again, this time going straight down the leg. More comfortable, but snug down that leg, and leaves a bit hanging out. Check the mirror: God no, that's not going to work. I'd be arrested the moment I step out in public, it looks like I have a vacuum cleaner hose stuffed down my pants. Time to get to a tailor? No way - maybe if I hadn't left it to the last minute.

OK, down is out. Up is left. Over the shoulder? There's plenty - the head ends up mid-shoulder blade on my back. But, it doesn't stay in place. How about around the neck? No, now the collar doesn't fit, and I look deformed. Finally, I settle for wrapping it around my waist. I expand a bit, so that flaccid my cock reaches all the way around, with enough left over to tuck the head in under the other end of the shaft where it emerges from my pants. With my shirt on over it, it looks like I just have a spare tire. With the jacket and tie, I just look a little out of shape. I grab the directions to Lisa's house, and hit the car.

Its Friday night, and traffic is bad. Actually, I could say "It's Los Angeles, and traffic is bad" and be just as profound. Traffic is *always* bad. Unfortunately, this is *really* bad traffic, and I'm now discovering that having your dick running across the small of your back isn't very comfortable when you're wedged into a little Porsche seat for over an hour. Not that it hurts - I'm just trying not to lean on it, because I know I'll end up erect, and it will probably rip through my shirt in the process. At the least, I'll lose buttons, and have to go find another shirt, and I don't have the time right now. Finally, I decide I've had enough: I'll sling it over my shoulder for now, and put it back around my waist when I get to Lisa's. Sitting in stop and go traffic on the freeway, I untuck my shirt and rearrange my cock, being careful not to expose myself to the bored drivers parked around me. I'm also thinking that it was not a good idea to go driving with the top down, because my cock makes an obvious bulge up my shirt and over my shoulder. It looks like I'm trying to smuggle pythons under my shirt. I hope I never have to go through airline security like this.

Finally, the traffic inches far enough that I can pull off and take my exit. I've gone about one block, when I see a flashing blue light in my rearview mirror. Shit, what did I do? I pull over, not very comfortable in this neighborhood, which is essentially deserted this close to the freeway. Not to mention that I'm being pulled over.

The highway patrol officer walks up. "License and registration sir?" I hand them over.

"What's the problem?" I ask politely, "I'm sure I wasn't speeding."

The officer, who I suddenly realize is female, grunts. "No, a motorist called in that you looked suspicious. What is that under your shirt?"

Shit. Well, at least I had the good fortune to be stopped by a woman cop. At least, I *hope* its good fortune... "Uh, I don't think you're going to believe me."

"Sir, I need to see it."

"Uh, ... if I show it to you, you'll arrest me for exposing myself."

"If you don't show me, I'm going to cite you for disobeying a peace officer."

"OK..." Moving slowly, I take off my tie, and toss it on my jacket in the passenger seat. Then I unbutton my collar, then my shirt all the way down. I feel cool evening air on my torso and dick. Finally, I pull my shirt open to the left, exposing the length of dick hanging over my shoulder.

"Sir, is this some kind of a joke?"

"No officer, it's completely real. It just doesn't fit down my pants."

"It doesn't look real to me."

"Well, you don't find many this size. You should see it when its hard." Shit, I didn't mean to say that. "Ah, you can feel it, if you want."

She glares at me, then considers. Then she reaches out and pokes the side of the shaft. I flinch - she has sharp fingernails. She considers this, then strokes my shaft from about mid-chest to over my shoulder, in a long, slow movement. This feels good enough to provoke a response, and my cock begins to swell, getting visibly wider. She strokes again, and the head lifts up as the shaft begins to straighten. I feel very exposed here - hell, I am literally exposed. I'm just lucky that there is almost no traffic here, and that its now dark enough that it wouldn't be obvious what was going on here from a distance.

I look up at her face - actually, she isn't bad looking, if a little severe. Right now, she looks spell-bound. "Sir, does this work?"

"You can call me Dennis. Ah, yes, it works." She strokes it again, more sensuously this time. I think she's forgotten where she is. She leans closer and inhales the scent, grasping my shaft in one hand. My cock is now fully erect, at a size that leaves the head about level with her chin.

"Dennis, I can't let you drive off like this. Can you put it down, or should I help you?"

It takes a minute for this to register, but while I'm blinking, she's running both hands up and down my shaft. I think I know which answer she would prefer, and how she intends to help.

"Well, if I'm not going to get a ticket, ... I *could* use some help, officer." I smile up at her, and she smiles back. Then she repeats the stroking motion - but this time with her tongue. Then she runs her mouth along my shaft, with her hand on the other side of my shaft, so that her hand and mouth together encircle my throbbing cock. She runs up and down, up and down, then finally, slowly, reaches the head. She licks around the head slowly, applying pressure with her tongue, continuing to run her hands up and down my shaft. By this time, I've undone my pants and pulled them down to my thighs - I need the space. She takes most of the head in her mouth - she has quite a large mouth - and swivels her head back and forth, running her tongue around where she can. Then she's running up and down the shaft with mouth and hand again, going as low as my waist (about as far as she can reach, leaning into my car), and ending with the head in her mouth again. After the third or fourth trip, I feel the premonitory sensations, and at the end of the fifth trip I finally unload in her mouth. I think she could feel me coming before anything reached the end - her hands were in the right places, and she shoved as much of my head into her mouth before the wave reached her. I throbbed and pulsed for a minute, then let myself go flaccid, leaving a pile of cock in my lap. She seemed a bit dazed.

"Ah, thank you officer. Can I have my license back?"

"Oh, yes, certainly." She took my license and registration off her clipboard and handed them back. "You'd better cover that up," she said, pointing at my lap. I grabbed my coat and spread it out over my lap. "OK, drive carefully now." I started the car up, and drove off. I looked in my rearview mirror to see her still standing there, now looking down at her chest...


I finally got to Lisa's house, about an hour late after the traffic and the little interlude with the highway patrolwoman. Her driveway was full of cars, probably twenty or more, parked two across. I had to drive twenty yards down the street just to find a free patch of curb to park. Once parked, I put the top up on my Porsche, rearranged my cock around my waist, and buttoned up my shirt, put on tie and jacket, and I was ready.

I rang the bell. Lisa answered after a minute. She had apparently spent the previous day having clothes made or altered for her new figure. She was incredibly buxom, but in fact the clothes minimized what I knew she really had.

A huge party was in progress inside. "Oh good! You're here." She took my arm and nearly dragged me into the entry hallway. "Looks nice. Hmm, I think we'll need to update your wardrobe a bit." Well, this was my best suit, but bought with a paralegal's budget. "Your shirt looks like it needs..." she put her hand to the bulge around my waist "Ah, I see." Then she slipped both arms around my waist, lasciviously caressing my cock through my shirt, under my jacket. She kissed my neck, my jawline, my lips, her immense tits pressing against my chest, "Mmm, time for more of that later. There are people I want you to meet."

She led me on into the living room, which was full of beautiful people, all better dressed than I was.

"That looks like Cameron Diaz."

"It is. I told you I work for an agent - well, every now and then I like to throw a party. Quite a few stars like to come."

I stood there, gawking, never having met a celebrity before. Most of the people I didn't recognize. There were a few I recognized, but couldn't name. Quite a few very attractive women, although none of them were particularly chesty. Viewing the crowd again, I noticed that it seemed to consist of knots centered on various stars. Lisa ran her fingers through my hair a few times, then dragged me into the middle of the party, pressing a glass of wine into my hand, and then ... disappearing into the crowd. I turned to say something to her, and discovered that she wasn't there - I didn't see her anywhere in the room. Turning back, I found myself standing next to one of the vaguely familiar but unnameable starlets. Perhaps a starlet in waiting?

"Hi, I'm Helen, are you a friend of Lisa's?"

"Hi, yes. I'm Dennis."

"So, what have you been in? Anything I would know?" She apparently assumed that I was one of the actor clients.

"Ah, no, I'm not an actor. We just met at a club. How about you?"

"Oh, I'm just waiting for the right part. You know how it is, everybody comes to LA and the studios just have too many people to choose from. They don't always get just the right person for the part."

"Yeah, that must be hard. So, where are you from?"

"Oh," she lowered her voice to a confidential murmur "Boise, but don't tell anyone."

"No problem. I'm from Chicago." Now I had run out of things to say, as, apparently, had she. After a minute of standing there, not knowing where to look, she brightened up.

"Say, Lisa said she had a friend who would be here who could help me get a part. Is that you?" She put her hand against my chest.

"Uh, I don't think so. I don't have any connections with the movie industry or anything. Other than Lisa, I mean." At that moment, Lisa appeared, cupped her hand and spoke into Helen's ear. Helen's eyebrows went up, then her mouth dropped open and her eyes went wide, then she looked at me in disbelief. I couldn't hear any of what was said, over the noise of the party. Helen said "OK", then took my hand and began leading me out of the room. Lisa stopped me for a moment, cupped her hand against my ear and said "Drink your wine. She'd have better luck landing a part if she had more on top. You'd like to help her out, wouldn't you?" I looked at Lisa, and she winked back. "Does she...?" "Yes, go, go." I let Helen lead me out. She was really a bit thinner than I liked, but had a very nice ass and a pretty face. Once outside the living room, she led me down a hallway, and up a flight of stairs at the end. I hadn't seen much of the house yet, and had no idea how many rooms it had. A number of the upstairs bedrooms were already occupied, but several at the end of the hall were standing open. She led me into one, and locked the door behind us. Then she was in my arms, her arms around me, kissing me passionately. She was pretty good at kissing.

"Ah, what exactly did Lisa tell you?"

"Oh, she said that if I was *really* nice to you, you had a way of making me bigger on top. She said you had done it for her. She also said you had an incredibly big package." Here, she reached down to feel my balls through my pants, and was puzzled not to find my dick there. I got the strong impression that she was not surprised at the idea of doing sexual favors to advance her career.

"Uh, its up here," I explained, moving her hand to the swelling band around my middle. She caught her breath in surprise. Her other hand felt my dick on the other side. "How...?"

I pulled my shirt out of my pants, and the head popped out from where it was tucked under the shaft. "Ohmigod!" she breathed. She let go and took a step back, which allowed my cock to swing around my waist and begin swelling to erection in front of me. She watched as I began throbbing to a four-foot erection. Gingerly taking it in her hands, she asked "What do I have to do?"

"Ah, just suck me."

"Oh! No problem. You wouldn't believe how kinky some people are." She applied her mouth to the end of my cock, stuffed the entire head inside, and began sucking like a vacuum cleaner. She couldn't get much up and down motion - the glans completely filled her mouth, tightly - so she began twisting her mouth around on it, and pumping with both hands. I felt like putting my arms around her, but of course couldn't reach her with a four foot erection in the way. I settled for holding the base of my shaft with both hands, pumping in unison with her. I found myself closing my eyes and thinking about Lisa, and how she was able to deep throat me, even at larger sizes. Thinking about how good that was going to feel later tonight, and then about burying my cock to the root in her pussy. I found myself coming, it felt like pints of cum, into Helen's mouth. She dutifully swallowed, and didn't stop sucking until I finally told her she could stop. "Mm, I liked that! Now what happens? Do I make an appointment?" I wasn't sure if she really liked it, or was just a good actor. I think she was expecting to be put off.

"No, now your breasts grow. Right here." She was still holding my cock, but now flaccid it didn't prevent me from taking a step closer and cupping her breast with my hand. "See, they're growing right now."

She dropped my cock and put both hands to her boobs. "Ohmigod! They are!" Her boobs swelled, overflowing her B cup bra, pushing up against her blouse.

"You might want to undo your bra." She quickly did. She stopped at about a C cup.

"Can we do that again?" She was holding my cock again, and rubbing it against her cheek.

"Ah, sure. Of course." Ms. Vacuum Cleaner began again, with even more enthusiasm, and was shortly a very happy Ms. D Cup. We put our clothes back on, and wandered back to the party.

I had just started another glass of wine when I felt Lisa's wet lips on my ear. "Oh, she's *very* happy. I think she may land a part tonight. And she *really* enjoyed you." The last I'm sure was straight flattery: Helen had been amazed, but I'm sure she wouldn't have picked me to date, even with the monster schlong. Frankly, I wondered if she dated at all, other than to advance her career. "There's someone else I'd like you to meet..."

She introduced me to another woman, very short, with short dark hair. "I hear you have quite the package." She said, as soon as Lisa had dashed off.

"Well, you know the joke about the guy who made the horse cry? That's me." She was already dragging me up the stairs. I should mention that she looked startlingly erotic after she swelled out to an E cup.

And so the evening went. I would return to the living room, or the patio out by the pool, grab a glass or a bite of food, and then be steered into the arms of the next guest in need of enhancement. A few of them were quite famous, but I'll let you figure out who they were. Just check the newspapers to see who's recently been enlarged. In between sessions, Lisa would apply herself to encouraging me, and stimulating me. I have to admit, I *was* really looking forward to getting her back in the sack - not only because I liked her, and she had *really* good technique, but, well face it, she was the only one who could accommodate more than just the tip of my cock, even at minimum.

And it appeared that I was not the only one providing "services." At one point, I noticed Lisa leaving one of the upstairs bedrooms, followed a few seconds later by a handsome young actor type. He seemed even more smug than the stars downstairs - from his demeanor I guessed that he had just been bumped up a size or two, and was feeling pretty cocky. I had just finished with Suzanne, a young brunette starlet, and had been about to head downstairs while she was still putting on her shoes, when he walked past and advised me "Hey, if you worked out more, you could lose that gut and get the really hot babes." I heard the woman behind me groan in disgust. Really put off by his rudeness, I decided he needed a good shock. I told him "It is *not* a gut," pulled my shirt out of my pants, releasing my cock so that it draped over the waistband of my pants and reached the floor. I increased my length in the process, so that a good foot of cock was lying on the floor. Hauling the end up, hand over hand, I shook the end at him, saying "You really should know who you're talking to before you start offering criticism." He stood there in shock for a moment, staring at the end of my cock.

"That's not real" he pronounced.

"Like hell it isn't!" came Suzanne's voice from the room. "He could fuck me from where he's standing!"

"Bullshit" He was definitely struggling with his ego. Suzanne, on the other hand, seemed to know him already. And apparently disliked him. Intensely. He looked like he was trying to figure out how her boobs had gotten larger, probably having seen her earlier in the evening. She dropped her shoes, walked over, and took the end of my cock. Holding it to her face, she kissed it a few times, stroked it tenderly, and then jammed the head into her mouth. She stepped backwards as my cock swelled to erection, and I kept the diameter at minimum (still very thick) while letting the length expand to about eight feet. He stood there watching, rooted to the spot. I could hear him breathing heavily as he watched Suzanne suck and stroke my enormous dick. Finally, I grabbed onto the doorjamb and let loose another flood of cum. This was her third for the evening, and she let some escape - I think mainly to demonstrate that I actually ejaculated, and wasn't just a "special effect."

Finishing, she rubbed her cheek against the side of my cock, held it against her shoulder, and waved off Mr. Asshole, saying "Bye Bye, small fry." He turned and hurried down the stairs. I closed the door so that we could get cleaned up again in private. Suzanne said "Thanks, I've always wanted to do *something* to that jerk. And *really* thanks for these!" She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me sincerely, as I felt her swelling boobs expand against my chest. The middle two buttons strained and popped off. She was one of the few who was interested in seeing me again. I took her telephone number and email address.

We didn't do all of the guests, but I know I did quite a few of the women. Finally, around 2 AM, the party wound down, and the last other guests left. The room I had used most often upstairs had a pile of discarded bras in one corner. I asked Lisa if she'd like help cleaning up.

"I *have* help to clean up. What I'd like now is *you*." She put her arms around my neck, and gave me a passionate kiss, pressing her enormous tits against me, grinding her crotch against mine. Then remembering, and dropping one arm to run along my cock where it encircled my waist. "Oh, I can't wait to get you into me again," said her wet lips on my ear, "but first, let's smoke this."

(c) 2002



She lit the joint, took a drag, and handed it to me. I also took a long drag. "What is this stuff, anyway?"

"Oh, we call it 'raindrop'. If you take this, and stand out in the rain, you can feel each individual raindrop as it hits your skin. Some people call it 'M', I don't know why. Its actually not even illegal yet." I nodded, in slow motion already. She must be more used to it, have a higher tolerance. I didn't think I was capable of having a conversation now, while she appeared capable of having an entire debate all by herself. "Come one, let's go get naked in the pool." She led me outside, and helped me remove my clothes. Even the sensation of my clothes being removed felt erotic.

I remembered a thought I'd had a minute ago. What was it? Oh, "Uh, I'm not sure I can swim like this."

She stopped. "Hmm, OK, you're right. Here, let's get one of these on you." After a moment, I realized she was strapping a life vest on me, bright white vinyl-covered foam, stiff straps, probably never used before. It stuck to my skin with an interesting friction. "Here. Let's get in."

Now she was leading me to the steps in the shallow end of the pool. I could feel the water sloshing against my ankles, my calves, my thighs. It really did seem like I could feel individual drops of water in the pool. Then a more demanding sensation asserted itself: lips on my cock. I felt blood rushing in, stiffening the shaft. I could also feel water swirling around the base of my cock, being absorbed directly into my organ to make up the amount of fluid required. I felt the sensations of my cock stiffening, swelling, the veins standing out, and the more intense sensations of Lisa's caressing touch, her tongue gliding along my dick, her breath against my glans. I almost came instantly when she slid the end into her mouth, the sensation was so intense.

She pulled it out for a moment. "Make it bigger. I want it as big as you can get it."

I obediently swelled to maximum, floating backwards toward the deep end of the pool as my cock extended to around twelve feet, Lisa standing in the shallow end holding it with both hands. What was it I was thinking earlier? Oh yeah, I was looking forward to some actual fucking. I wanted to make Lisa come again and again, plunging my tremendous cock into her compliant pussy. "Hey, can we..." Before I could form my request, Lisa took my pole in both hands and stuffed it into her mouth, not stopping until at least three feet of it were inside her. A wave of intense, erotic pleasure washed over me, and took all conscious thought with it. I came immediately, experiencing each ejaculatory pulse as if it was a separate orgasm, feeling it roll away from me, root to tip. It felt like each pulse took minutes to span the distance, and like each pulse delivered quarts of thick cum. I could feel its progress every inch of the way, the muscular contraction, the fluid forced forwards. I separately felt Lisa's lips and tongue on my cock, sliding back and forth, her hands gripping the sides of my shaft several feet from the end, pushing me back and forth so that the water around me sloshed and splashed against my neck and face. I passively absorbed all this sensation, unable to think, or even care about thinking. I had orgasm after orgasm, cycling between crests of ejaculation and relentless building up - Lisa never stopped sucking and licking and stroking. I could feel her tits on either side of my cock, some small distance from her hands and mouth. I could feel my cock grow longer, directly into her mouth. Sometimes she would pull me farther out, so that I floated far into the deep end of the pool, and sometimes she would pull me far in, until her magnificent boobs were floating and bobbing against my torso. I lost track of time. Even the concept of time.

I awoke, I guess, although I couldn't have said for sure that I was ever really asleep. It was light out, but overcast. I was still outside, still wearing the life vest. I could feel something hard and uncomfortable against my back, but it felt like there was a warm blanket against my front. I had that "drained" feeling again, like I had after that night in Chicago.

I couldn't move my arms or legs.

I managed to bring my eyes into focus. There were two pink-white mountains in front of me, pinning me to the side of the pool at the deep end. Oh my God, she must have sucked me off dozens of times, increasing her tits each time. Her boobs had filled the pool, and now rose several feet above the edge, peaking at probably six or seven feet, as far as I could see. They extended past the edge of the pool on either side of me, like twin loaves of bread that have risen out of their baking pans, pushing out horizontally while continuing to rise vertically. It was a good thing I was positioned in her cleavage - otherwise, they probably would have swelled right over my head and smothered me. Concentrating on feeling, I determined that my cock was still sandwiched between Lisa's tits, and it felt like yards of the shaft were still in her mouth. I could feel cool air on only a couple of feet, which must be between her cleavage and her mouth. I minimized, and felt my cock sliding out of her mouth, sliding between her gigantic tits, the feeling so good over that huge amount of skin area that I almost came again. What "almost" - I did come again. Immediately, the mountains in front of me grew a bit higher, pressed against me a little firmer. Oh, not a good idea. I went flaccid, and minimized. Foot by foot, my cock relaxed, sliding out of Lisa's mouth. Finally, I was at minimum, and flaccid, but my cock was still in her mouth.

Holy shit - this was a forty foot pool, and I couldn't pull clear even at flaccid minimum. If I was over forty feet long when flaccid, I must be over sixty feet long erect. And that was at minimum: max would be three times that. My cock must be, what?, 180 feet long at max erect. I tried to envision what that would look like: if I were on a football field, I would stretch 60 yards. Geeze, it would take all the cheerleaders from both teams just to pick up my cock and slide it into Lisa's... Not a good idea right now: I'm trying to pull free, not develop another massive boner. Hell, 60 yards of cock must weigh a lot too - there's no way I'd be able to walk anywhere unless I strapped wheels onto it every few feet.

And now we were both stuck here, until we died of sunburn. I couldn't move.

I was still trying to clear my head when I felt motion at the other end of my cock, and saw small waves of motion rippling across the wall of boob in front of me. Lisa must have awakened, and was hauling the rest of my cock out of her mouth. After a while, I felt the cool morning air on my glans.

"Lisa, are you OK?" I called out.

"Yes," came her voice, from far away. "How are you?"

"I'm OK, but I'm pinned against the side of the pool. I can't move."

"I'm kinda tethered to the pool, here, but I can move a little bit. I got out when it filled up."

She wasn't even in the pool. She explained that I had started coming almost continuously, orgasm after orgasm, and she had kept sucking me off, again and again, just taking my lengthening shaft farther and farther into her mouth, until her boobs filled the pool. Then she sat up on the side of the pool, and finally got completely out of the pool as her expanding boobs forced her farther and farther back. She had even stopped stroking me, but under the drug's influence I had continued to come again and again, and she couldn't pull my erect cock out of her mouth.

"Uh, so how big are we now?"

"Well, I don't know exactly how far. It has to be at least fifty feet."

"What, my cock is fifty feet long?"

"No, my boobs are fifty feet long. I have a huge pile of cock right here, probably another ten or fifteen feet. It wasn't easy to haul out of my throat - it's pretty wide, too. You look like a fat anaconda over here. You'd be a lot longer erect." I could feel her stroking my shaft, somewhere toward the end. It was a dangerous thing to do: if I couldn't keep from erecting, I'd be stretching way into the neighbor's yard.

Jesus! It was probably over a hundred feet long erect. And that was minimized. That would be like 300 feet at maximum. One hundred yards. An entire football field. Anyway, we were both pinned to the spot by Lisa's fifty feet of boobs.

"Um, how long before somebody finds us?"

"Well, my party cleaners should be here early afternoon. Around 2 PM." OK, so we probably wouldn't starve, and we could probably get her cleaning crew to throw tarps over us so that we wouldn't get terminal sunburns. If they didn't run screaming when they saw us. We would probably survive. The way Lisa's tits swelled out from the pool, though, it was going to be pretty difficult to get something underneath and lift her out. We spent the next couple hours talking, not having anything else we could do.

"What we really need is a deus ex machina."

"A what?" I couldn't make out what she was saying.

"A deus ex machina. It's a literary device. It means that when a writer has written his characters into an impossible position, and instead of figuring out a real resolution, they invent something new that solves all the problems, *that's* a deus ex machina. You usually see it in really bad writing, and the reader always feels gypped. I once read this science fiction book, someone was going to make a movie or a series out of it, and it was really, really long. Like six fat books, and the characters keep getting into more and more trouble, and it looked like the entire galaxy was in trouble, and then you get to the last book. I think he even titled it 'Deus ex Machina', or something like that. Anyway, the main character finds this 'god machine', and it just grants his wishes, and everything is fixed. I almost ripped all the pages out of the book - you spend *weeks* reading this stuff, and all the big questions are still left, and the problems are solved by a totally bogus method."

"I think I read that too. Totally cheesed me off."


"Chicago, remember."

"Oh, right."

"Anyway, I don't think we need a deus machine, what we really need is Nurt."

"Well, shall we go downtown and look for his booth?" Lisa asked, sarcastically. It was obvious we weren't going anywhere soon. We thought for a while in silence.

Lisa asked "What do you think Nurt is really doing?"

"Well, I thought it was some sort of scientific study, like a survey or something."

"Well, he asked a lot of questions, but"



"Nurt is an 'it', not a 'he'. It told me that it didn't have a gender."

"Pbtbtbt." I could feel the droplets from her Bronx cheer on my glans. "Anyway, I was thinking that we got an awful lot of something for basically nothing. In hindsight, it seems too good to be true."

"True." We both thought for a while. "Maybe Nurt is really studying our psychology, based on what we wish for."

"Maybe. *I* think that he's ... OK, it's, I think it's studying how we handle alien technology."

"Oh yeah! Like, what would happen to humans if they suddenly had access to all this stuff. I guess what happens is that we end up trapped in our own backyards." We thought for a while longer.

"I think maybe they're studying how we'll react to 'official' alien contact."

I was thinking along a different line. "Um, if Nurt gave us this technology to study how we'd react to it, it must be monitoring us some way. Maybe right now."

Lisa thought a second, then called out "Hey Nurt! Nurt! We know you're watching. Give us a hand, will you?"

I joined in. "Nurt, we're in trouble! Help us!"

Then I heard Nurt's voice, somewhere to the side of the twin peaks of Mount Lisa. "You have correctly deduced the nature of the experiment. I understand that you are now each in need of aid. In what form would you prefer assistance?"

My first thought was to put everything back the way it was. But, ... I really didn't want to return to "normal." I really liked being able to make a woman's boobs bigger, and I really liked having an enormous cock - just not so big that it was disabling. Or too big even to fuck whales.

"Can you show us what we look like from above?"

"Yes." I saw an image projected on one of Lisa's breasts. I identified her roof, the street, and the huge mound of flesh in the backyard. Looking more closely, I could make out my head, positioned in her cleavage just where her boobs curved apart. Her boobs had swelled far to either side as well, probably crushing all of her patio furniture. They were gigantic, monstrous. Several trees had been pushed over or almost over. Her nipples looked like they were bigger than me. I felt myself starting to go erect, in spite of my control, and saw the big pile of what looked like fat fire hose start to stir at the far end of Lisa's cleavage. I had to look away and concentrate on staying flaccid.

Lisa called out "My chest has to be a reasonable size. I want my bustline to be what it was at the beginning of last night." There was a brief humming sound in the air, and the walls of boob receded rapidly, leaving me to fall to the bottom of the dry pool, no longer pinned by a wall of breast.

Getting shakily to my feet, I removed the life vest, and walked up to the shallow end. After the first few feet, I had to turn around and walk backwards, dragging my enormous cock behind me. Flaccid, the shaft was still as wide as my hips, and *very* heavy. It was like dragging a body, then like dragging two bodies. Except that in this case, I could feel the rough bottom of the pool: it was not a comfortable exercise. I reached the shallow end, but was unable to climb out of the pool, held back by more cock than I could carry. Now I could see Nurt, standing beside the pool. While I stood there, catching my breath, Lisa walked up as well, and sat down on the edge of the dry pool.

"OK, I need to be a lot smaller..." I started.

"No! NO!" shouted Lisa. She jumped into the pool and grabbed my shaft, throwing her arms around it. "You can't!" She buried her face against my cock, hugging it tightly to her, then beginning to rub her naked tits against it.

"Don't start that here. If I get hard, it'll throw me against the far wall of the pool. Besides, I can't walk - hell, I don't even really fit in your backyard like this."

"I'm sorry. I can't give it up. Think of something else."

I thought for a few minutes, then addressed Nurt. "You know, this really isn't a completely valid experiment."

"In what way?"

"If we actually had access to this technology, we would be able to develop it more. We'd be able to put in safeguards, and find other uses for it and stuff." A thought suddenly occurred to me. "Like, I would make bras and jockstraps that were extra-dimensional, like Lisa, so that I could like wear regular clothes even when I had a really long penis. It would just disappear into the jock. And bras that would hide really huge breasts. And, and, ... I don't know what else. I'm not an inventor. Humans specialize into different tasks - I don't do anything like inventing, or science. Somebody who does would be the one to come up with all the uses."

Nurt paused for a moment. "These are valid criticisms. The decision will be made elsewhere. What is now desired?"

"Well, I need to be a lot smaller. Like... say, so that I could vary from about twelve inches to about four feet."

"No! I'll suck you again! Don't do it!"

"Lisa, be real. Its already too big to do anything with. I didn't complain when you made *your* boobs smaller. Look, I can't even walk around when its soft, at minimum. There's no way I could move it into you." There was another point too, that I didn't want to say out loud: as long as I was this big, or any other extreme size, Lisa was the only woman I could really have sex with. I liked Lisa OK, but I wasn't really interested in settling on her alone. Especially since she would *not* be limited. There were other women I was more interested in.

"I can put it all in my mouth. Then you could walk."

"Only around your house. We can't go out in public with this gigantic schlong going straight from my crotch to your mouth. And your boobs would be a hundred feet long again in a day."

"Hmm, and you'd be another few hundred feet longer..." She clearly *liked* the idea.

Nurt interjected "A solution can be proposed..."

(c) 2002



I woke up, lying in bed. I could tell it was still early in the morning by the gray light peering in the windows, and the fact that the other side of the bed was still occupied. I felt a draft, and realized that my morning tent pole had lifted the blankets off my side of the bed. I pulled it down to my chest, and rolled over to face my companion.

She opened her sleepy eyes. "Good morning, love. Is that for me?" She reached over and held the shaft lightly.

"You know, I think it is. Do you have somewhere to put it?"

"I certainly do." Nichole scooted toward me, and pulled my cock towards her massive cleavage. Lifting one enormous breast, she positioned my shaft in her cleavage, and sandwiched it in place. "A little longer, please?"

My erection was about 18 inches long. I gave her another six inches, which swelled directly into her waiting mouth. She took the entire length and girth easily, her head bobbing up and down on the end of my shaft, as I started to pump up and down between her tits. I was soon throbbing, and scooted toward the foot of the bed, my cock sliding out between her boobs as she rolled onto her back, sliding down her tummy, pulling back until my glans reached her crotch. Her pussy was already lubricated enough to run, and she guided me in. I swelled to four feet, and began inching farther and farther in, kissing her thighs, then her clit, across her tummy, and finally spending quite a while kissing her enormous tits and nipples, pumping slowly back and forth the entire time.

"Hey, come on. You're going to smother in there." She was pressing my face into her M-cup sized boobs. "Come on, I want the full treatment." Now she was trying to pull me up by my waist. I gave in, and slid the rest of the way home, an easy but very tight and sensuous fit. After about twenty minutes of slow fucking, preceded by the fondling and sucking, I could already feel my orgasm building. I lengthened my stroke (and you can make *very* long strokes with a four foot boner), slamming into Nichole, burying my sword to the hilt again and again, until she began cumming. Waves of contractions began in her cunt, squeezing the base of my shaft and rippling out to the head. I couldn't hold back, and came with her. We lay there, dripping with sweat.

"Well, good morning."

"Good morning. Are you going in to the clinic today?"

"Yes" she sighed. "I'll be back around 6:00. Isn't this your afternoon with Lisa?"

"Oh, you're right. I'll be back by 6:00 too."

I helped her sit up and get out of bed, and then helped her put on her bra. It never fails to amaze me, watching M-cup sized tits disappearing into what appears to be a normal DD bra. Everything contained in the bra's "normal space" is still subject to gravity and everything, and moves just a normal DD breast would, but everything that goes past the inner surface goes into extra-dimensional space, and isn't pulled by gravity. She puts on her bra first thing so that she can get ready for work more easily. She takes it off for baths, and I'm happy to help her get clean. I still don't know quite how I do it, but I can convert any garment to have extra-dimensional storage - I've done a number of her bras and swimsuits, in various sizes. She even has a HH bikini top for occasions when she really wants to show off. She's been an M for a few weeks now: I bet that she'll want to expand another size or two by the end of next week.

I still go to the club every now and then, whenever I'm feeling particularly horny (which is frequent) and Nichole is too tired (which is not often). So far, I've managed to avoid becoming a service for hire, and have pretty much avoided Lisa's celebrity parties. Just didn't like the people there. They all want something from me, and really aren't interested in giving much back. For the most part. I still see Suzanne every now and then. Most of the female club members have had my special enlarging treatment, the one that gives them Nichole's capacity. Not unlimited, but sufficient to hold my four foot woody. I understand that Lisa has been "making" new male members, some guys as long as a couple feet, who then enjoy the other female club members. But nobody has the kind of head start I do.

I showered and headed over to Lisa's house.

I never would have thought of it. Maybe a mathematician or a physicist would. About once a month, I go over to Lisa's house, and we step through a particular wall into an extra-dimensional space. Nurt called this a "pocket universe." This space is a special dimension, free of gravity, and as far as I can tell, free of walls. It has air, and heat, and apparently some source of mass for us, because we've expanded quite a bit since we started using it. We each have particular measurements that apply only in that space. On entering, my cock becomes the length it was the last time Lisa left off, and her boobs revert to the small planets they've become. We can exit from any point in the room, just by thinking about it, automatically appearing in the hallway - there *is* no door from the inside. The shift is sort of like looking at an optical illusion that switches back and forth from one image to a completely different image. When we leave, our bodies return to the state they were in before we entered. Time passes for us while we're in the space, but when we return only about a second has elapsed. Motion is a matter of thinking as well, although most of our motion actually involves a lot of holding, and stroking, and pulling on certain body parts.

"Oh good, you're here." Lisa opens the door all the way, and almost pulls me off my feet into the hallway. She's wearing only a flimsy robe that does nothing to impede the swaying and jiggling of her watermelon boobs, and little to cover them. "Come on, come on." She drags me upstairs to the spot in the hallway we usually use. Actually, we can enter the space from anywhere, its just that this is where we were when Nurt showed up how to do it, and it's a convenient spot to focus on. "Any chance I can interest you in my party tonight?" she asks as she's unbuckling my belt.

"Ah, no, I'm not really into that scene." Frankly, I don't much care for the type of people who show up, half of them there just to be seen, and the other half there hoping to be augmented, one way or another.

"Oh, but there's one person I think you'd really like to meet" she says, trying to tantalize me. She now has my pants down to my ankles, and I step out of them (and my sandals) while I unbutton my shirt.

"Well, then, tell me who it is, and maybe I'll arrange to get together with her. Party's not the best place to talk to somebody." I know that if I show up at her party (and I still do, every now and then), it will be like the first one, with women practically lined up to milk me for bigger tits. She has now stroked and fondled my cock to full erection - the full four feet. Dropping her robe on the floor, she disappears into the wall, hauling my dick in after her. I barely have time to drop my watch on the pile of clothes before I'm yanked into the wall too. I hate resetting it every time, so I leave it behind.

We're back in the extra-dimensional space. I have to think of a better name for it. Tit space? Cock space? Maybe 'giant fuck space' would be most accurate. We float without gravity. I can see my cock, immense at the base, extending out into the distance, apparently ending in a huge pair of tits that I can see even from here. I see the tits revolve around the head of my cock, turning away from me: this tells me that Lisa is really horny today, because she's going to start out with a huge fuck. I can feel her stretching her pussy over my glans, which is no small feat when its over ten feet across. I feel the head pop inside, and her hands pulling on my shaft to force more and more inside. I think 'motion' and begin moving toward her slowly. After an eternity we collide, her soft ass cheeks fitting perfectly into my crotch, her face turned to one side, cheek against the small moon that is her left breast. I can tell from her breathing that she's already come a number of times, the effect of having hundreds of G-spots, all stimulated by my entering shaft. I grab her hips, and begin pumping in and out, two or three feet at a time. She goes into multiple orgasms, sending waves of constrictions traveling deep into her pussy, along my shaft from root to tip. I quickly begin cumming too. After what seems like hours, she says "Stop. Pull out." She pushes me away, and I glide back, feeling miles of cock sliding out of her limitless cunt, feeling her hands against my shaft, waiting to catch the head.

Finally, the head pops free, and she grabs it, wrapping her arms most of the way around my shaft. I see the planetary boobs rotate around, and feel them engulf my cock in their cleavage. Then, I feel her mouth stretch over the head - and to tell the truth, I'm kinda glad I can't see this, it looks pretty disturbing - and feel her pushing down my shaft, swallowing a huge length. Her throat contractions begin, and she adds to it flying up and down my shaft, her gigantic boobs wrapped around my shaft. I can feel each square inch of contact, and begin my own multiple orgasms. Opening my eyes some undeterminable time later, I find we are both even more enormous. Someday, I'm going to have to try to bring in surveyor's instruments to see how much.

Katie has graduated from DePaul now, and is talking about moving out to LA. Carol, the first women I encountered after my interview with Nurt, is now a regular member of the club. I see her once every few months, when she's in town. I've pretty much settled down with Dr. Bombshell, though. I think she's OK with my little side diversions, as she "knows the enemy" and isn't threatened - I think she can tell that she's essentially won out. Maybe we'll even try something with several of them together...

I'm really glad that Nurt agreed to grant me a few more "abilities." The ability to make those extra-dimensional clothes is extremely handy, not to mention, of course, not being limited to Lisa for sex partners. You know, now that I'm not limited, maybe I should go a bit larger. Lisa can still make me grow, outside the room. The women I spend most of my time with all enjoy my larger equipment. I find myself at the short end (12 inches) less and less. Maybe I should add another foot or two...

(c) 2002


A man walks into a bar, spends the night drinking whisky, and at closing time finds that he doesn't have enough money to pay the tab. "Tell you what," he says to the bar maid, "You have a horse out back in the stable. If I can make the horse laugh, you wipe out my tab."

The bar maid has heard every trick and bar bet there is, but not this one. She says "OK, you make my horse laugh, and its on the house." They walk out to the stable, where the bartender keeps a big stallion, and the guy whispers into the horse's ear. The horse's eyes get big, and suddenly, the horse is laughing! The bar maid is dumbfounded - she has never even heard of a horse laughing. She sends the guy off.

A week later the guy is back. He drinks whisky all night, and can't pay for it at closing time. "Tell you what," he says to the bar maid. "If I can make your horse *cry*, you wipe out my tab." She thinks, "why not?" and they go back to the stable. Again, the guy whispers in the horse's ear. The horse snorts, and tosses his head. Then the guy unbuckles his belt, and pulls his pants out. The horse looks down his pants, and starts to cry.

"OK," says the bar maid "I'll wipe out your tab again, but you have to tell me how you did it."

"Sure," says the guy. "Last week, I told him that I had a bigger dick than he did."

"Tonight, I proved it."

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